英语人>词典>汉英 : 悟道 的英文翻译,例句
悟道 的英文翻译、例句


realize the truth or philosophic theory
更多网络例句与悟道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No matter which it is personal only opened Wu the way of Mahayana ( The way of the idea namely harmonious public and peaceful world ) Also tough and resiliently promote, would be certain to go to heaven as a fairy Nye dish but get into as a result very happy of the Jingo of Kingdom of Heaven.


The pipal fig tree, shown on the seals of Mohenjo-daro , shaded Gautama Buddha as he sought enlightenment.


The four paths to enlightenment are stream-winner, once returner, non-returner, and fully-enlightened or Perfect One.


Kandata's absolute conversion to Buddha in the original record was rewritten as that Sakyamuni Buddha is not almighty and that Kandata does not realized Sakyamuni Buddha's existence. Therefore, Kandata can get salvation only through Satori (self-realization), a kind of salvation very close to original Buddhism.


Since Sakyamuni awakened the way under the tree of Buddha,he got the truth of the universe and life,knowing well to the truth of the universe.


If realize the truth in complicated material life, heart of pure uninfluenced, that just really realized the truth, is just the spirit power that can stand tests.


What is to be enlightened by Dao?


The thought of cave paradise, after a long period's development, became mature in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties and the belief that famous mountains and waters are fairylands caused Taoists to realize the truth of "Tao" in nature.


Just follow your intuitive feelings and let your mind stroll. These years, I witnessed the itinerary of an artist growing towards maturity. Wang Dongwei, locked in his small studio, at his home in Changping, has been painting all along, silent among the noisy tumult of artistic circles. Like an arduous ploughman, and also very much like a meditating hermit, he worked his way through experiments with oil colours, acrylic paint, paper, gauze and charcoal powder or hair. In all this quest, lies a deep passion for art, but no hurry, and refinement, but no triviality.


Crystal Bear Award winning short,"Menged", based on an old folk tale. On the road to the village, a father and his son follow all the good advice given to them.


更多网络解释与悟道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bihar State:比哈尔邦

"(佛经称此座为金刚座)的那棵菩提树位于印度东部的比哈尔邦(bihar state),首府巴(patna)以南100公里据史料记载佛祖悟道的那棵菩提树在公元7世纪,被国王沙殇克下令砍倒了,现在的这棵菩提树是后世补种的, 来源于斯里兰卡的一棵2300年前的古菩提树的树枝,


他很吃惊的发现,他的腰围(girth)扩大了四英寸,但是他的体重并没有增加. 很快他就成了达拉夫阿难的学生. 他开始发现,自己之所以参加大负荷的瑜珈训练是因为他对死亡的恐惧,以及他减少生活压力的愿望. 他意识到自己并没有悟道,


那个作者费了55页的篇幅来证明我只是被照明(illuminated)了,而不是被光耀(enlighten)了. (注释:单词illuminated和enlighten都意指成道开悟)好极了!真的很好!--只是被照明了,没有被光耀. 而你会很吃惊地知道,几天以前,

Sakyamuni Buddha:释迦牟尼佛

三千年前,释迦牟尼佛(Sakyamuni buddha)出家学道后,在菩提树下开悟证成无上佛道,到鹿野苑为憍陈如等五比丘说四圣谛法,度五比丘开始,一生说法四十九年,演说无量佛法,度化无量人天众生,一直到入灭的阶段,佛陀住世应化在人间,度化众生之际才有的相状,

the press:报界

1961年结集出版了>(The Press)一书,该书于1964年和1975年两度修订. 他深刻地透悟到:"出版自由只属于拥有出版物者的自由. "("Freedom of the press belongs to thosewho own one".)赖布林、林德斯达姆与麦克道格尔已经以他们独具特色的方式,


"静虑"是梵文"禅"(Dhyana)的意译,也可意译为"思维修"、"弃恶"等. <<瑜伽师地论>>卷三十三有日:"言静虑者,于一所缘,系念寂静,正审思虑,故名静虑. "这里借用了佛教"静虑"的悟道方式来领悟"美术教育文化学",是想使人们更宁静专注于这一

Deer Park:鹿野苑

Sarnath的鹿野苑(Deer Park)是佛祖释迦牟尼初次说法收徒的地方,又叫"初转**"之地------ 当年在菩提树下悟道的佛祖,经过长途跋涉,打算到当年宗教者聚集之地Varanasi传教,当到达Varanasi市郊的Sarnath时,与5位修行者相会,

Visuddhi Magga:清淨道論

即使只是最低层次的证悟,也能避免从事错误的修行或走上任何邪道,知道这点或许能鼓励你,这叙述于<<清净道论>>(Visuddhi Magga)-觉音 (Buddhaghosa) 于第五世纪的伟大作品.

