英语人>词典>汉英 : 愤怒地 的英文翻译,例句
愤怒地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angerly  ·  angrily  ·  indignantly  ·  wrathfully  ·  stormily

更多网络例句与愤怒地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Each hospital should have a certain department where people who are going to die should be taught meditation before death -- just as people who are going to live... when they pass their examinations in the university, they should be taught meditation -- how to live dancingly, joyously, beautifully, without greed, without jealousy, without anger, without hatred.


In light of the circumstance since taking the place of 1950 from the United States, the United States is passed " judicatory is examined " can drive social revolution likewise,"Creation " a lot of new " the citizen is basic the right " for example the ego of abort, homosexual and convict protects the right to wait a moment, and the politics that caused free manner and air and standpatter struggles, standpatter thinks angrily these " new right " changed American society greatly, intense and critically court and judge are non-privileged " make " these do not have in constitution clause " new right ".


I grew fond of her company, and, being at that time under no religious restraint, and taking advantage of my importance to her, I attempted to take some liberties with her, which she repulsed with a proper degree of resentment.


Angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, swinging it violently left and right, up and down.


For the record…I had NO idea I was meant to do press at a doubles challenger…I have played 12 challengers in my career and never once did press…it was reported that I left the site in a "huff"…apparently a huff means signing autographs and taking pictures…and it's news to me that I have a chauffeured limo?


Some Britons have dismissed the anger expressed by American politicians of all stripes on the grounds that the United States, too, has courted Mr Qaddafi (Barack Obama's special envoy to Sudan lavished praise on Libya not long after Mr Megrahi flew home); that it cosies up to unsavoury partners in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere; and that after Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo it is in no position to preach.


"They will hate you more if you murder an innocent child," Temigast said angrily, more to Priscilla than Lord Feringal.


And even if he retorts angrily, he is not hesitant when it comes to apologizing.


He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse: looking, meantime, in my face so sourly that I charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner, and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent.


We were taught to correct our mistakes or miscalculations with anger, impatience, and a distinct lack of acceptance.


更多网络解释与愤怒地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anger 怒 | angerly 愤怒地 | angina 咽痛


仅尺度上带来的民事纠纷就使英国皇室大为苦恼,他们先后召开了 10 余次大臣会议商讨此事,商量来讨论去始终确定不下来一个统一的标准,曾在大宪章上签字的约翰王便愤怒地( angrily )在地上踩了一脚,然后指着凹陷下去的脚印对大臣们庄严宣布:" There is a foot,


clearly 明白地;清晰地 8 | angrily 发怒地,愤怒地 8 | quietly 安静地 8


angry生气的;愤怒的 | angrily生气地,愤怒地 | clear清楚的,清晰的


grovel 你毫不羞耻的博取别人的同情. | growl 你愤怒地挥拳咆哮. | grumble 你喃喃的抱怨东抱怨西.

hotly:激烈地; 热心地; 愤怒地; 炎热地 (副)

hotline 热线 (名) | hotly 激烈地; 热心地; 愤怒地; 炎热地 (副) | hotness 热烈; 炎热 (名)

in anger:愤怒地

in secret 秘密地, | in anger 愤怒地, | at one's will 随意地,

indignantly:愤怒地; 愤慨地, 愤愤不平地 (副)

indignant 愤怒的; 愤慨的 (形) | indignantly 愤怒地; 愤慨地, 愤愤不平地 (副) | indignation 愤怒, 义愤, 愤慨 (名)


wrathful 愤怒的 | wrathfully 愤怒地 | wrathy 盛怒的

wrathfully:愤怒地 (副)

wrathful 愤怒的; 激怒的 (形) | wrathfully 愤怒地 (副) | wreak 发泄, 报仇 (动)