英语人>词典>汉英 : 急剧变化 的英文翻译,例句
急剧变化 的英文翻译、例句


abrupt change
更多网络例句与急剧变化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results are revealed that reading error of the thermocouple in the course of dynamic response is mainly ca...

结果显示:在动态响应过程中热电偶读数误差主要决定于热电偶测头以及热电偶隔热罩的辐射热损失,并且它的辐射热损失又受热电偶测头的滞后时间常数τ0 的限制;随着动态响应过程的进行,热电偶读数的误差急剧变化;当τ=3τ0时,基本上可以认为动态响应过程结束,但升温变化时误差更大。

It can make slow changes of soil temperature. It decreased the quick changes of soil temperature caused by the sudden changes of air temperature, and maintain the normal growth of the trees, in addition, it increased air humidity in plum orchard. It eased the drought status during period of high temperature. Sown grass in plum orchard can increase soil organic substance, total N, available N, available F, and available K.


Barrel is the key part of artillery. In shot process, propellent gas of high pressure and high temperature flows in the tube at a high rate of speed, which brings an upheaval to the temperature field of the composite barrel. As to the composite barrel with metal inner, its poor thermal conductivity is more likely to cause uneven temperature distribution and bigger temperature gradient, to produce improper deformation and to make the work temperature of metal inner rise, all of which will affect the life span of barrel.


These changes kept the ride high enough to protect the undercarriage, but without drastically changing the center of gravity.


Seepage velocity smoothly change from a steady value to a new steady value, the ratio of the new steady value over the original steady value might increase hundreds of thousand times or even more, but it is always finite.(3)Water-inrush goes with the failure of rock strata, but seepage velocity can not increase unendingly, so seepage flow cant be unstable.


With the heat source moving, the whole weldment's temperature sharply changes, and the material's physical property parameters also sharply change. At the same time, there is latent heat of melt and phase-change.


The results show that because of the variation of temperature in space and time, deformstion mechanism will change correspondently.


This system mainly contains the front-end pulse interception and back-end software analysis. In the first part, we used a non-invasive infrared measurement method based on the dual channel simultaneous measurement technique. We measured the photo-plethysmograph from the subject's fingers and toes simultaneously, then used an analog circuit and central control unit to process the signals. Finally, the digital volume pulse data is processed by a personal computer. Because the characteristic points of digital volume pulse always occur in sharp variations, this paper proposes two algorithms to solve this problem. First, we find the pacemaker and percussion wave peak from transient slope variation, and then locate the dicrotic notch and dicrotic wave peak by using the wavelet transformation algorithm. When we analyze the data, we use the Visual Basic graphical user interface, which together with the Matlab is the core of the system.

本系统主要包含前端脉波撷取及后端软体分析两部分,其中前端脉波撷取部份是以非侵入式的红外线量测方式,双通道同步量测受测者手指与脚趾的光容积变化描记图,同时将此讯号经类比处理电路及中央控制单元输出成为数位容积波,再传送至个人电脑中;而在后端软体分析部份,因数位容积波之特徵点皆出现於波形中急剧变化的部份,故本论文以瞬间斜率变化量来定位脉波讯号中的起搏点及主波峰顶点,并利用小波转换演算法(wavelet transformation algorithm)来分析重搏切迹与重搏波顶点;程式撰写主要以Matlab为核心,结合Visual Basic的图形化使用者操作介面,增加系统与使用者间的亲和力。

Years of Chinese real estate, but was staged in Hainan, a large, real estate Enlightener Hollywood blockbusters like to attend the meeting in the single-pole, hero At that time, the soul-stirring only a small number of people; in 1998, real estate was thrown after the market-oriented, there are known as real estate development was "encircled monopoly"-like, until 2002, real estate development of only 10% of the investment banks can borrow撬起leverage of the secret is no secret that the world only on indictment, when the real estate belongs to a circle Ambilight; in 2005, up to the circle containment wall finally collapsed, re-allocation of resources, every resource structure the changes are drastic changes in the pattern of a business opportunity, even if the profits of real estate development from 30% to 10%, but outside of people, here is still the land of the return on investment.

一九九三年的中国房地产,但分别在海南,一个大型,房地产启蒙好莱坞大片要出席这次会议的单相,英雄在这当时,惊心动魄,只有少数的人;在1998年,房地产被抛出后,以市场为导向,有被称为房地产开发&包围垄断&一样,直到2002年,房地产开发的只有10个%的投资银行可以借用杠杆撬起的秘密是什么秘密,世界上只有公诉,当房地产属于一个圆圈流光溢彩;在2005年,最多的圆圈,终于遏制墙倒塌,重新分配资源,每一个资源结构的变化是急剧变化的商业模式的机会,即使利润的房地产开发由30 %至10 %,但外面的人,这里仍然是土地上的投资回报率。

Commenting in the latest issue of the club's newsletter North News, director Mike Salthouse says,'the LNG industry is going through a radical change, which has dramatic implications for the way in which LNG ships operate ? and the risks involved.

协会主管Mike Salthouse在最近发表的北方新闻通讯评论中指出:液化天然气产业将发生急剧变化,变化将涉及LNG船舶运营和风险。

更多网络解释与急剧变化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angle of reflection:反射角

由於光束的电子振荡与金属薄层内金属原子产生共振作用时,在特定的反射角范围内会引起反射强度的急剧变化,此一反射角(angle of reflection)又称为共振角(resonanceangle),如图五(a)所示.



EI Nino:厄尔尼诺

改革开放以来,我国社会生活发生了急剧变化,大批新词新语应运而生. 由于社会变革的迅猛,新词的生成速度惊人地快. 比如,人们正大谈\"厄尔尼诺\"(EI Nino)之际,\"拉


但是,当环境急剧变化时,以往建立在合同基础上的终身雇佣制就显得与环境越来越不和谐了,取 而代之的是建立在"可雇性"(employability)基础上的新雇用契约.


改革开放以来,我国社会生活发生了急剧变化,大批新词新语应运而生. 由于社会变革的迅猛,新词的生成速度惊人地快. 比如,人们正大谈"厄尔尼诺"(EI Nino)之际,"拉尼娜"(La Nina)已经产生;刚出现"智商" (IQ)却又进出个"情商"(EQ);才在谈"第三产...


1.潮间带 (intertidal) 或沿岸带 (1ittoralzone) 即与陆地相接的地区. 虽然该带内的生物几乎都是海洋生物,但那里实际上是海陆之间的群落交错区,其特点是有周期性的潮汐. 生活在潮间带的生物除要防止海浪冲击外,还要经受温度和水淹与暴露的急剧变化,

ionospheric disturbance:电离层扰动

[编辑本段]电离层扰动 电离层扰动(ionospheric disturbance)电离层结构偏离其常规形态的急剧变化,又称电离层骚扰. 电离源的突变、非平衡态动力学过程、不稳定的磁流动力过程和某些人为因素等,都可引起电离层扰动. 它常严重影响电离层中无线电波的传播.


Judd 贾德 | judder 急剧变化 | Jude 犹太书


jumping stand 跳台 | jumpy 急剧变化的 | junction 联结


导致主调属音持续音. 短短的经过段落以渐静的(calando)和弦和延长号结束,引向再现部. "热情"(appassionato)这个标记不应该影响本广板乐章的庄重、严肃、毫无rubato的节奏,它完全通过演奏的力度--突然的sf、ff和pp的急剧变化等等表现出来.