英语人>词典>汉英 : 恒心 的英文翻译,例句
恒心 的英文翻译、例句


constancy of purpose
更多网络例句与恒心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In spite of the scale of famine,the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism and commitment.


In short, we should take perseverance determination; perseverance, perseverance; dauntlessly patience, company-wide solidarity, to develop corporate culture, people-oriented, integrity management, abnormal thinking, by leaps and bounds.


It is only you and you alone, who will make it by your own ende***our, courage, confidence and perseverance.


For (2)系列: for instancefor one thingfor one''s sake/for the sake of sb.


This giant cloud shines brightly with gamma rays, with about the energy of 10,000 suns.


You can choose this kind of "half-hearted": confidence, perseverance, determination; creative and happy.


If you have confidence and patience,nothing is impossible!!!


By degrees and by patience you will, by God's grace, better overcome them than by harshness and your own importunity.


He can't hold a constant interest in anything. He always works in fits, and starts.


He always works in fits, and starts.


更多网络解释与恒心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

potential energy:位能

如同水库的水,累积到一个阶段,就可以从位能(Potential energy)转化为动能(genetic energy),用于发电. 有经验和恒心的人,只需要带一个提包和脑袋,就可以去哪里就发展到哪里,可以建立一个庞大的顾客群和销售体系,把智慧转化为财富.


On the other hand=在另一方面; | inconstancy=缺乏恒心; | result in=导致;

You, loser:你這失敗者; 沒出息的傢伙; 不長進的東西

You quitter! 你这半途而废的人; 没有恒心的人 | You, loser! 你这失败者; 没出息的家伙; 不长进的东西! | Can that be arranged 可以安排一下吗

You, quitter:你這半途而廢的人; 沒有恒心的人

You dumb bell/dumb ass! 你这笨蛋 | You quitter! 你这半途而废的人; 没有恒心的人 | You, loser! 你这失败者; 没出息的家伙; 不长进的东西!

Seriousness of purpose:求学认真

Perseverance 恒心 | Seriousness of purpose 求学认真 | Work habits 工作习惯

Salt water and absence wash away love:远离久别爱情淡

Rolling stones gather no moss. 滚石不积苔(要有恒心). | Salt water and absence wash away love. 远离久别爱情淡. | Saving is getting. 节约等于收入.

Energizes ):工作有激情(激情

做事有章法(严谨 Preciseness ), | 工作有激情(激情 Energizes ), | 奋斗没有休止符(恒心 Perserverance ),

Most persistent traveler on the road. That's not the path of least resistance:最有恒心的旅游者上路了

- Because you're Holden Fucking McNeil. - Right.... | Most persistent traveler on the road. That's not the path of least resistance.|最有恒心的旅游者上路了 | Everything's gotta be a fuckin' challenge f...

Great talkers,little doers:好大言者少实行

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. 没有恒心只有力量完不成伟业. | Great talkers ,little doers. 好大言者少实行. | Habit is a second nature . 习惯成自然.

j. Patience:(耐心)

i. Concern for others(关怀他人) | j. Patience (耐心) | k. Perseverance (恒心)