英语人>词典>汉英 : 急转向 的英文翻译,例句
急转向 的英文翻译、例句


cut back
更多网络例句与急转向相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.


The halfback started to his left, cut back to his right, and ran for a touchdown.


Don't worry,the wind is veering from its course and we shall soon be able to reach home.


The monstrous beast hovers in the air, swerves to the east sun, and then, in a blink, reverses direction, turning itself inside out.


2 When a fast-running vehicle makes a sharp turn, it can very easily cause side collision or an overturn due to the centrifugal force. 高速时急转向,极易造成车辆侧滑相撞或在离心力作用下倾翻的事故。

A sharp reversal of direction, as of a ball carrier in football.


更多网络解释与急转向相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ejaculatory duct:管

急转向内下方进入盆腔,沿膀胱侧壁向后下行,越过输尿管前方,到达膀胱底部的后面扩大为壶腹,位于精囊腺的内侧,走向内下方,其末端逐渐变细,与精囊腺的排泄管汇合成射精管(ejaculatory duct),向前下穿过前列腺底的后部,


什么是附睾 附睾(epididymis)紧贴睾丸的上端和后缘,可分为头、体、尾三部. 头部由输出小管蟠曲而成,输出小管的末端连接一条附睾管. 附睾管长约4-5米,蟠曲构成体部和尾部. 管的末端急转向上直接延续成为输精管. 附睾管除贮存精子外还能分泌附睾液,其中含...

sheepwalk:牧羊场 (名)

sheepshank 羊的小腿; 缩结 (名) | sheepwalk 牧羊场 (名) | sheer 偏航; 急转向; 使偏航; 使急转向 (动)

She sat twiddling her long and dark hair:她坐着无聊地捻弄着乌黑的长发

4. twiddle: twist or turn idly or aimlessly 旋弄;捻弄 | She sat twiddling her long and dark hair. 她坐着无聊地捻弄着乌黑的长发. | whirl: move round quickly 急转;突然转向

He whirled and faced his pursuers:他突然转过身来,面对着跟踪者

whirl: move round quickly 急转;突然转向 | He whirled and faced his pursuers. 他突然转过身来,面对着跟踪者. | 5. pluck: pull 拔;拉

Yalu jiang:鸭绿江

鸭绿江(Yalu Jiang)中、朝界河. 汉称马訾水,唐始称鸭绿江,因水色深绿如鸭头得名. 源于长白山主峰白头山南麓海拔2 300米处. 上游流经崇山峻岭,坡陡流急,谷宽50~150米. 中游自临江以下,转向西南,坡度变缓,谷宽200~2 000米. 下游自水丰以下,