英语人>词典>汉英 : 手足搐搦 的英文翻译,例句
手足搐搦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

apyretic tetanus · intermittent tetanus · rheumatic contraction
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Its features consist of biochemical disturbances - hypocalcemia, hyperphosphoremia and hyperparathyroidiemia and lack of response to the parathormone of target organs. The patients usually manifest tetany seizures and parathyroid gland hypertrophy accompanied by hereditary osteodystrophy.


If a child in the spring to provide food less calcium, and vitamin D were more children blood to the bone calcium deposition, caused by the concentration of calcium in the blood decreased, resulting in children tetany, which is usually referred to "ventilation" or "cramp", which also can be found in taking more vitamin D and calcium intake fewer children.


Rice soup bubble can not milk, because the starch in rice soup that contains the high-phosphorus, phosphorus and easy to be absorbed, immature kidneys can not emit excessive phosphorus, making plasma phosphorus content is too high, making calcium can not be calm in the bone, the cause because of hypocalcemia tetany and early emergence of rickets.


Conclution For the patients who have the clinical symptoms of tetany、seizures and so on,excluding to check the serum phosphorum and calcium、parathyroid hormone,SCT scanning is good for improving the value in the dignosis of hypoparathyroidism.


Symptoms include paresthesias of the extremities and face, followed by muscle cramps, carpopedal spasm, stridor, tetany, and seizures.

通常离子钙<2.5 mg/dL时出现低钙症状,包括四肢和面部感觉异常,接着是肌肉痛性痉挛,腕足痉挛,喘鸣,手足搐搦和癫痫发作。

It may also cause hypokalemia. Symptoms of low serum magnesium are muscular tremors and fasciculations, ocular nystagmus, tetany, altered mental state, and cardiac arrhythmias such as torsades de pointes (multifocal ventricular tachycardia).


Magnesium sulfate is a cathartics and cinmetic medicine,which has been found a new use to cure pneumonia,chronic cor pulmonale,goronary heart disease,hypertension,peptic ulcer,drarrhea,acute nephritis,migraine,tetanus,tetany,etc in recent years.


Light from fetal distress after birth may not leave any residual disease, may moderate the impact of mental development; weight can be left over from large cerebral palsy, understanding the brain can EEG cases, B-, CT, MRI and so on. 2, it is necessary to dynamically check the basis of objective indicators to determine whether or not a normal baby brain development. 3, kept shaking his head should be excluded from the following disorders: 1, eye disorders:(1) nystagmus (2) congenital hypoplasia of extraocular muscles (3) congenital strabismus Second, epilepsy: A, wast syndrome: also known as Infantile Spasms B, lenox syndrome, also known as slow-slow-wave epileptic encephalopathy spine. C, calcium deficiency caused by muscle contraction, tetany.


Seven types of onset of renal tubular acidosis were reported, namely: hypopotassemic paralysis, osteoarthragia, chronic acidosis, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, hypocalcemic tetany, arrhythmia due to hypopotassemia and urinary calculi, each type one case.


Calcium deficiency can cause night terrors, night waking,夜啼, muscle cramps infants, tetany, as well as congenital laryngeal chondromalacia ointment, baby should be given calcium and vitamin D, and more sun; if necessary, intravenous injection of 2, rhinitis , deviation of nasal septum, nasal polyps, adenoidal hypertrophy, tonsillar hypertrophy, hypertrophic uvula, etc., can be caused by nasopharyngeal cavity narrow, stuffy nose, respiratory congestion, lack of oxygen, affecting sleep, should be to check the diagnosis and treatment of facial features .


更多网络解释与手足搐搦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

renal rickets:肾性佝偻病

y)或称肾性佝偻病(renal rickets)病因为先天性肾发育不全多囊肾尿路阻塞所致的肾盂积水慢性肾炎或肾盂肾炎等所致的慢性肾功能障碍皆可导致125-(OH)2D3生成减少致使佝偻病发生并引起骨畸变血清钙常减低而血清磷显著高水平本病影响机体正常发育易导致侏儒状态血钙虽代但很少出现手足搐搦症这是由于代谢性酸中毒及低蛋白血症血


test?tubereproduction试管生殖 | tetanic强直性的 | tetanic手足搐搦


tetanic强直性的 | tetanic手足搐搦 | tetaniccontraction强直性收缩


tenesmus 里急后重 | tetany 手足搐搦 | thalposis 温觉

renal osteodystrophy:肾性骨营养障碍

1肾性骨营养障碍(renal osteodystrophy)或称肾性佝偻病(renal rickets)病因为先天性肾发育不全多囊肾尿路阻塞所致的肾盂积水慢性肾炎或肾盂肾炎等所致的慢性肾功能障碍皆可导致125-(OH)2D3生成减少致使佝偻病发生并引起骨畸变血清钙常减低而血清磷显著高水平本病影响机体正常发育易导致侏儒状态血钙虽代但很少出现手足搐搦

tropical spastic paraparesis:热带痉挛性截瘫

trophoneurosis 营养神经病 | tropical spastic paraparesis 热带痉挛性截瘫 | Trousseau's phenomenon 特鲁索现象(手足搐搦)

Tentamen suicidi:自杀企图

注意凝聚,凝注力,坚执性 Tenacity ; Concentration | 自杀企图 Tentamen suicidi | 手足搐搦性精神病 Tetany-psychosis


tetanization致强直作用 | tetanize致强直 | tetany手足搐搦


tetany 手足搐搦 | thalposis 温觉 | thermotaxic center 体温调节中枢

vitamin D deficiency:维生素D缺乏症

维生素D缺乏症(Vitamin D deficiency)是婴幼儿期常见的营养缺乏性疾病以钙、磷代谢失常和骨骼发育障碍为特点称为维生素D缺乏性佝偻病. 当甲状旁腺反应迟钝时,血中游离钙明显减低,以致神经肌肉兴奋性增高发生手足搐搦或惊厥称为维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症,