英语人>词典>汉英 : 意志坚定 的英文翻译,例句
意志坚定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Mr Black was a man of cast iron will.


Vincenzo Iaquinta is a complete and committed striker, who has a powerful shot with both feet, is very good in the air and is happy to track back in defence.


Compound of the Busy Bee and Excelsior. We can but try—the motto of the firm.


He was a man of intelligence and of firmness of will.


Here are Chinese urbanites that, in contrast to Zhu's determined-looking, shorn-haired officials of a decade ago, seem relaxed and a little gawky, their hair flying and toes pointing inward.


But that's not really an apt description of Smith; he projects intensity, determination, a hint of Ivy League hauteur, and ambition.


We are a people of improbable hope with a eye towards future,with resolve in our heart.


In the face of this clearly recognizable and wholly appropriate meaning of the name, it is not necessary to suppose that it is the jussive of (="may He prove"); nor that it is the participle of , which, corresponding to the proper names or (Arabic,"wa'il") occurring often in the Sinaitic inscriptions, is supposed to mean strong-willed.

"面对这种情况清楚地识别和完全意义上的适当的名称,这是没有必要假设(与Baudissin ),这是jussive的;或这是分词的,而相应的适当名称或(阿拉伯文," wa'il ")常常发生在Sinaitic碑文,就是指"意志坚定

Behold the Chief who now commands Once more to serve his Country stands The rock on which the storm will beat The rock on which the storm will beat But arm'd in virtue firm and true His hopes are fixed on Heav'n and you-- When hope was sinking in dismay When glooms obscur'd Columbia's day His steady mind from changes free Resolv'd on Death or Liberty.


Bad circumstances can break the spirit of a strong-willed person, but I don't think there's much you can do to make a weak-willed person stronger-willed.


更多网络解释与意志坚定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Attic faith is just the strength of the construction workers:坚定的信念就是工程人的力量

让它勇敢地飞进风雨. Let it fly bravely into the w... | 坚定的信念就是工程人的力量 The Attic faith is just the strength of the construction workers, | 这是我们不屈不挠的意志和信仰 It's our indomitable w...


1900-1950年间,对于澳大利亚的红葡萄酒而言是段黑暗的日子,随着强化(增加酒精度数)葡萄酒消费的日益增加,澳大利亚的葡萄园逐渐萎缩,只有少数意志坚定的公司,如麦克威廉(Mc Williams)和哈迪(Hardy)仍继续酿制优质葡萄酒,但产量很小.

A hesitant prizefighter:一个意志不坚定的战斗者

Still trapped within my truth仍然会在我的真理中被诱捕 | A hesitant prizefighter一个意志不坚定的战斗者 | Still trapped within my youth仍然会在我的真理中被诱捕

infirm: a.1:虚弱的 2.意志薄弱的,不坚定的,靠不住的

protracted illness: n.慢性病 | infirm: a.1.虚弱的 2.意志薄弱的,不坚定的,靠不住的 | specific: a.1.明确的,确切的,具体的 2.特有的,特定的,独特的

National Front for Confrontation and Steadfastness:行动对抗和意志坚定民族阵线

National Front;民族阵线 [阿富汗、民主也门等];国民... | National Front for Confrontation and Steadfastness;行动对抗和意志坚定民族阵线;; | National Front for the Liberation of Angola;安哥拉民族解放阵线(解阵...

Do not vacillate:不要左右摇摆

Know how to say"no"懂得如何说"不 | Do not vacillate不要左右摇摆 | Be resolute要意志坚定


她塑造的职业冲浪运动员安妮(Anne Marie Chadwick),意志坚定,勇敢独立,不畏挫折,给观众留下了深刻印象,她的事业由此开始起飞,陆续出演了>(The Rules of Attraction)、>(Wonderland)、<<Advant

He is firm in his purpose:他意志坚定

We are subject to discipline.我们服从严格的纪律. | He is firm in his purpose.他意志坚定. | He spoke in a firm voice.他以沉着的声音说话.

He is iron-willed and stands firm:他意志坚强,立场坚定

92. He is on pins and needles. 他如坐针毡. | 93. He is iron-willed and stands firm. 他意志坚强,立场坚定. | 94. I bumped into him yesterday.昨天我遇到了他.

Be tough-minded, but tender hearted:意志坚定但内心温柔

为智慧和勇气祈祷,而不是为物质. Pray not for things,but for wisdom and courage. | 意志坚定但内心温柔. Be tough-minded,but tender-hearted. | 比过去更善良仁慈. Be kinder than you have to be.