英语人>词典>汉英 : 戴盔的 的英文翻译,例句
戴盔的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
galeate  ·  galeated

更多网络例句与戴盔的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Norway himself, With terrible numbers, Assisted by that most disloyal traitor The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict; Till that Bellona's bridegroom, lapp'd in proof, Confronted him with self-comparisons, Point against point rebellious, arm 'gainst arm.


And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail.


And Saul armed David with his armor, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail.


He wears no helmet, but the collar of his coat of mail, apparently of stiffened leather coloured blue outside and red inside, rises high to protect the neck.


The uplifted arm, the clatter of blows on the helmeted head


Helmeted riot police are posted every few metres along its narrow,winding alleyways.


And now and then a Perseus (柏修斯,杀死蛇法女怪的英雄), equipped with the shoes of swiftness of the ready writer, with the cap of invisibility of the editorial article, and it may be with the Medusa-head of vituperation( Medusa :蛇法女怪), shows himself ready to try conclusions with the scientific dragon.


As Fengbald rode out at the front of the Guard, helmed and corseleted, splendid in his red tunic and silver-stitched eagle, several of the more cynical in the watching crowd suggested the Earl was taking so many soldiers for fear that his Falshire subjects would not recognize him, owing to his extended absences.


Brave Thrasymedes provided the son of Tydeus with a sword and a shield (for he had left his own at his ship) and on his head he set a helmet of bull's hide without either peak or crest; it is called a skull-cap and is a common headgear.


I will wear an iron mask, and only when armed and mailed shall I seek them.


更多网络解释与戴盔的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


妇女织布主要以马尼拉麻 (abaca) 为材料, 男人也以树皮、竹、籐等制造穿著衣物,例如头盔、护胸背心、雨衣及帽笠等物. 目前雅美男人仍制作的衣物也都以具有仪式意义者为主,例如盛大典礼时所戴的圆锥形银盔、外出及送葬时防鬼灵侵害的籐盔及胸甲.


信里有很多作品(uvre)的名称. 选项B里出现peindre一词. 33.有一篇文章的内容为:骑自行车(v lo)要戴头盔(casque). 正确答案为表示"建议骑车要戴头盔"的选项. 50.招聘照料初生婴儿(nouveau-n )的人员.


時值伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(Peloponnesian War)時期.四德拉克馬銀幣(Tetradrachm), 重17.14g. 正面:雅典娜(Athena)女神杏眼側視,頭戴裝飾有冠毛及橄欖枝的阿提卡式頭盔像. 背面:一頭貓頭鷹(Owl)旁有一彎勾月及橄欖枝, 幣文:雅典人民的(of the Athenians).