英语人>词典>汉英 : 成形术 的英文翻译,例句
成形术 的英文翻译、例句


platanthera bifolia
更多网络例句与成形术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results 4 cases were treated by thoracic close drainage as long term treatment; 6 cases were cured with exclusive thoracic close drainage; 123 cases of bronchopleural fistula were treated with decortication or thoracoplasty after their symptoms of ardent fever, cough and expectoration vanished due to drainage ; 23 cases of hronchopleural fistula were treated with thoracic close drainage, cleaning up focus of infectionrestoring fistulae-splanchnic wall decortication and repeated chest drainage ,4 cases were cured and the extent of operation and thoracic deformity in 19 cases were diminished.

结果 4例不能耐受进一步手术者采用闭式引流术作为永久性的治疗;6例单纯引流治愈;123例因支气管胸膜瘘等经引流后高热、咳嗽、咳痰等症状消失,择期行胸膜纤维板剥脱术或胸廓成形术;23例合并支气管胸膜瘘拟行胸廓成形术的患者,经引流、病灶清除-瘘修补-脏层纤维板剥脱术、再引流,4例治愈,19例减小了手术范围及胸廓畸形的程度。

Art of figuration of the protruding after classics skin centrum (Percutaneous Kyphoplas-ty, PKP) is to be in art of figuration of classics skin centrum (Percutaneous Ver-tebroplasty, the technology of small innovation of surgery of a rachis that the development on the foundation of PVP) rises, its fundamental is the buy inside preexistence centrum enters but expansile ball bursa , the dilate that carries ball bag forms a cavity inside centrum, again infuse stuff stuff, correct deformation thereby, achieve constrictive to a few osteoporosis or tumour centrum that bring about fracture (Vertebral Compressionfractures, the remedial purpose of VCFs).

梗概: 经皮椎体后凸成形术(percutaneous kyphoplas-ty,PKP)是在经皮椎体成形术(percutaneous ver-tebroplasty,PVP)的基础上发展起来的一项脊柱外科微创新技术,其基本原理是先在椎体内置入一个可膨胀性球囊(inflatable bone tamp,IBT),通过球囊的扩张在椎体内形成一个空腔,再注入填充材料,从而纠正畸形,达到对一些骨质疏松或肿瘤等导致的椎体压缩性骨折(vertebral compressionfractures,VCFs)的治疗目的。

TRLK is a new style of keratoplasty which possess both the therapeutic and refractive function it ...


Methods 109 patients(109 ears) with perforations of the ear drum were recruited from November 2007 to March 2009 . The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the size and position of perforations of the ear drum: 31 accepted myringoplasties with a fat plug , 43 accepted perichondrium via endotoscope, and 35 accepted fascia musculares via an operating microscope.


objective to evaluate dsa and percutaneous transluminal renal arterioplasty for the treatment of renovascular hypertension.methods 82 suspected patients with renovascular hypertension were given dsa examination.28 patients were treated by means of ptra while another 5 cases with unilateral kidney atrophy treated surgically.results 49 patients were normal,33 patients were abnormal,28 patients were treated by means of ptra.blood pressure had got to normal in 10 patients while in 13 patients bp dropped noticeably after ptra.the overall benefit rate was 82.1%.conclusion dsa and ptra are clinically effective for the treatment of renovascular hypertension.ptra is technically successful.

目的 评价经皮腔内肾动脉成形术治疗肾血管性高血压的价值。方法 82例全部行dsa检查,肾血管狭窄者行ptra术或外科手术,观察其治疗效果。结果 82例患者行肾动脉造影后血管正常者49例,异常者33例,其中单侧肾萎缩5例行外科手术(肾动脉搭桥1例),肾动脉狭窄28例行经皮腔内肾动脉成形术(血管内支架5例),术后10例血压降至正常或基本正常,13例血压得到改善,5例无效,总有效率达82.1%。结论 dsa检查和ptra术在诊断和治疗肾血管性高血压方面有明显的临床价值。高血压,肾血管性;数字减影血管造影术;经皮腔内肾动脉成形术

Methods When planning the double-lid procedure, the correction of epicanthal folds and creating double-lid were operated using asymmetric Z flap at medial canthal area in one-stage procedure.


Cases underwent bilateral TMJ reconstruction, bone graft and genioplasty in order to advance the jaw. Bimaxillary surgical procedure was completed in 3 cases, and distraction osteogensis and TMJ reconstruction in 6 cases. Al patients gained good appearance, 29 patients can open their mouth larger than 3 cm, and one case had recurrent TMJ ankylosis. 29 cases'AI<5 and oxygen saturation degree >90%(included the patient that had recurrent TMJ ankylosis).

结果 本研究有15例患者接受患侧下颌升支倒置TMJ重建、植骨前移,健侧升支矢状劈开、下颌前移和颏前移成形术;其中有3例行二期的上颌的Le Fort Ⅰ截骨术。6例行双侧TMJ重建、植骨前移下颌和颏成形术。3例施行同期双颌截骨前移和颏成形术;6例行单或双侧TMJ重建、牵引成骨术。

Onlay island flap group were 2 - 10 years old, with an average age of 4.72, including Ⅱ degree 22 cases, and m degree 2 cases, all were primary surgery; Snodgrass group were 2 - 13 years old, with an average age of 4.76,Ⅱ degree 36 cases,Ⅲ degree 3 cases, IV degree 1 case, 37 were primary surgery, 3 were repeat surgery.


Results 96 patients were successfully operated with Luohu's vaginoplasty, 3 cases were conversed to sigmoid colon vaginoplasty with laparotomy, 1 patient was operated with laparoscopic ileum vaginoplasty.

结果: 100例手术中,3例中转开腹改行乙状结肠阴道成形术,1例行腹腔镜回肠阴道成形术,余96例完成腹腔镜腹膜阴道成形术

Numerous methods of vaginoplasty have been proposed and many are in current use, including peritoneal vaginoplasty, bowel vaginoplasty, amniotic vaginoplasty, vaginoplasty with skin or mucosal tissue graft, and vaginoplasty with a traction wire or device (the Vecchietti's technique).


更多网络解释与成形术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cranioplasty:颅成形术 颅骨成形术 颅骨缺损修补术 颅骨修补术

craniophore颅位保持器 | cranioplasty颅成形术 颅骨成形术 颅骨缺损修补术 颅骨修补术 | craniopuncture颅穿刺术

Tympanoplasty-without mastoidectomy:鼓室成形术 - 不包括乳突凿开术

鼓膜成形术 Myringoplasty | 鼓室成形术 - 不包括乳突凿开术 Tympanoplasty-without mastoidectomy | 鼓室成形术 - 包括乳突凿开术Tympanoplasty- with mastoidectomy

Ear canal plastic operation:外耳道成形术

外伤性耳成形术 Traumatic otoplasty | 外耳道成形术 Ear canal plastic operation | 耳膜成形术 Myringoplasty


目前血管成形术(Angioplasty)是比较多用的一种手术,就是在出现栓塞的血管部位用球囊和支架撑开阻塞的血管,恢复血液的正常循环流动. 根据阻塞血管位置的不同,血管成形术有开放性手术式(Intraoperative OpenAngioplasty )和经皮腔内血管成形术(Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty)两种.

transluminal angioplasty:经腔血管成形术,经腔血管成形术

translumbar aortography 经腰部产动脉造影术,经腰部产动脉造影术 | transluminal angioplasty 经腔血管成形术,经腔血管成形术 | translunar 超越月球轨道

Pneumonectomy with concomitent thoracoplasty or bronchoplasty:全肺切除及胸廓成形术或支气管成形术

腮弓囊肿切除 Excision of branchial arch cyst | 全肺切除及胸廓成形术或支气管成形术Pneumonectomy with concomitent thoracoplasty or bronchoplasty | 一叶肺叶切除Lobectomy

myringoplasty:鼓膜成形术 鼓室成形术

myringomycosis 鼓膜霉菌病 霉菌性鼓膜炎 | myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术 鼓室成形术 | myringorupture 鼓膜破裂


腭裂手术又分为以封闭裂隙为主的腭成形术(palatoplasty)和以改善腭咽闭合为主的咽成形术(pharyngoplasty)两类. 大多情况下,腭裂患者仅需接受腭成形术,但有些病例,需两类手术共同使用,才能达到恢复腭部的解剖形态和生理功能的目的.



phleboplasty:静脉成形术 静脉成形术

phlebopiezometry 静脉压检查法 静脉压检查法 | phleboplasty 静脉成形术 静脉成形术 | phleborrhagia 静脉出血 静脉出血