英语人>词典>汉英 : 惟利是图 的英文翻译,例句
惟利是图 的英文翻译、例句


be bent solely on profit · be intent on nothing but profit
更多网络例句与惟利是图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But he always keeps an eye to the main chance so dearly.


I'm not a mercenary.


I can't believe you these mercenary lawyer, you only know their property, but nothing else.


The wound is deep and strong , lie in between it and British meaningless party groupings struggle of the parliament, ruling group is fatuous and moribund and bent solely on profit, the colonialist war one has been revealed and criticized cruelly and ruthlessly and tyrannically ; At the same time it extolled the brave struggle that colonial people resist the ruler to a certain extent.


Crowded Haiti has long suffered from squabbling and venal politicians, extreme inequality and ecological stress.


A scholar-operator,Zapp,as described by Lodge,"is well-primed tO enter a profession as steeped in free enterprise as Wall Street,in which each scholar-teacher makes all individual contract with his employer,and is free to sell his services to the highestbidder."


Spirit of gain and greed which recognizes in commercialism the be-all and end-all of national life, instead of realizing


更多网络解释与惟利是图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crass commercialism:惟利是图

22) non-renewable resource 不可再生的资源 | 23) crass commercialism 惟利是图 | 24) ethnic flavor 民族风格或特色

Putting war in the hands of mercenaries:将战争交由惟利是图的人

MAN... Your point being?|您的意思是? | Putting war in the hands of mercenaries|将战争交由惟利是图的人... | and those who consider it a business|以及把战争看做是商机的人掌控


"造雨人"(rainmaker)在英文里是一个意带双关的词. 鲁迪想做一个旱地造水、降甘霖普渡世人的"造雨人",然而现实当中,那些没有职业操守、惟利是图的律师更像是为晴天带来阴霾的"造雨人". 1999年,鄂仁(Erran)高尔夫球公司被控在促销期间有欺诈行为,

money-oriented salespeople:惟利是图的商人

51. Some academic works are full of plagiarisms.一些学术作品里充满了剽窃来的思想和文字. | 52. money-oriented salespeople惟利是图的商人 | 53. fake commodity假货

惟利是图(venal 贪财的):venality n

liberality n 心胸开阔(liberal 慷慨的,宽大的) | venality n 惟利是图(venal 贪财的) | frugality n 节约(frugal 节俭的)