英语人>词典>汉英 : 惊人的事件 的英文翻译,例句
惊人的事件 的英文翻译、例句


bomb shell
更多网络例句与惊人的事件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These episodes in individual tales display such striking regularities in aggregate that some of the social scientists who first applied the rules of probability to human affairs questioned the very notion of free will."Society prepares the crime," wrote Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian statistician, in 1835,"and the guilty person is only the instrument."


And then there was the small matter of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: the shocking efficiency with which a few well-placed ads and the chants of conservative media could transform a decorated Vietnam War hero into a weak-kneed appeaser.


The letters "provide tremendous leads to follow and often with which to corroborate other evidence in the context of counterespionage and counterterrorism," said Maj.


This event is amazing, it's hilarious, I love it!


We would like to thank everyone for a phenomenal event.


She said yesterday:'This is an astounding development - it is a seminal event.


Not only were they to maintain order, prevent crime, and protect life and property, but historically they were also to fight fires, suppress vice, assist in health services, supervise elections, direct traffic, inspect buildings, and locate truants and runaways.

政党的忠诚支持者和改革家们通常是从政治的前途来看待警察这个机构;而报纸和杂志治的前途来看待警察这个机构;而报纸和杂志-19 世纪的传播媒介-则着重活泼生动和惊人的事件

Suppress vice, assist in health services, supervise elections, direct traffic, inspect buildings, and locate truants and runaways.

政党的忠诚支持者和改革家们通常是从政治的前途来看待警察这个机构;而报纸和杂志-19 世纪的传播媒介-则着重活泼生动和惊人的事件。可是城市社会总是把广泛得可怕的责任交给警察。

While such incidents are rare, we should always remain conscious of the amazing forces behind geysers.


If you're still in denial about the horrific turn of events on tonight's Prison Break, well, stop reading,'cause a stone-cold reality check is coming your way: That was definitely Sara Tancredi's decapitated head staring up at Lincoln from that box.


更多网络解释与惊人的事件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

breath-taking performance:惊人表演

an epoch-making event划时代事件 | breath-taking performance惊人表演 | a simply-furnished room陈设简单的房间


在接近地面后可以悬空不动,所以◎◎◎◎ 飞碟(UFO)为了表现自己的真面目以月亮为背景或在白天散发出比太日,在葡萄牙南部法提马(FATIMA)发生的飞碟(UFO)事件是迄今为止最惊人的事件之一,所以称之为"法提马(FATIMA)奇迹".

an undertaking of stupendous difficulty:着手解决巨大的困难

stupendous 指大小尺寸让人吃惊或超... | an undertaking of stupendous difficulty.着手解决巨大的困难. | "The whole thing was a stupendous, incomprehensible farce" (W. Somerset Maugham). "整个事件就是惊人...