英语人>词典>汉英 : 恐怖主义的 的英文翻译,例句
恐怖主义的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与恐怖主义的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides the common features of the terrorisms,for example the political,violent and illegal,the terrorism threatened Chines security has some special characters:multimember major structure,complicated international background,strong religious character and backstairs manner of ution.


Each of the countries round that table have some experience of the effects of terrorism and all the leaders, as they will indicate a little bit later, share our complete resolution[4] to defeat this terrorism.


As part of counter-terrorism legal system, the law would prohibite incitement to terrorism and financing the extremist groups; and give the police the power to track and wire-tap suspicious elements.


The whole thesis is divided into nine chapters, its first six chapters focus on the analyses of terrorism, then the last three chapters turn to studying a new thinking of international cooperation against terrorism On the analyses of the part of terrorism with the first three chapters, I define terrorism as follows: Terrorism is a kind of action or thought in which it is the intentional use of, or threat to use ruleless violence or technical methods against civilians or against civilian targets, in order to attain political aims. What differs from other scholars' definitions is that the definition proposed states that terrorism is not only a political violence, but also a social trend of thought.


At now the policy of terrorism is excrescent active, the human society is facing the bigness threaten of the bio-terrorism.


The Indian External Affairs Ministry issued a statement on October 1, insisting that Pakistan "continues to be a country that aids, abets and sponsors terrorism and terrorist networks." It then warned:"At a time when the democratic world has formed a broad and determined coalition against international terrorism, India cannot accept such manifestations of hate and terror from across its borders."


Herman then explains how the CIA finessed terrorism by referring to "Patterns of International Terrorism" defining it as follows:"Terrorism conducted with the support of a foreign government or organization and/or directed against foreign nationals, institutions, or governments." By this definition, internal death squads killing thousands are excluded because they're not "international" unless a foreign government supports them.


Only by paying attention to and uprooting the cause of terrorism, can we solve the issue once and for all.


The high court has also agreed to hear a case involving part of an anti-terrorism law the government says is a vital part of its effort to fight international terrorism.


Certainly some of the seediest of journalists, whether we're talking about the Middle East or Northern Ireland, are those who pile on one set of adjectives --- squalid, butchering, oppressive --- for terrorism of whose aims they disapprove , and quite another set committed, dedicated, idealistic --- for the same thing done by those they like.


更多网络解释与恐怖主义的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antiterrorism | 反恐怖主义 | antiterrorist | 反恐怖主义(活动)的 | antitetanus serum | 抗破伤风血清

terrorism:恐怖主义 恐怖主义

tentative 暂定的 暂定的 | terrorism 恐怖主义 恐怖主义 | terrorist 恐怖分子 恐怖分子

Cyber terrorism:网络恐怖主义

(注:例如网络恐怖主义(Cyber Terrorism)就是随着网络技术的发展而出现的新型恐怖主义犯罪. 据有关资料,美国安全和情报研究所的Barry C.Collin在20世纪80年代中期最早使用网络恐怖主义一词. 参见周文博士著:>,

international terrorism:国际恐怖主义

国际恐怖主义(international terrorism)是当今国际社会普遍关注的"焦点问题"之一. 非凡是2001年9月11日美国遭遇恐怖主义袭击后,国际恐怖主义罪行的惩治问题愈加成为国际社会与各国关注的重点问题. 国际恐怖主义罪行具有国际性、跨国性、有组织性、活动方式多样性和危害严重性等特征,

fight terrorism:对抗恐怖主义

资助恐怖主义的国家sponsors of terrorism | 对抗恐怖主义fight terrorism | 窝藏恐布分子harbouring terrorists


terrorist 恐怖分子 | terroristic 恐怖主义的 | terrorization 恐怖手段抑制


terrorism 恐怖主义 | terroristic 暴力主义的 | terroristic 恐怖主义的


terrorist /恐怖份子/ | terroristic /恐怖主义的/暴力主义的/ | terrorists /恐布份子/


但却几乎毫无疑问的取得了实际地客观性效果(世界各国不就正都忙於打击恐怖主义),也因此美国得以获得其不同时期的政策需求之满足,以及使行武力的正当性藉口. 有学者认为恐怖主义本身具有两项意涵,其一是负面的意涵,二者则是指索引的(indexical)意

temperate Arabs:温和派的阿拉伯人

温和派的回教徒nonradical Muslims | 温和派的阿拉伯人temperate Arabs | 资助恐怖主义的国家sponsors of terrorism