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恐怖片 的英文翻译、例句


horror film · dracula movie · Wam Bam Thank You Spaceman
更多网络例句与恐怖片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is not a thriller, but an action movie .


I like thrillers and I like action movies, too.


I like comedies, but I don't like action movies or thrillers.


I like thrillers and I like action movies.


DeMille, to westerns such as Cruze's The Covered Wagon (1923, horror films, gangster/crime films, war films, the first feature ducumentary or non-fictional narrative film Robert Flaherty's Nanook of the North (1922, romances, mysteries, and comedies (from the silent comic masters Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd).

DeMille的圣经史诗,还有西部片(如Cruze的《蓬车队》1923),恐怖片,枪战/犯罪片,战争片,第一部记录片或非虚构叙事片(Robert Flaherty的《北方的纳努克》),爱情片,魔幻片,以及喜剧片(喜剧大师卓别林、Keaton、Lloyd的默片)。

However, he did not like horror film, he thought the terrorist horror film too.


Horror films seem to work in part through their challenging and ting-a-ling invitation to the viewer to take part in the construction of terror.


If so, that horrible, horrible than I have Kankongbupian Because I read the online horror film, read the God of Gamblers series, is also seen changes in the murder case of mad film.


Horror film I favor and South Korea and Japan's horror film, Europe and America too the rank smell of blood only pay great attention to the vision, does not look like South Korea and Japan's horror film to be able to leave holds in the will of the people frailest one side!


I don't think thrillers are scary.


更多网络解释与恐怖片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

horror film:恐怖片

恐怖片(Horror Film)是电影700多种类型中重要且主要的一种,其下又包含多种亚类型,例如吸血鬼片、僵尸片、妖魔片等. 悬念大师希区柯克1960年所拍的>,堪称恐怖片的经典范本,片中用45秒钟呈现的40个浴室暗杀画面,

horror film, horrors:恐怖片

武侠片 swordsmen film | 恐怖片 horror film, horrors | 音乐片 musical

N: horror film:恐怖片

偵探N: detective | 恐怖片N: horror film | 恐怖SV: to be terrifying

horror film, dracula movie:恐怖片

tragedy 悲剧片, | horror film, dracula movie 恐怖片, | swordsmen film 武侠片,


尽管电影化的手段比较垂青于特定的类型片(genre),如动作片(action)、恐怖片(horror)、黑色电影(noir)、心理片(psychological drama)、悬疑片(suspense),但即使是像伍迪.艾伦(Woody Allen)这样文学性极强的导演,

horror movie:恐怖片

恐怖片(Horror Movie)是"以恐怖情节和恐怖气氛贯串全片的影片"(百度百科)美国大名顶顶的恐怖片>(Final Destination)系列,就采用了这样的表现手法.

horror movie:西方恐怖片

Action 动作 | horror movie 西方恐怖片 | romance 爱情片

dracula movie:恐怖片

一、(每小题 6 分,共 12 分) (1)用E/R图来描述关系模式电影Movie(Title,Year,Type,Length)和演员Actor(Name,Birthday)表示的数据库; (2)在上述关系模型中增加恐怖片(Dracula Movie)实体,恐怖片实体属于电影实体.

thriller thrillers:恐怖片

documentary documentaries纪录片 | thriller thrillers 恐怖片 | a scary thriller 一部令人可怕的恐怖片

thriller thrillers:恐怖片 a scary thriller 一部令人可怕的恐怖片

documentary documentaries纪录片 | thriller thrillers 恐怖片 a scary thriller 一部令人可怕的恐怖片 | an exciting action movie 一部令人兴奋的动作片