英语人>词典>汉英 : 急转 的英文翻译,例句
急转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flashback  ·  quirk  ·  scurry  ·  zag  ·  zig  ·  zagged  ·  scurried  ·  scurries  ·  scurrying  ·  zagging  ·  zags

更多网络例句与急转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'll shake him with a sharp turn.


Relating to or characteristic of aposiopesis.


Make a dogleg at the fire station and continue south.


Yet the grouse, although it may swoop and jink to avoid a peppering of pellets, is far from the swiftest bird that might beat a retreat from the shotguns.


The action, proceeding in the way defined, as one continuous whole, I call simple, when the change in the hero's fortunes takes place without Peripety or Discovery; and complex, when it involves one or the other, or both.


A Peripety is the change from one state of things within the play to its opposite of the kind described, and that too in the way we are saying, in the probable or necessary sequence of events; as it is for instance in _Oedipus_: here the opposite state of things is produced by the Messenger, who, coming to gladden Oedipus and to remove his fears as to his mother, reveals the secret of his birth.


After the introduction, by "said" to sing the sing part of the story is more lyrical or praise, however, plot peripety or characters explained clearly.


There are four distinct species of Tragedy--that being the number of the constituents also that have been mentioned: first, the complex Tragedy, which is all Peripety and Discovery; second, the Tragedy of suffering, e.g. the _Ajaxes_ and _Ixions_; third, the Tragedy of character, e.g. _The Phthiotides_ and _Peleus_.


Gaits and movements performed at this level include collected and extended walk, trot, and canter; trot and canter half-pass ( a movement where the horse travels on a diagonal line keeping its body almost parallel with the arena wall while making bothe forward and sideways steps in each stride); passage ( a slow-motion trot); piaffe (an approach to "trot in place"); one and two tempi changes (where the horse changes from one lead to the other in the canter); and pirouettes (a 360-degree circle that is almost in place).


A sharp reversal of direction, as of a ball carrier in football.


更多网络解释与急转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a sharp turn to the left:向左的急转

a sharp bend in the road 公路上的急轉彎 | a sharp turn to the left 向左的急轉 | strong and slightly bitter 強烈略苦的;辛辣的;刺鼻的

roller coster:过山车,情绪急转突变

mind-bending:离奇古怪令人费解的,强烈影响情绪的 | roller coster:过山车,情绪急转突变 | dizzying:令人昏乱的,极快的

Crash Dive:急潜

crapping 放弃 | crash dive 急潜 | crash ahead maneuver 全速倒车急转全速正车

Impetus Turn:右急转

24.鱼尾步 fish-tail | 25.右急转 impetus turn | 26.开式右急转 open impetus turn

Open Impetus:开式急转步

26.急转步 impetus | 27.开式急转步 open impetus | 28.开式急转和翼步 open impetus turn and wing

turn on one's heels:急转身, 急向后转

throw up sb.'s heel 用脚绊倒某人 | turn on one's heels 急转身, 急向后转 | turn up one's heel 死

Quirk:急转, 遁词, 怪癖

put on the defensive 迫使采取守势 | quirk 急转, 遁词, 怪癖 | aircraft radio sight 飞机无线电瞄准器

quirk: n.1:怪癖 2.俏皮话,遁辞,模棱两可 3.突发事件,形势的急转

ceremonious: a.1.礼仪的 2.正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的 | quirk: n.1.怪癖 2.俏皮话,遁辞,模棱两可 3.突发事件,形势的急转 | belie: v.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背


zaftig 身体丰满 | zag 急转 | zaguan 门廊

turn on one's heel:急向后转

turn off 关掉 | turn on one's heel 急向后转 | turn on the gas 开煤气