英语人>词典>汉英 : 悉尼 的英文翻译,例句
悉尼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Cape Town- Cook claimed to capture Australia in 1780, changed the destiny of Sydney, indigenous culture outside to colonize to invade culture a strong one, Sydney afford to assemble by original inhabitants, the seaport where there are golden lights that glittered in Sydney , the white sail chased the wave, the fine and smooth and pleasant seabeach and sunshine and plentiful Etesian climate , the wild sweet-smelling delicate fragrance everywhere of the street, the good wood is beautiful, the gull wheels.


One with added piquancy because the unashamedly Sydney-centric former prime minister Paul Keating ("If you're not in Sydney, you're camping out") dreamed up the idea of trying to make the Sydney Symphony the nation's flagship orchestra in 1995 - much to the chagrin of the MSO.


Macquarie's Seat, Opera House, Botanic Garden, The Rocks,; Darling Harbour including Sydney Showboat Jazz Luncheon Cruise, China Town,Bondi Beach.


The Sydney Opera House has become, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney's best-known landmark and international symbol.


The Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are seen during a dust storm on September 23, 2009 in Sydney, Australia.


The Sydney Opera House is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world.


What he wanted for Sydney was the effect he had noticed when tacking round the promontory at Elsinore, of the castle's piled-up turrets against the piled-up clouds and his own billowing white sails; the liberation he had felt on the great platforms of the Mayan temples in Mexico, of being lifted above the dark jungle into another world of light; the height and presence of Gothic cathedrals, whose ogival shape was to show in the cross-sections of the Sydney roof-shells; and the curved, three-dimensional rib-work of boat-building , as he had watched his own father doing it at Aalborg.


SYDNEY – A Dutchman and his grandson boarded a flight to Sydney, looking forward to visiting sunny Australia, but ended up in a much chillier Sydney -- in Nova Scotia, Canada.


The struggling economic climate of 2009 doesn't seem to have dissuaded Sydney residents from adorning their houses for the festival season with home owners recreating Sydney landmarks including the Sydney Opera House Luna Park and the Harbour Bridge alongside more traditional festive icons such as Frosty The Snowman and Santa Claus.

Getty Images / Lisa Maree Williams 2009年挣扎的经济环境并不似乎劝告装饰节的季节悉尼居民的房屋,与家庭重现悉尼的地标,包括悉尼歌剧院,公园和月亮一起,如雾较传统节日图标港湾大桥业主雪人和圣诞老人。格蒂图片/丽莎母亲丝威廉斯

Peter's projection company,"The Electric Canvas" has been involved in many major events including the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of both the Sydney 2000 Olympics and Paralympic Games, Australia's Centenary of Federation Ceremonies, Petronas Towers opening spectacular in Kuala Lumpur, Sydney's Australia Day spectaculars (3), Melbourne Town Hall son-et-lumiere "Transformed", Sydney Festival 02 architectural projections "Neon Colonial" and many more as featured at the web site www.theelectriccanvas.com.au.

彼得和他的伊莱帆巨型灯光投影有限公司参与了众多的大型活动,其中包括 2000年悉尼奥运会开、闭幕式,2000年悉尼残奥会开、闭幕式。澳大利亚联邦百年庆典,马来西亚吉隆坡双子塔开放活动,悉尼澳大利亚国庆日活动,在墨尔本市政大厅名为&新生&的声光表演。2002 悉尼艺术节名为为&霓虹殖民&建筑物投影展。

更多网络解释与悉尼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Manly Beach:悉尼Manly海滩

Sydney central station-悉尼中心火车站 | Manly beach-悉尼Manly海滩 | University of Sydney-悉尼大学

opera house:(悉尼)歌剧院

旅游 悉尼歌剧院(Opera House):世界公认的澳大利亚标志建筑,它占地0.12平方公里,与岩石区(The Rocks)及悉尼大桥遥相呼应,悉尼歌剧院的魅力在于其独特的屋顶造型及其和周围环境的浑然一体的效果,在悉尼歌剧院的演出票价一般为30至120澳元.

Sydney Opera House:悉尼歌剧院

我们从酒店对面的大楼进去,下面就是市政乘"钻石公主"(Diamond Princess)邮轮乘"钻石公主"(Diamond Princess)邮轮邮轮于6点到达悉尼港,停靠在"环行码头"(Circular Quay),著名的悉尼标志性建筑物就在近前:一边是"悉尼歌剧院"(Sydney Opera House),一边是"悉尼港大

Sydney Opera House:澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院

澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院,(sydney opera house)又称海中歌剧院. 悉尼歌剧院座落在悉尼市区北部的环形码头,整个建筑占地1.84公顷,长183米,宽118米,高67米,相当于20层楼的高度,是澳大利亚全国表演艺术中心同时也是澳大利亚的标志性建筑.


航 程:北京(PEK)-澳大利亚-悉尼(SYD)悉尼大学介绍:悉尼大学是澳大利亚历史最悠久和最负盛名的大学,被称为"澳洲第一校",在世界范围内亦是最优秀的高等学府之一.

YSSY SYD:悉尼澳大利亚悉尼

YSCB CBR 堪培拉澳大利亚堪培拉堪培拉 | YSSY SYD 悉尼澳大利亚悉尼 | ZBAA PEK 首都国际中国北京北京

Sydney harbour bridge:悉尼大桥

而明石大桥甚至成为日本的特指. 桥梁景观强烈的可识别性特点也使桥头公园成为城市标志性的户外空间. 如悉尼大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge)的桥头公园不仅是观悉尼歌剧院、悉尼港口景观的绝佳地点,更因其与桥梁的关系而为世人熟知.

MARTIN, Camilla:年悉尼夏奥会 羽毛球 单打 女子 银牌 丹麦 卡米拉-马丁

2000年悉尼夏奥会 羽毛球 单打 女子 金牌 中国 龚智超 GONG, Zhic... | 2000年悉尼夏奥会 羽毛球 单打 女子 银牌 丹麦 卡米拉-马丁 MARTIN, Camilla | 2000年悉尼夏奥会 羽毛球 单打 女子 铜牌 中国 叶钊颖 YE, Zhaoy...



Insearch UTS:(悉尼科技大学Insearch学院)

详细内容:如题参考答案: 悉尼科技大学INSEARCH学院(INSEARCH UTS)是悉尼科技大学(UTS)的附属学院. INSEARCH的英语课程获悉尼科技大学认可. INSEARCH的学术课程(证书IV,文凭课程和大学预科证书课程)由悉尼科技大学各院系设计,