英语人>词典>汉英 : 懒汉 的英文翻译,例句
懒汉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
goldbrick  ·  layabout  ·  poke  ·  slug  ·  poked  ·  poking  ·  putterer  ·  slugged  ·  dolittle  ·  goldbricked  ·  goldbricking  ·  goldbricks  ·  pokes  ·  bummers  ·  idlers  ·  oafs  ·  oaves  ·  slobs

更多网络例句与懒汉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a bum's life.


Under such circumstances I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.


He is a lazy man still riding on his father's coattails.


You're a real couch potato.


An idle brain is the deil's workshop.


An i dle brain is the devil's works hop.


And yet, in spite of the killing pace and the stony track, who, but the sluggard or the dolt, can hold aloof from the course?


By all means, I don't mean to say such fringe benefit system is not good, but I want to tell you the truth that merit and demerit are following each other.


It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick.


The term goldbrick is an American slang term for a person who shirks assigned duties, esp.


更多网络解释与懒汉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


100. 魔鬼灰兄弟/ The Devil's Sooty Brother 516 | 101. 懒汉/ Bearskin 520 | 102. 鹪鹩和熊/ The Willow-Wren and the Bear 526

Idleness is the key of beggary:懒汉出乞丐

An idle youth; a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 | Idleness is the key of beggary. 懒汉出乞丐 | If a man once falls, all will tread on him. 墙倒众人推

Daydream Believer:懒汉

05 You'll See 等着瞧 | 06 Daydream Believer 懒汉 | 07 Up To The Mountain 登山

a blockhead:我是懒汉 是懦夫 是傻瓜 是魔鬼 是

让你们都看看我是谁 Let you see who a... | 我是懒汉 是懦夫 是傻瓜 是魔鬼 是... I'm a sluggard,a coward,a blockhead,a devil,... | 我是英雄 是强者 是神仙 是国王 是... I'm a hero,a stronger,a celestial ,a ...

crooked stick:懒汉

记者张平谊报道 被称为"女子莱德杯"的索尔海姆杯将于今天在美国印地安那州懒汉(Crooked Stick)球场开杆. 由于卡特里娜飓风对新奥尔良造成的灾难,赛事组织者将特别增加出售3000张门票,并将这些门票收入捐给在飓风中的受难者.

crooked stick:[美俚]与别人格格不入的人, 乖僻的人; 不诚实的人; 懒汉

cancer stick 香烟(因吸烟易患癌症, 故名) | crooked stick [美俚]与别人格格不入的人, 乖僻的人; 不诚实的人; 懒汉 | get stuck in [俚]全神贯注吃饭或工作; 使劲干

crooked stick:与别人格格不入的人, 乖僻的人 不诚实的人 懒汉

crooked sixpence | 吉利的东西, 驱邪符 | crooked stick | 与别人格格不入的人, 乖僻的人 不诚实的人 懒汉 | crooked timber | 弯曲木材

dolittle:肚里头(坐在肚子里边的胎儿) 是懒汉,游手好闲者

little 里 头(里头小,同:里边) 小 | dolittle 肚里头(坐在肚子里边的胎儿) 是懒汉,游手好闲者. | teller 太 乐 讲的故事(可笑)

dolittle:懒汉 干活少的是懒汉

15)darthworm蚯蚓 地球上的虫 | 16)dolittle懒汉 干活少的是懒汉 | 17)blowhard吹牛家 吹风太厉害的就是吹牛家

He is a lazy dog. He never tidies his bedroom:他是个懒汉. 他从来不收拾卧室

20)a lazy dog 懒鬼;懒汉 | He is a lazy dog. He never tidies his bedroom. 他是个懒汉. 他从来不收拾卧室. | 21)teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(指多此一举)