英语人>词典>汉英 : 恺撒 的英文翻译,例句
恺撒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与恺撒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Colonies normally adopted in their official titles the name of the magistrate who established them, and thus because of the similarity of their names it is sometimes hard to distinguish Caesarian from Augustan foundations.


With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus has obtained that interest as he set him down in his testament for heir in remainder after his nephew.


Pompey could have used Caesar's disasterous attack on Dyrrhachium and crushed his army but was urged by the Senate to engage at Pharsalus, which was a bad idea considering Caesar's troops would have the experience advantage in a pitched battle.


I took him aside and found that he knew a little of Caesar s history and as he didn't know anything else , I went to work and drilled him like a galley slave on a certain line of stock questions concerning Caesar which I knew would be used www.jukuu.com


I took him aside and found that he knew a little of Caesar's history; and as he didn't know anything else, I went to work and drilled him like a galley-slave on a certain line of stock questions concerning Caesar which I knew would be used


Part III: The trait of Caesar s social reform is non - violent, which is caused by Caesar personal reasons, Roman rank characteristic and Roman mores.Conclusion: Summary the whole paper and draw the conclusion.


Anyhow, put in god 's charge sacredly, the Gui Kai that Kai scatters is scattered, of commerce put in commerce 's charge.


Beware the Ides of March' is the soothsayer's message to Julius Caesar, warning of his death.


With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus had obtained that interest as he set him down in his testament, for heir in remainder, after his nephew.


With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus had obtained that interest as he set him down in his testament, for heir in remainder, after his nephew.


更多网络解释与恺撒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

another Caesar:又一个恺撒式的人物

3. adjective 一个类似...的,一个像...的 | another Caesar : 又一个恺撒式的人物 | We will never have another dog as smart as Lassie. : 我们再也找不到像莱西那么聪明的狗了.

Kaiser Barbarossa:恺撒.巴巴罗萨号

Kaiser Karl Der Grosse 恺撒.卡尔大帝号 | Kaiser Barbarossa 恺撒.巴巴罗萨号 | Wittelsbach 维特斯巴赫号

Why would that be useful to Caesar:为什么这对恺撒有好处

Actually,losing the eagle is useful to Caesar.|实际上,鹰旗不见了对恺撒是有好... | Why would that be useful to Caesar?|为什么这对恺撒有好处? | Because Pompey is no deep philosopher.|因为庞贝不是个深奥的...



Caesar salad:恺撒色拉

恺撒色拉(Caesar Salad)是指点缀有干面包块和淋洒有鸡蛋汁的凉拌莴苣叶. 这是20世纪二三十年代美国禁酒时期加州的电影明星们去墨西哥提华纳市的恺撒餐馆饮酒开心时,由餐馆老板恺撒.卡尔迪尼怨中拼凑而成的. 提华纳市紧靠美国加州边界,

Caesar salad:恺撒沙拉

但现在,她没有坐在罗斯福饭店(Roosevelt Hotel)的游泳池边,也没有在洛杉矶好莱坞的夏特蒙特(Chateau Marmont)酒店吃着恺撒沙拉(Caesar salad),而是在忙着牧羊.


Caesar | 凯撒(古罗马的将军,政治家,历史家,公元前100-44) | Caesardom | 恺撒辖地恺撒之尊 | Caesarean birth | 剖腹产

Well,Caesar's pandered to the mob and made him a senator:恺撒为了迎合大众让他当上了元老

I remember something of the sort.|我大概记得有这么回... | Well,Caesar's pandered to the mob and made him a senator.|恺撒为了迎合大众让他当上了元老 | And when Caesar's in the Senate|而且恺撒在元老院的时...


Caesar 恺撒 | Caesarea 恺撒里亚 | Caesario 恺撒里奥

Kaiser Wilhelm II:恺撒.威廉二世号

Kaiser Friedrich III 恺撒.腓特烈三世号 | Kaiser Wilhelm II 恺撒.威廉二世号 | Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 恺撒.威廉大帝号