英语人>词典>汉英 : 快步走 的英文翻译,例句
快步走 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
double  ·  doubled  ·  skelp  ·  trot  ·  trots  ·  trotted  ·  trotting

at the double
更多网络例句与快步走相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afterwards I studied at C4-409, previewing the text Araby by James Joyce, and was greatly interested in the story concerning the love experience of the hero, and I was pitiful towards the disappointment that he felt, as well as shocked at the writing style of stream of consciousness.

今天早上吃完早饭走在大道上,遇到同学,快步走上去给撑伞,即兴做了一个思辨问题的采访,随后在 C4-409预习詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《阿拉比》,深深地被小说的男主人公的爱情故事所吸引,为他的失望而惋惜,更为乔伊斯意识流的写法所震撼。

Dynamic stretching avoids bouncing motions and tends to incorporate more sport-specific movements, such as arm circles, torso rotations, butt kicks, high knee lifts and walking lunges.


He walked at a good pace.


A brisk daily walk is ideal, but the main thing is to choose an activity that you enjoy.


In fact, between a steam bath or a 30-minute brisk walking, I will go for the latter.


He walked briskly to the door and then halted for a moment.


If you need to instancy for energy,fast walk ten miuntes(probably you walk outside,the sun can activate you hand),heard the good music,and talk with your friend.


If you need to charge up energy peremptorily, you can walk quickly for 10 minutes (If possible, the sunshine will stimulate your mind), listen to the music, or chat with your friends.


If you need recover in a shor time,please skelp in ten minutes(If it possible go out to the sunshine ,it will stimulate your brain ),listen to the fantastic music or chat with your friends.


On May 9, in Moscow, should attend the war that defend a country to win 60 years on invitation the each country leader of celebration from reviewing stand slowgoing trend is anonymous when the grave of martyr, abrupt double reachs man of simple of Japanese premier springlet foremost face, with American president Bush it is joking, it is to pat shoulder, if attend a party general; And the German prime minister that visits at the back of them applies dignified of expression of Lord criterion.


更多网络解释与快步走相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


小毛驴(Donkey)都快步走到栅栏前来;鸵鸟们(Emu)也都紧盯着我们手里的小碗,并且一啄一大口的,像是要把手都吃下去般;鸭子们也是百折不挠地尾随着我们......之后我们在乌拉迈冲浪海滩(Woolamai Beach)逗留了半个多小时.


doubled /两倍/快步走/加倍努力/ | doubleness /加倍/双重/ | doubles /双打/

half step:快步

Double time! 跑步前进! | Half step! 快步. | Mark time, march! 踏步走!

Monica Bellucci:莫妮卡.贝鲁齐

NO.1 莫妮卡-贝鲁齐(Monica Bellucci)赵薇就是那种属于典型的易胖的女孩子,似乎还没有摆脱婴儿肥那个阶段. 据她本人透露,其已经疯狂减肥瘦了十几斤. 而她快速减肥的妙招很简单,就是运动--每天都快步走. 看似非常简单的瘦身方法往往也是最有效的减肥方法,

Quick march:快步走

At ease march! 便步走! | Quick march! 快步走! | Double time! 跑步前进!

Quick time, march:快步走

跑步走 Double time march. | 快步走 Quick time march. | 立定 Halt.


skeletonize 记下概要 | skelp 快步走 | skene 短剑

tromp tramp:践踏, 跺脚

42. trip stumble and fall 绊倒, 摔倒,轻快地走 | 43. tromp tramp践踏, 跺脚 | 44. trot move in a quick, steady, bouncy gait between a walk and a run小跑,快步走,疾走

Please travel along:请快步走

Please put things in train.请把一切准备就绪. In a/the train在火车里 | Please travel along.请快步走 | Travel out of the record 扯到题外

Joe and Ryu frowned. Ken trotted up beside his brothers. "You:喬和 Ryu 皺眉頭. 肯恩快步走在他的兄弟旁邊上面. "你

from here. I am often called-" his lip... | Joe and Ryu frowned. Ken trotted up beside his brothers. "You / 喬和 Ryu 皺眉頭. 肯恩快步走在他的兄弟旁邊上面. "你 | are bold to return here, after two of ...