英语人>词典>汉英 : 愚蠢的错误 的英文翻译,例句
愚蠢的错误 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与愚蠢的错误相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To be ashamed to do … He was ashamed to make such a silly mistake.


I made an awful blunder — switching off his computer while he was working on it.


The next time we played, I became very fearful, especially on big points, and started to make boneheaded errors.


I think I've made a boo-boo.


That last stupid bungle of his is the end.


A stupid or oafish person.That last stupid bungle of his is the end.


I don't know how I made such a careless mistake.


To intentionally weaken the dollar to gain some illusory trade advantage is a fool's errand.


The way she talks about this is up to her, anyway, I should be lucky enough not to be sued against as a raper.


Sancho derides his master's plan as folly, and Don Quixote is amazed that Sancho has not yet realized that everything knights-errant do is folly.


更多网络解释与愚蠢的错误相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blunderer:犯愚蠢错误的人, 粗心大意的人 (名)

blunderbuss 喇叭枪; 轻率的人 (名) | blunderer 犯愚蠢错误的人, 粗心大意的人 (名) | blunt 使钝; 减弱; 使迟钝; 变钝; 变迟钝 (动)

to make a boner:[俚语]犯愚蠢可笑的错误, 出丑

single make contact 单闭合接点. | to make a boner [俚语]犯愚蠢可笑的错误, 出丑. | to make a long story short 长话短说.

boob tube:电视机

boo-boo | 愚蠢的错误, 轻伤 | boob tube | 电视机 | boob | 笨蛋, 蠢材


她甚至有一次拍摄了一组封面女郎的照片. 而她在自己的博客上公开了自己的约会对象:高大、英俊、富有,不过篮球运动员免谈. "他们太粗鲁(crude)了!根本不知道什么是怜香惜玉,真的,我有过不止一次的失败经历,我可不想再犯这么愚蠢的错误!"


尼采指出:思想的真正敌人不是真假或错误,而是愚蠢(betise)与卑贱(bassesse);「愚蠢是思想的原初结构. 」「愚蠢--更深刻地说:是一种卑贱低级的思考方式. 」

because my already swollen dick is now chaffed:我的小弟弟已经硬了

that memory will forever be a painful one,|这将是难以磨灭的痛... | because my already swollen dick is now chaffed|我的小弟弟已经硬了 | from sprinting full speed with a fucking boner!|却要因为这愚蠢的错误...


Okay . 很好,不错. | Booboo . 愚蠢的错误. | If you snooze,you lose ! 如果你不注意,你就会错失良机!

152 Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes on their heads:152无数slanderers ,携带的重量,他们愚蠢的错误,对他们的头部

151 Countless wretches, eat... | 152 Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes on their heads. 152無數slanderers ,攜帶的重量,他們愚蠢的錯誤,對他們的頭部. | 153 Nanak describes...

152无数slanderers ,携带的重量,他们愚蠢的错误,对他们的头部:152 Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes on their heads

151 Countless wretches, eat... | 152 Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes on their heads. 152無數slanderers ,攜帶的重量,他們愚蠢的錯誤,對他們的頭部. | 153 Nanak describes...

It was a tie game. It ended in a tie:打成平局/势均力敌

33.It was a stupid mistake.那是个愚蠢的错误 | 34.It was a tie game./It ended in a tie.打成平局/势均力敌 | B: Awesome!(好极了!)