英语人>词典>汉英 : 战胜 的英文翻译,例句
战胜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conquer  ·  conquest  ·  defeat  ·  outdo  ·  overcome  ·  surmount  ·  victory  ·  conquering  ·  conquered  ·  conquers  ·  defeated  ·  defeating  ·  defeats  ·  outdoes  ·  outdoing  ·  overcomes  ·  overcoming  ·  surmounting  ·  surmounts  ·  victories

get the better of · run away with · gain the battle
更多网络例句与战胜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, before you defeat an enemy alien before you come to overcome the internal enemy.


However, obviously, his attitude to life is not purely sensory, autistic, negative or cynical, even not neutral. At least, according to the painter's statement, the motivation of the concern is "re-propose the issue of interaction between people and society and the new objective for reflection", to show an ideal of "overcome loneliness, overcome negative, overcome impetuousness."(Deng Jianjin's Readme). I think basing on this starting point for thinking, he keeps the proper distance with the new generation art whose attitude to life is straightforward, graphic, artificial and evasive.


And each time I felt a hot blast strike my forehead, I gritted my teeth, I clenched my fists in my trouser pockets and keyed up every nerve to fend off the sun and the dark befuddlement it was pouring into me.


Chadwick addressed the situation by talking with her daughter, over and over again, about the challenge; rather than speak of her dissatisfaction with her body, she opted to focus on her efforts to become healthier and to eat foods that were better for her.


His contributions to historical philosophy include the following: his study of the origin of time as the historical process itself is a combination of the priori and the postpriori in history that can testify the relationship between, historical philosophy and historiography; he establishes the criterion for evaluating the times by dividing time into time in conception and chronological time; he testifies the unification of cosmopolitism and patriotism based on a discussion of the relationship between the general and the individual; he describes human history as a long and arduous process in which rationality wins over irrationality and civilization wins over barbarism, a dialectical revelation of historical process.


Facing the cruelness of the icy sky and snowy earth, the coldness needs to be conquered as well as the self. The snow water boiled the boot, it is a very plentiful dinner.


We gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.


This is because that Macau has presented the splendid image of wisdom, braveness, and love of wisdom defeating insanity, love defeating obduracy, kindness defeating evil, and brightness defeating darkness.


At last, Wu defeated his opponent 3-6、6-2、6-3、6-3,which brought China's final victory 3-2,as well as the opportunity of entering the second round from May 7th to May 9th.In the second round, China will host Kazakhstan, which defeated Korea 5-0 in the first round of Group I in Asia/Oceania zone. If China's victory continues then, she will rise in rank to World Group playoff and battle her way to Word Group.


This moral is strongly reinforced by thematic elements in the books: the need for happy memories to generate a Patronus to fight Dementors, the use of laughter to fight Boggarts, and the use of pranks to fight Umbridge.


更多网络解释与战胜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在西方,"征服"或曰"战胜"(Conquest)是很重要的价值观念. 发现了自然规律,可以控制大自然,使其为人类服务,就是"征服自然";登上珠穆朗玛峰,就说是"征服"了珠穆朗玛峰;已经保持着世界纪录,还要争取打破自己的纪录,这叫"战胜自我",

get the best of:战胜

get rid of丢弃,摆脱, | get the best of战胜 | get the better of战胜,占上风

overcome difficulties:战胜困难

overcome vt. 战胜;克服: | overcome difficulties 战胜困难 | overcome the enemy 征服敌人

prevail over:压倒,战胜

Prevail against 胜过,战胜 | Prevail over 压倒,战胜 | Drop off逐渐减少

Prevail against:胜过,战胜

Prevail among 在......中很流行 | Prevail against 胜过,战胜 | Prevail over 压倒,战胜


surmise 猜测 | surmount 战胜 | surmountable 可战胜

win the day:获胜, 战胜

carry the day 获胜, 战胜 | win the day 获胜, 战胜 | close one's days 死

gain the battle:战胜

have the battle 战胜 | gain the battle 战胜 | win the battle 战胜

gain the battle:战胜, 打胜仗

win the battle 战胜, 打胜仗 | gain the battle 战胜, 打胜仗 | win a battle 战胜, 打胜仗

c.Fashion alone triumphs:流行能战胜一切

b.Lies alone triumph谎言能战胜一切 | c.Fashion alone triumphs流行能战胜一切 | d.Money alone triumphs金钱能战胜一切