英语人>词典>汉英 : 总体误差 的英文翻译,例句
总体误差 的英文翻译、例句


overall error
更多网络例句与总体误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The tried predicted results show that the absolute error of assembly average is 0.27‰,...


The average relativeerror was 3.63%, less much than mostly used group-contribution methods for alkyne, chlorine derivative, iodine derivative, especially for alkane, bromine derivative, aromatic hydrocarbon, alicyclic hydrocarbon and sulfur-containing organic compounds.


Also, by contrasting the daily、 mensal and annual precipitation interpolation errorrespectively between SIA and the other methods, we know that the interpolation effect of SIA is better than others, and its accuracy is preferable in the mass.


The sampling of complicated materials were investigated. The relationship between the composite sampling variance and the number of increments was studied. The quantitative equation for estimating the composite sampling errors directly from the physical and chemical parameters of the population with multinomial distribution theory was presented. Monte Carlo simulation technique was employed to verify the above theories.

对于复杂物质的取样,研究了分层性物质的组合取样误差与份样数目之间的关系;采用多项分布理论,提出了组合取样误差公式,建立了组合取样误差与被研究总体的理化参数(如组分含量、质量分数等)之间的定量关系,通过Monte Carlo模拟技术对此进行了验证。

Of endogenous variables with the Root-Mean-Square Percent Error between simulated values and actual values less than 5%, and 81. 8% of endogenous variables with RMSPE less than 10%, which implies that the overall goodness of the model is satisfactory.


A measuring system which mainly consists of a high precision motorized translation stage of one dimension, POINT GREY Flea2-14S3 CCD camera and LED light source was designed and constructed. Based on a detailed analysis for experiment results, the periodic changing law of system error of LED facula centroid location in this measuring system was found. The results indicate that based on Flea2-14S3 CCD camera, the random error of facula centroid location is about 0.018 pixels, the system error is about 0.06 pixels, and the total error is about 0.063 pixels (1/15 pixels).

利用高精度一维电动平移台、POINT GREY Flea2-14S3 CCD 相机和LED 光源构建了测试系统,对测试结果进行研究和讨论,发现了测试系统LED 光斑质心定位系统误差的周期性变化规律,计算得到了基于Flea2-14S3 CCD 相机的光斑质心定位随机误差为0.018 pixels,系统误差为0.06 pixels,总体误差为0.063 pixels(约1/15 pixels),能够应用于以光斑质心检测为手段的测量系统中。

A measuring system which mainly consists of a high precision motorized translation stage of one dimension, POINT GREY Flea2-14S3 CCD camera and LED light source was designed and constructed. Based on a detailed analysis for experiment results, the periodic changing law of system error of LED facula centroid location in this measuring system was found. The results indicate that based on Flea2-l4S3 CCD camera, the random error of facula centroid location is about 0.018 pixels, the system error is about 0.06 pixels, and the total error is about 0.063 pixels (1/15 pixels). According to the total error above, this CCD imager can be widely used in many measuring systems which count on facula centroid subpixel detection.

利用高精度一维电动平移台、POINT GREY Flea2-14S3 CCD相机和LED光源构建了测试系统,对测试结果进行研究和讨论,发现了测试系统LED光斑质心定位系统误差的周期性变化规律,计算得到了基于Flea2-14S3 CCD相机的光斑质心定位随机误差为0.018pixels,系统误差为0.06pixels,总体误差为0.063pixels(约1/15pixels),能够应用于以光斑质心检测为手段的测量系统中。

In this paper, by projecting the initial residual matrix onto a matrix Krylov subspace, we present a new method -- global generalized minimal error method.


If the total error exceeds the tolerance ...


This paper has described the basic function and qualification of the compensating brake master cylinder admeasuring apparatus firstly, given an introduction of gross structure, measuring principle and method, put its emphasis on the dissertation of working principle of main composing parts, such as endoscopic-micro optical system, CCD pick up camera and precision machinery system, and on the design of optical imaging system. It has analyzed the main error and the influence on measuring accuracy as well as giving a conclusion of error analysis.


更多网络解释与总体误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

estimation of error:误差估计

estimating 编制预算 | estimation of error 误差估计 | estimation of population parameters 总体参数估计

Point estimation:点估计

所谓参数估计就是用样本统计量来估计总体参数,有点估计(point estimation)和区间估计(interval estimation)之分. 将样本统计量直接作为总体相应参数的估计值叫点估计. 点估计只给出了未知参数估计值的大小,没有考虑试验误差的影响,

expected error:预期误差

89.error 误差 | 90.expected error 预期误差 | 91.population 总体

Hypothesis testing:假设检验

假设检验(Hypothesis Testing) 假设检验是用来判断样本与样本,样本与总体的差异是 由抽样误差引起还是本质差别造成的统计推断方法. 其基本原理是先对总体的特征作出 ...

inferential statistics:推论统计

8、推论统计(Inferential statistics)使我们能够通过对样本的研究将其结果推广于总体. 9、取样误差(Sampling error)样本统计量与相应的总体参数之间的差距. 10、随机取样 (random sampling) 从总体抽取样本的一种策略,要求总体中的每一个体被抽到的机会均等.

global optimum:全局最优值;总体最优值

全局误差 global error | 全局最优值;总体最优值 global optimum | 全局性质;总体性质 global property

Sampling error:取样误差

9、取样误差(Sampling error)样本统计量与相应的总体参数之间的差距. 10、随机取样 (random sampling) 从总体抽取样本的一种策略,要求总体中的每一个体被抽到的机会均等. 用随机取样法得到的样本叫做随机样本.11、变量(variable)是一种特征或条件,

serial correlation:序列相关

自相关(auto correlation)又称序列相关(serial correlation),是指总体回归模型的随机误差项u之间存在相关关系. 在回归模型的古典假设中假设随机误差项u是零均值,同方差、无自相关的.

Significance test:显著性检验

在实际工作中往往难以实现;二是从总体中抽取一定数量的样本进行抽样研究,但要考虑抽样误差对结果的影响. 因此,若用样本信息去推断其所代表的总体间有无差别时,需要使用假设检验(hypothesis testing)或称显著性检验(significance test).

total error:总误差

total environment 总体环境 | total error 总误差 | total fertility 总生育率