英语人>词典>汉英 : 怀古 的英文翻译,例句
怀古 的英文翻译、例句


meditate on the past · reflect on an ancient event · cherish the past
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Despair, while Huaigu can not help but relax, do not think the telephone era, the world how simple, quiet family life and how, at least a customs house, the outside world does not come in on the storm, which like the modern home, elbow-forever Fuzhao time to time such a bomb.


The castle is redolent of the past.


The use of different product lines can be designed with simple, modern style, or can betone, classic reproduction.


Back to ancient water, and go along the road, book, five bulbophyllum paved path, tortuous, isn't that was winding horseshoe step by step, the grinding travel light tea-horse road?


This article begins with the guiding creation of Sketches of Taiwan , sin literature and art, put emphasis on compose skills and artistic characteristics and some other aspects of the second movement Recollections of anping ,the third movement Llan Childrens Ditty,the fifth movement A Taiyal Love Song and the sixth movement lukang Temple Gathering.


In art manifestation, we may conclude several kinds of styles interweaving mutually. Besides the reappearance of medieval esthetics, the extremely profound naturalism initiated by Pre-Raphaelites, the inspiration of classical sculpture and Italian Renaissance art, as well as the aestheticism occurred in fin-du-siècle, those make Victorian medieval love painting graceful, sensual, sentimental, and most, exclusively unique.


Historical Ode refers to the poesies in which the poets express their emotions and remarks on their contemporary matters through directly paying attribute to historical themes. Being a unique school, Historical Ode differs itself from Allusion in its history-orientation.


Sometimes religion construction has obvious feature of meditating on the past and its form seems to be stickled in the traditional architectural typology.


更多网络解释与怀古相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nostalgic Musing Over the Past:桂枝香 金陵怀古

The Lantern Festival 生查子 元夕 | Nostalgic Musing Over the Past 桂枝香 金陵怀古 | The Sorrow of Parting 满庭芳 山抹微云


除此以外,由于经历过罗马人(Roman), 诺曼人(Norman) 甚至海盗(Viking)的统治,这里留下了不少遗址,虽然简陋,却保全得不错. 喜欢历史的人还可以选择一边听着录音解说,一边参观York Minster地宫的石棺、雕塑怀古一番. 坦白说,

stories redolent of mystery:有神秘意味的故事

redolent wine气味强烈的酒 | stories redolent of mystery有神秘意味的故事 | The castle is redolent of the past.那城堡使人怀古.

Medito pri la antikva regno Yue:越中览古

La ruino de Gusu-palaco 苏台览古 | Medito pri la antikva regno Yue 越中览古 | Sopiro pri antikva tempo tempo dum nokta ankrado cxe la Bova monto 夜泊牛渚怀古

To the Tune of Yong Yu Le:永遇乐 京口北固亭怀古

水龙吟 登建康赏心亭 To the Tune of Shui Long Yin | 永遇乐 京口北固亭怀古 To the Tune of Yong Yu Le | 风入松 Winds Between Pine Trees

missing the perished motherland:故国之恋

双向有序方列联表:missing data | 故国之恋:missing the perished motherland | 怀古:the Poems of missing old times

History commenting:咏史

怀古:History Memorization | 咏史:History commenting | 认知:history

Josephs H.K:怀古词,新瓶装旧酒?" 泰康评论

Jao.Tsung-i 评敦煌词 T'oungPao 1974 | Josephs H.K. "怀古词,新瓶装旧酒?" 泰康评论 1976.1 | JosephsHilaryKromelow. 秦观词 哈佛大学出版社 1973