英语人>词典>汉英 : 思维的 的英文翻译,例句
思维的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Basing on this point,this article try to seek after the disciplinarian and method of creating thinking in art design by largely studying thoughts,psychology,vision and research how to inspire the capacity of thoughts and how to promote creativity by the convergence and radiation of thinking,abstract epitome and representational depiction,the transition of rational thinking and irrational thinking.


Those five aspects describe quality of thinking from the different angle: deepness incarnate thought"s deepness; flexibility of thinking incarnate thought"s variety; criticalness of thinking incarnate one"s own view; originality of thinking incarnate thought"s novelty; agility of thinking incarnate thoughts speed.


The emphasis of creative thinking in physics teaching in high school should be put on the training of three basic forms as intuitional thinking, thinking in images and logical thinking and two fundamental patterns as dispersing thinking and concentrated thinking. To improve the creative thinking in physics refers to the profundity, the flexibility, the criticalness and agility of thinking.


The path to educating thinking quality has: regarding the convergent thinking as the core to educating deepness; regarding the divergent thinking as the core to educating flexibility and originality; regarding the discrimination of thinking as the core to educating criticalness; regarding the skip thinking as the core to educating agility.


By combining physics teaching with the training of innovative thinking of positive and negative, divergent and concentrative, common and different, abstract and figurative, composite and decomposite and equivalent, we develop students' innovative thinking ability and show the practical value of physics in the ability cultivation of innovative people of talent.


It is further discussed how to be effective foster creative thinking ability of students, through the establishment ideal condition, induce the student to create wants, to raise the student thought the flexibility, to raise student's intuitive thought ability, to strengthen the student thought the divergency, to raise student's negative thinking ability,to enhance the critical thinking of the students


The work of this paper include nailing down the meaning of cultivation of creationary thinking during college physics teaching, analysing of relative theory about creationary thinking ,such as its definition,trait, essence and so on, and demonstration of creationary thinking educable, discussing several kinds of creationary thinking and it's exhibition in physics phylogeny , bringing forward idiographic tactic of cultivation of creationary thinking, which is the core of the paper, putting forward two problems needing embedded thinking, which are correlative with cultivation of creationary thinking successfully.


From the point of originality, students learn to analyze objects and thoughts. They may learn to analyze objects from external description to subjective description, with nonfigurative mind. In this course, students are to realize that originality is beyond decoration.


The author proposes that converse thinking is sources of vacuity design and it is a new expression of innovation of visual art.


Thinking has a three-edged structure, which includes six components: purpose, process, data, quality, self-monitoring, and non-identity factor; and the theoretical basis of TP is thinking structure.


更多网络解释与思维的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

affectional category:思维的情感型(Bruner用语) 感情的类别

affection | 友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 | affectional category | 思维的情感型(Bruner用语) 感情的类别 | affectional film | 爱情片


anoesia | 智力缺失, 白痴 | anoesis | 无思维的纯感觉状态,纯被动的意识 | anogamic propagation | 无配繁殖

anthropomorphic thinking:拟人化思维

拟人化思维(Anthropomorphic Thinking)把人类固的特性和特点加于自然界事物使之人格化的观念. 它是一种原始思维形态. 拟人化思维的形成是以原始人的灵魂观为基础的. 原始人普遍相信灵魂不灭,不死的灵魂离开人的躯体后,可以和其他事物相结合,这样一来,

apanage de la pensee philosophique:哲学思维的特权

antiparticule 反粒子37 | apanage de la pensee philosophique 哲学思维的特权102 | application 应用,重叠贴合,"重合"35,55,56,61,107

divergent thinking:发散思维

美国心理学家吉尔福特(J.P.Guilford)提出的"发散思维"(divergent thinking)的培养就是思维灵活性的培养. 发散思维又称扩散性思维、辐射性思维、求异思维,它是一种从不同的方向、途径和角度去设想,探求多种答案,最终使问题获得圆满解决的思维方法.

with a group of like-minded individuals:由一群有着相似思维的人成立

the company was formed 30 years ago 这家公司于30年前 | with a group of like-minded individuals. 由一群有着相似思维的人成立 | ordinary men and women who were gifted 他们原以为自已是芸芸众生中一员


现在对我们来说情况很明显:别的思想都是意识的或者(更确切的说)思维的前意识的(preconscious)系列的各个部分. 它们或许是人们清醒时所思考的,甚至可能是在前一天所形成的. 但是,在梦的思想的成分中所发生的其他变化,却比上述变化更重要.

The greenhouse effect is gradually warming the earth's atmosphere:温室效应正使地球的 大气层逐渐变暖

greenhouse n.温室,暖房 | The greenhouse effect is gradually warming the earth's atmosphere ;温室效应正使地球的 大气层逐渐变暖. | intellectual a.智力的,善于思维的; 知识性的 n.知识分子


从狭义来看,它指人运用表象和概念进行分析、综合、判断、推理等认识活动的过程,与"思维"(thinking) 的概念等同. 这两层含义之间的关系可以看成是智力与思维的关系,智力(或广义的认知)包含思维,思维是智力的最高级和最核心的部分.

Power of Focus - Jack Canfield:专注的力量--杰克.肯非尔德

15. 穷爸爸,富爸爸--罗伯特.清崎;Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert... | 16. 专注的力量--杰克.肯非尔德;Power of Focus - Jack Canfield | 17. 积极思维的力量--诺曼.文森特.皮尔;Power of Positive Thinking - Norman V...