英语人>词典>汉英 : 感染 的英文翻译,例句
感染 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
catch  ·  communicate  ·  contract  ·  infect  ·  permeate  ·  taint  ·  inquination  ·  spiritize  ·  communicated  ·  communicates  ·  contracts  ·  infecting  ·  infects  ·  permeated  ·  permeates  ·  permeating  ·  tainting  ·  taints  ·  contr.  ·  infections

carry along
更多网络例句与感染相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We reviewed all skin lesions in all HIV patients diagnosed in our department between 1990 and 1998 to document the spectrum of skin manifestations, the frequency of each disorder, and their relationship with CD4 counts. A total of 64 HIV patients were studied, including 38 with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome CD4 200 x 10(6 cells/L and 26 who had not developed AIDS. There were 142 episodes of skin conditions representing 25 different skin diseases, including oral candidiasis (15% in non-AIDS vs 71% in AIDS patients), drug eruptions, herpes simplex, seborrheic dermatitis, dermatophytosis, herpes zoster, secondary syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, Kaposi's sarcoma (16% among AIDS patients), hairy leukoplakia, and molluscum contagiosum (13% among AIDS patients), in decreasing order.

我们回顾自 1990 年到 1998 年人类免疫不全病毒感染患者在本院皮肤科的诊断,归纳整理各种皮肤疾病发生的机率及与 CD4 数值间的关系。64 位人类免疫不全病毒感染患者,包括 38 位爱滋病患者(CD4 200 x 10(6) cells/L)及 26 位非爱滋病患者,共有 142 种皮肤症状,分属於 25 种不同种类的皮肤疾病,依发生率的高低,包括口腔的白色念珠菌感染(非爱滋病患者:15%;爱滋病患者:71%)、药物疹、单纯疹、脂漏性皮肤炎、皮癣菌感染、带状疱疹、二期梅毒、尖圭湿疣、卡波西氏肉瘤(爱滋病患者:16%)、毛状黏膜白斑、传染性软疣(爱滋病患者:13%);并针对较特殊的病例做一介绍,如疣状的单纯疱疹病毒感染、临床表现像尖圭湿疣的传染性软疣感染及与爱滋病相关的色素性红皮症。

objective:to investigate the present situation and features of infection of incisional wound after sesarean section,so as to find the best method in the diagnosis and prevention of incisional infection.methods:the patients undergoing cesarean section were investigated retrospectively for studying the basic features of incisional infection after operation.results:of 13798 investigated parturients after cesarean section,96 were found with the infection of incisional wound accounting for 0.7%.the main symptom was distending pain or jumping pain on the site of incision,the emergence time of symptom in major cases(78.13%) was 4 to 7 days after operation.the local therapy including drainage,ultraviolet rays or infrared rays irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy was the main method in concert with antibiotic treatment and support therapy.the antibiotic therapy was changeable,and albumin intromission was the main method in the general support therapy.

目的:了解剖宫产手术切口感染的现状特点,分析其感染原因,便于临床上更好的诊断和预防切口感染。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,研究剖宫产切口感染的基本特征。结果:调查产妇13 798例,其中切口感染96例,感染率0.7%,症状主要表现为切口胀痛、跳痛,78.13%出现在术后4~7天,57例产妇伴有发热,占59.38%;感染后治疗主要是局部治疗配合抗生素治疗、支持治疗,局部治疗以引流、紫外线或红外线照射、超短波疗法为主,抗生素的使用比较混乱,全身支持治疗以输入白蛋白为主。

Sims and Saleh performed pin site care daily beginning 48 hours after the operation. In their study, they applied Orthox monolateral xators (Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%), circular xators (19.7%), and the Shefeld Hybrid System (21.9%). Massage was used to release skin adhered to the pin. A cotton swab with normal saline or cooled boiled water was used to clean the pin site. Another cotton swab was then used to dry the pin site. Dressings were only applied if there was any exudate. Bathing with the leg submerged in water was discouraged. They found that 29% of the xators had noinfection (grade 0) according to the grading system of Saleh and Scott (Table 5). The remaining 71% of xators had an infection of one or more different grades. There were no grade 6 infections. They concluded that xators located on the femurhad the highest infection rate and that incidence of infection was 2.5 times greater for femoral xators in which corrections were performed (62.3%) than in those without corrections (24.5%). These observations, however, were based on half-pin care. We did not use half-pins or Schanz screws in any of our treatment groups.

Sims and Saleh在手术后48小时开始进行没人针孔护理,在他们的研究中,他们应用Orthox单臂外固定架(Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%),环形外固定架(19.7%),Shefeld组合式外固定架(21.9%),按摩放松附着于钢针上的皮肤,蘸有生理盐水或凉开水的棉拭子用于清理针孔,另外一个棉拭子用于蘸干针孔,只有局部出现渗出是才应用敷料,阻止患者进行将带有外固定架的肢体浸入水中的洗浴方式,他们按照Saleh and Scott的标准发现29%的外固定架没有感染(0级),剩余71%外固定架有1个或者多个级别的感染,他们没有6级感染,他们得出结论:位于股骨的外固定架有最高的感染几率,而且实施矫形患者的感染发生率(62.3%)是不进行矫形患者感染发生率(24.5%)的2.5倍,但是,这些观察是基于半钉护理,在我们的任何一个治疗组中都没有应用半钉和Schanz螺钉。

With the use of IgY-based ELISA method, we found that 15%,45%,90% and 100% of the slightly infected mice (5 cercarie per mouse) turned to be negative by detection of circulating SEA when treated by Praziquantel at 2, 4, 6 and 12 months postinfection, respectively; For the moderately infected mice (15 cercarie per mouse), SEA was undetectable in 5%,25%,40% and 70% of mice respectively after treatment at 2, 4, 6 and 12-months postinfection; With the same treatment, 0%,10%,30% and 60% of the heavily infected mice (35 cercarie per mouse) turned negative of SEA detection.

轻度感染(感染尾蚴5条/只小鼠)治疗后2个月,4个月,6个月,12个月的转阴率为15%,45%,90%,100%;中度感染组(感染尾蚴15条/只小鼠)治疗后2个月, 4个月, 6个月,12个月的转阴率分别为5%,25%,40%,70%;重度感染组(感染尾蚴35条/只小鼠)治疗后2个月, 4个月, 6个月,12个月的转阴率分别为0%,10%,30%,60%。

In order to study on the fast,simple and efficacious method of forecast the sclerotinia stem rot.


Results 155 patients had surgical site infections in total 1 589 patients undergoing general surgery and the infection rate was 9.75%. The infection rates were hightest in those undergoing celiotomy or colon surgery. 56 patients appeared with postdischarge surgical site infection, accounting for 36.13% in the whole infection public. Most postdischarge surgical site infection happened in class Ⅰ and class Ⅱ surgery. Albumin and hemoglobin abnormity, emergency surgery, bleeding, incision type and eduction were risk factors of surgical site infection by multivariate Logistic regression analysis.

结果 1 589例次手术患者中,155例次手术部位发生感染感染率为9.75%;不同手术类别相同危险指数的手术以剖腹探查手术和结肠手术感染发生最高;有56例患者在出院后发生手术部位感染,随访感染占总感染例数的36.13%,随访感染以Ⅰ、Ⅱ类手术为主;经单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析得出,白蛋白及血红蛋白值异常、急诊手术、失血、切口类型、引流为手术部位感染的危险因素。

The mice inoculated with Coxiella burnetii intrana- sally developed interstitial pneumonia,while the primary pathological changes of mice inoculated intraperitoneally are granulomas in spleen and liver.2.The pathological changes became more severe followed the dosage increasing.3.Coxiella burnetii can be detected in spleen and liver at day 2 after inoculation.the lesion became more and more serious from day 2 to day 12.The characteristic changes were observed at day 7,and recovered at day 14. 4.The reticuloendothelial system are main target of Coxiella burnetii.The pathogen was detected in cytoplasm of monocyte -macrophages of spleen, liver, lung, and endothelioid cells of blood vessel. 5. Coxiella burnetii can be found in macrophages lysosomes by electron microscopy. Most of them are round or rod, and polymorphic shape can also be observed in different size.

结果:1、通过不同感染途径的实验证实,滴鼻感染的小鼠主要表现为间质性肺炎,而腹腔注射感染小鼠则以脾脏、肝脏肉芽肿为主要病变。2、通过不同剂量的感染实验发现,随着感染Q热立克次体剂量的加大,动物病变愈加严重。3、通过感染后不同时间的动态病理学观察发现,在腹腔注射后第2d的脾和肝脏即可发现病原体,主要脏器的病理变化从第2d到第12d逐渐加重,第7d动物的病变最典型,至感染后14d动物的受损器官已开始出现修复性变化。4、 Q热立克次体主要侵害机体的网状内皮系统,在感染小鼠的肝、脾、肺和外周血管单核巨噬细胞以及血管内皮细胞胞浆中查见病原体。5、透射电镜观察可见Q热立克次体主要位于巨噬细胞吞噬溶酶体内,呈多形性,多见圆形和杆状,大小不一。

Results 546 cases were pathogen-positive,accounting for 71.75%of the total test.124 cases of bacterial infection accounted for 22.71%,;340 cases of mycoplasma infection accounted for62.27%;chlamydia infection in 28 cases accounted for 5.13%;52 cases of gonococcal infection accounted for 9.52%,2 cases of fungal infections accounted for 0.37%,mixed infections accounted for 30 cases of 5.49%.

结果 546例病原体阳性,占检测总数的71.75%。其中细菌感染患者124例占22.71%,支原体感染340例占62.27%,衣原体感染28例占5.13%,淋球菌感染52例占9.52%,真菌感染2例占0.37%、混合感染30例占5.49%。

Results The infec- tious rate of out-patients was 82.63%(6939/8398), including 18.83% monilia infections, 3.57% trichomonas Infections, 1.45% gonocoectrs infectious, 21.89% chlamydial trachomatis or mycoplasmas Infections, 28.6% bacterial vaginitis, 2.26% syphilis, 0.08%HIV infections.38.51% patients suffered from two kinds and more than two kinds infections,7 cases combining HIV infection; The infectious rate of health physical examinees was 19.93%(1656/8309), including 7.7% monilia infections, 0.3% tri- chomonas Infections, 2.0% chlamydial trachomatis or mycoplasmas Infections,9.3% bacterial vaginitis, 0.05% gonococcus infections,4.28% persons suffered from two kinds and more than two kinds infections.

结果 门诊患者生殖道炎症为82.63%(6939/8398),霉菌感染18.83%、滴虫感染3.57%、淋球菌感染1.45%、衣原体/支原体感染21.89%、细菌性感染28.6%、梅毒感染2.26%、HIV0.08%,38.51%的人有两种或两种以上病原体感染,其中合并HIV感染7例;健康体检组生殖道炎症19.93%(1656/8309),霉菌感染7.7%、滴虫感染0.3%、淋球菌感染0.05%、衣原体/支原体感染2.0%、细菌性感染9.3%,4.28%的人有两种或两种以上病原体感染

The levels of E2F1 proteins could return to normal at 2h and 16h in high MOI infected cells treated with large dosage of allitridin.⑤The effects of allitridin on regulating the transcription and expression of dhfr gene in HCMV infected cells: The higher transcription of dhfr gene of high MOI infected cells within 4-16h was partially or wholely antagonised by allitridin. The up-regulated dhfr mRNA levels of low MOI infected cells nearly returned to normal after allitridin treatment.


更多网络解释与感染相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

congenital infection:先天性感染

2.根据宿主获得感染的时间可分为:(1)先天性感染(congenital infection):指由CMV感染的母亲所生育的子女,于其出生14天内(含14天)证实有CMV感染,为宫内感染所致;(2)围生期感染(perinatal infection):为CMV感染母亲的子女,在出生14天内没有发现CMV感染,

Exogenous infection:外源性感染

但是,住院病人的感染又可根据病人携带PPM的状态不同而分为外源性感染(Exogenous infection)和内源性感染(Endogenous infection). 外源性感染是由医院内PPM引起,病人在入院时并不携带这些PPM. 感染可以突然出现.

puerperal infection:产褥感染

产褥感染(Puerperal infection)是指分娩及产褥期生殖道受病原体侵袭,引起局部或全身的感染,是产妇死亡的4大原因之一,对于产后发热者,首先考虑产褥感染分娩降低或破坏了女性生殖道的防御功能和自净作用若产妇营养不良、孕期贫血、胎膜早破合并慢性疾病、产程延长、产后出血等均为产褥感染的诱因产褥病率与产褥感染的含义不同

nontyphoidal salmonellosis:非伤寒沙门氏菌感染

非伤寒沙门氏菌感染(nontyphoidal salmonellosis)是指伤寒、副伤寒以外的各种沙门菌所引起的急性传染病. 其临床表现复杂,可分为胃肠炎型、类伤寒型、败血症型、局部化脓感染型,亦可表现为无症状感染. 感染:感染的血液学症状包括白细胞增多,贫血,弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)和血小板减少症.


(三)按发生的情况归类,可分为条件感染(opportunistic infection),二重感染(superinfection)和院内感染(nosocomial infection)等. 全身性感染系指病原菌侵入人体血液循环并在其中生长繁殖、释放毒素引起全身性感染或中毒症状.


文章摘要:人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)超感染(Superinfection)的案例在近两年被陆续报道,到目前共有5个超感染的病例被确定. 与共感染(Coinfection)不同,HIV超感染指的是一株HIV在机体内已经建立稳定感染之后的另外HIV毒株的感染,


尿路感染 尿路感染(UTI)概述 尿路感染是由细菌(极少数可由真菌、原虫、病毒)直接侵袭所引起. 尿路感染分为上尿路感染和下尿路感染,上尿路感染指的是肾盂肾炎,下尿路感染包括尿道炎和膀胱炎. 肾盂肾炎又分为急性肾盂肾炎和慢性肾盂肾炎.

nosocomial infection:院内感染

医院获得性感染 医院获得性感染(hospital acquired infection)是指病人在住院期间发生的感染,通称医院内感染(nosocomial infection). 根据传染来源不同,有下列几种情况:①交叉感染,由医院内病人或医务人员直接或间接传播引起的感染;②③内源性感染,

Nosocomial Infections:(医院内感染)

医院内感染(nosocomial infections)为病人在住院期间发生的感染. 住院前获得的感染、住院时正值潜伏期或于住院后发病者不能作为医院内感染;反之,住院期内获得的感染,出院后才发病者,应作医院内感染计. 新生儿通过产道时发生的感染,如B组链球菌感染,

focal infection:病灶感染,灶性感染,局灶性感染,局灶性感染

focal image ==> 焦面像 | focal infection ==> 病灶感染,灶性感染,局灶性感染,局灶性感染 | focal infiltration ==> 局灶浸润,局灶浸润