英语人>词典>汉英 : 憩室 的英文翻译,例句
憩室 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diverticulum  ·  diverticula

更多网络例句与憩室相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During 18 years of follow-up, there were 801 new cases of diverticulitis and 383 new cases of diverticular bleeding.


However, diverticulitis, a condition due to rupture of a diverticulum with resulting inflammatory reaction may lead to comlication.

憩室炎 则是因为憩室破裂引发的次发性炎症反应。

In conclusion, our results suggest that nut, corn, and popcorn consumption is not associated with an increased risk of incident diverticulitis or diverticular bleeding and may be protective for the former.


The researchers found that nut, corn, and popcorn consumption was not associated with an increased risk of new diverticulitis or diverticular complications, but instead inverse relationships were observed between nut and popcorn consumption and the risk of diverticulitis.


After adjustment for other known and potential risk factors for diverticular complications, men with the highest intake of nuts had a 20 percent lower risk of diverticulitis compared with men with the lowest intake; men with the highest intake of popcorn had a 28 percent lower risk of diverticulitis compared with men with the lowest intake.


"Diverticulitis: inflammation of a diverticulum or of diverticula in the intestinal tract, causing fecal stagnation and pain."


JAMA - Contrary to a common recommendation to avoid eating popcorn , nuts and corn to prevent diverticular complications, a large prospective study of men indicates that the consumption of these foods does not increase the risk of diverticulosis or diverticular complications, according to a study in the August 27, 2008 issue of JAMA .


There was no difference in different types of peripapillary diverticulum and the incidence of pancreaticobiliary disease.


Inflammation of a diverticulum or of diverticula in the intestinal tract,causing fecal stagnation and pain.


Abstract] objective to explore the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diverticular surgical complication.methods 24 cases of small bowel diverticular were retrospectively analysed.results the diagnosis was made preoperatively in 4 duodenal diverticula and only 1 jejunal diverticula.clinical complications included obstruction in 11 cases,bleeding in 4 cases,perforation in 4 cases.23 cases were cured.1 case was died of mof.all the diverticular with complications had histopathological signs of inflammation and 3 had signs of ulcer and 4 had the resected.conclusion the small bowel diverticular is rare.it may diagnose except common reason underwent gastrointestinal bleeding or obstruction.the gi is an effective way of examinations.operation is effective for small bowel diverticular disease.


更多网络解释与憩室相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


梅克尔憩室[医]Meckel diverticulum | 憩室炎[医]diverticulitis | 憩室病[医]diverticulosis

diverticulitis:憩室炎 (名)

diverticular 憩室的; 支囊的 (形) | diverticulitis 憩室炎 (名) | diverticulosis 憩室病 (名)

diverticulitis, pharyngeal:咽头憩室炎

\\"憩室炎\\",\\"diverticulitis\\" | \\"咽头憩室炎\\",\\"diverticulitis,pharyngeal\\" | \\"憩室病\\",\\"diverticulosis\\"

Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis:憩室症与憩室炎

Crohn's Disease _节段性回肠炎 | Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis_憩室症与憩室炎 | Dysphagia_吞咽困难

diverticulitis of colon:结肠憩室炎

diverticular hernia 憩室疝 | diverticulitis of colon 结肠憩室炎 | diverticulitis of small intestine 小肠憩室

diverticulitis of small intestine:小肠憩室炎

diverticulitis of colon 结肠憩室炎 | diverticulitis of small intestine 小肠憩室炎 | diverticulosis of colon 结肠憩室


3.憩室病(diverticulosis)不少病人有服用非94体类抗炎药病史. 尽管憩室多数位 于左结肠,而出血则以右结肠常见. 大于50岁的病人,憩室出血常表现为急性、无痛、 大量栗色或红色血便. 80%的患者出血可自行停止,其中1/4会再出血.


那就是40岁以前少见的憩室病. 宇暄医学中心主任陈镜洲医生为我们解答有关大肠憩室病的种种问题. Q:什么是大肠憩室病? A:大肠憩室病(Diverticulosis)是指大肠内壁表层发生病变,向下凹陷使肠壁向外突出形成一个个像葡萄的小囊袋,我们称之 ...

diverticulosis:肠憩室 肠憩室病 憩室病

diverticulitisofsmallintestine 小肠憩室炎 | diverticulosis 肠憩室憩室憩室病 | diverticulosisofcolon 结肠憩室


疾病名称: 消化道憩室病 概述: 憩室(diverticulum)是消化道的局部囊样膨出,有真性(全层膨出)和假性(仅有粘膜和粘膜下层膨出)两种,绝大多数憩室向消化道腔外膨出,极少数向腔内膨出,称腔内憩室.