英语人>词典>汉英 : 急变 的英文翻译,例句
急变 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
leap  ·  saltus  ·  zag  ·  zagged  ·  leaps  ·  zagging  ·  zags

更多网络例句与急变相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the expression of bcl-2 gene and cell apoptosis and cell cycle in bone marrow of chronic myelogenous leukemia.

目的 探讨bcl-2基因表达在慢性粒细胞白血病急变中的生物学意义。

Genetic instability of DCC and Mfd41 may play a role in the evolution of CML.


Illusively, the music turns to extreme quickness. In the contrary of the previous fearless heroics, it is firstly guided by the strong orchestra, and then the swiftly pinch and high-tone glissando play the incomparably cheerful mood of "Gibson" dancing.


By using Flash software produced a number of fluid flow in the animation, including the viscous flow in vivo experiments indicate friction, rotation speed Dengjiao containers of liquids in relative balance, the system and control of, weak disturbance in the transmission space - Mach cone, the disturbance wave Dissemination process, bypassing the wings of the two-dimensional flows, ease converter and blast crisis and stagnation flow indicate parameters and critical parameters such as the concept that a number of animation, produced by sports meeting between the animation, shape meeting between animation, masking animation and time Axis to achieve those effects the flow of fluid animation, and by adding these buttons used to control the flow of fluid animation, and so will the speed of the fluid flow in a clear show up.


This paper describes how to use Flash production of viscous flow in vivo experiments indicate friction, rotation speed Dengjiao containers of liquids in relative balance, the system and control of, weak disturbance in the transmission space - Mach cone, the disturbance wave propagation process, bypassing the wings The two-dimensional flows, ease converter and blast crisis and stagnation flow indicate parameters and a number of critical parameters, such as animation.


This paper describes how to use Flash production of viscous flow in vivo experiments indicate friction, rotation speed Dengjiao containers of liquids in relative balance, the system and control of, weak disturbance in the transmission space - Mach cone, the disturbance wave propagation process, bypassing the wings The two-dimensional flows, ease converter and blast crisis and stagnation flow indicate parameters and critical parameters such as the concept that a number of animation, produced by sports meeting between the animation, shape meeting between animation, masking effects animation and timeline to achieve these fluid flow The animation, and by adding these buttons used to control the flow of fluid animation speed.


Major research contents and achievements included as the following:(1) On the plane chart the lead isotopic vector in the medium-large scales,which indicants the deep mineralization.


The protein product of BCR-ABL is a constitutively active tyrosine kinase that drives the abnormal proliferation of CML cells.


Through the principal components analysis of 27softwoods,we found that the directionality of cell arrangements was accordant with theevolution order of Ginkgoaceae,Pinaceae,Taxodiaceae,Cupressaceae,the more evolutivewood species,the stronger directionality of cell arrangements along radial,but thedirectionality of cell arrangement along the radial of Larix spp.which was abrupt changedspecies was comparatively weak.


Inclinical,CML has been divided into chronic period,acceleration period andblast period.Each period has distinct heterogenicity,and,extra variations ofchromosomes and genes emerge in blast period.


更多网络解释与急变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gradual transition:渐变

急变 abrupt transition | 渐变 gradual transition | 纵向树脂道 longitudinal resin canal


(1)羟基脲(HU) 为细胞周期特异性抑制DNA合成的药物,曾被推荐为CML单药治疗的首选药,但加速期CML疗效差,急变期CML基本无效[1]. (2)马利兰(BU) 属烷化剂,为细胞周期非特异性药物,对大多CML慢性期患者疗效确切,

make sense:合理

葛霖指出,希望集团6年前并无收购美国汇丰融资(HI),但事情已经发生,集团会吸取教训,未来将集中於合理(make sense)的业务,而在过去一年市况急变下,集团是次终止有关业务的决定痛苦.

rapier loom:剑杆式投纬织机,剑杆织机

rapidly varied flow 急变流 | rapier loom 剑杆式投纬织机,剑杆织机 | rapier silage rake 杆条式青贮料集运器


saltpetre 硝石 | saltshaker 盐瓶 | saltus 急变


saltshaker 盐瓶 | saltus 急变 | saltwater 盐水的


saltshaker 食盐瓶 | saltus 骤然的中断 | saltus 急变

saltus:跃幅 急变

salttolerant 耐盐性的 | saltus 跃幅 急变 | saltusofdiscontinuity 不连续度


snaky /蛇的/蛇一般的/弯弯曲曲的/阴险的/多蛇的/ | snapback /快反向/急变返回/急速返回/ | snapdragon /金鱼藻/一种游戏/

Otitic Barotrauma:航空中耳炎,因气压急变所引起的耳伤

OTH 经过伪装地面的目标 | Otitic Barotrauma 航空中耳炎,因气压急变所引起的耳伤. | PAN PAN PAN 国际紧急无线电通讯信号,表示飞机遇到紧急状况,不至于遇难,但已处于需要警戒的状态