英语人>词典>汉英 : 患病 的英文翻译,例句
患病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sicken  ·  sickened  ·  sickens

be ill · suffer from an illness · suffer from a disease
更多网络例句与患病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Abortion, low birth weight, dystocia, asphyxiation were the main risk factors for cerebral palsy. Driscoll was important risk factor for mixed and athetosis type cerebral palsy.

结果 早产低出生体重、难产窒息缺氧是各型脑瘫的主要患病相关因素;新生儿黄疸是手足徐动型和混合型脑瘫的重要患病相关因素。

Based on the matrix of correlation coefficient,linear structural relation model was utilized for data analysis as we...


Here the treatment function adopts a continuous and differentiable function which can describe the effect of the infected being delayed for treatment when the number of infected individuals is getting larger and the medical condition is limited.


Compared with the first and second quartile, the osteoporosis prevalence and risk were significantly increased in the women of the third and fourth quartile, and the fourth quartile had a significant higher prevalence and risk than the third quartile, especially in spine.


The devolopment of diseases had a young trend,the first six diseases were hypertension,abnormal liver function,steatohepatitis,hyperlipidemia,coronary heart disease and hyperglycemia.Conclusions Attention to health condition of hygienical cadres should be paid.

结果 在参加体检的1 657人中,患病或指标异常人员占66.45%,患病呈现年轻化趋势,异常检出率居前6位的疾病依次是高血压、肝功能异常、脂肪肝、血脂异常、冠心病和高血糖。

The contents of the course include the basic theories of the Zoonosis,the molecule mechanisms of the happening and development of the diseases, the points and the prevention and treatment of the Zoonosis and the significances of the public hygienics. We also teach the students the most newly researching developments of the Zoonosis.


At conception, each sib of an affected individual has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being unaffected and a carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier.


Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia and concluded from his observations that children in Tertia were reared by an entire village rather than by their own biological parents.


Kg(p.01).stamina index,healthy index,appetite index,sleep index,sleep time,the total count of sex arousing people and the degree concerning about the health of oneself were all reduced gradually(p.01).the counts of ailing people and using medicine people were higher in 1~3 weeks.later,the counts were reduced wavily and touched bottom in the 6th week and the 10th week respectively.the count of ailing people was reduced more obviously(p.01~0.001).the trend of disease variety among persons was that the proportion of respiratory system disease was reduced and alimentary system disease was increased gradually,the proportion of skin disease was higher at the 7th week and locomotor system disease was higher at the 8th week,the proportion of diarrhea was reduced and constipation was increased gradually.conclusion working on the reef for 3 months,the physical health status and the degree concerning about health of self of the personnel was reduced gradually.the count of ailing people and using medicine people were reduced wavily.


Abstracts: In recent years, more and more people are faced with the threat of zoonoses in all over the world, China has also experienced the invasion of avian flu, SARS , foot and mouth disease, hand, foot and mouth disease and other public health security incidents of zoonoses, zoonoses have been more than just a medical problem, but also it is a major social problem, it is not only a problem of a region or a country, but it is a problem of all mankind.


更多网络解释与患病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be sick with:患病

be sick of | 厌恶, 厌倦 | be sick with | 患病 | be silent about | 对 保持缄默, 对只字不提

be taken ill:患病

be taken ill 患病 | take sb. by surprise 冷不防出现; 突然接近 | take letters to the post 寄信

be constitutionally weak and prone to illness:身体弱易患病

身体弱易患病 be constitutionally weak and prone to illness | 易患感冒 be apt to catch cold | 否认有结核病史 denied any history of tuberculosis


disease 疾病 | diseased 患病的 | diseasedly 有病地

diseased:患病的; 有病; 败坏的 (形)

disdainfully 轻蔑地 (副) | diseased 患病的; 有病; 败坏的 (形) | disembarkation 登陆; 上岸 (名)

Diseased Flayer:患病的剥皮者

Death Flayer : 仙逝毒蝎 | Diseased Flayer : 患病的剥皮者 | Faltering Silithid Flayer : 朽迈的异种褫夺者

fall ill:患病,病倒

fall saleep 入睡 | fall ill 患病,病倒 | far away 遥远的

fall ill:患病

164.face to face 面对面的 | 165.fall ill 患病 | 166.fall in love with 爱上...

16. Fall ill:16. 患病

14. Manage to do sth. 14.努力做成了某事 | 15. Save up 15. 攒钱,储蓄 | 16. Fall ill 16. 患病

fall sick:成病,患病

151.fall short of 不达,缺乏. | 152.fall sick 成病,患病. | 153.fall to 着手,开始.