英语人>词典>汉英 : 忧郁地 的英文翻译,例句
忧郁地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glumly  ·  mopishly  ·  morosely  ·  dumpishly

更多网络例句与忧郁地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

O, I know, I know,' said the Badger gloomily.


A melancholy song 忧郁歌 trip upon trenchers, and dance upon dishes, my mother sent me for some barm, some barm; she bid me go lightly, and come again quickly, for fear the young men should do me some harm.


"I guess if we let him have it , we can still eat," Henry had said ,brooding gloomily. But it knocks Christmas into a cocked hat.


In the process, they come to the aid of the bullies who have dismally failed to upstage them with their own rescue effort.


"Nothing," she answered, a little drearily .


When the train stopped he stood up gloomily, for 14: he thought of his sick mother.


"Young misses whut frowns an pushes out dey chins an' says 'Ah will' and 'Ah woan' mos' gener'ly doan ketch husbands," prophesied Mammy gloomily.


Tudsbury and Slote were in a lusty argument, with Natalie look in g sombrely from one to the other


She always listened patiently but rarely uttered more than a pensive "hmmm" or I see.


The old smoke-stained storehouses on either side, rose heavy and dull from the dense mass of roofs and gables, and frowned sternly upon water too black to reflect even their lumbering shapes.


更多网络解释与忧郁地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gloomily ad. depressedly, dejectedly:忧郁地;沮丧地

meanwhile ad. during the same period of time 同时 | gloomily ad. depressedly, dejectedly 忧郁地;沮丧地 | complain vi. speak in an unhappy, annoyed, dissatisfied way 抱怨

glumly:忧郁地; 闷闷不乐地 (副)

glum 怒容的, 阴沉的 (形) | glumly 忧郁地; 闷闷不乐地 (副) | glut 满足; 充斥; 狼吞虎咽 (动)

Glen Grimm grinned grimly at the green, gloomy glutton:葛兰.格林冷酷地对着没有经验,忧郁的老 笑

80.The gorilla's gray is engraved with giraffe'... | 81.Glen Grimm grinned grimly at the green, gloomy glutton.葛兰.格林冷酷地对着没有经验,忧郁的老 笑. | 82.Mona Monroe mourned the moral morass of the...


mophead 拖把头 | mopish 忧郁的 | mopishly 忧郁地


mopish 忧郁的 | mopishly 忧郁地 | mopoke 笨人


mopishly 忧郁地 | mopishly 垂头丧气地 | mopishlysulkily 闷闷不乐地

somberly:昏暗地; 忧郁地; 阴沉地; 郁闷地 (副)

somber 昏暗的; 忧郁的; 阴沉的; 闷闷不乐的 (形) | somberly 昏暗地; 忧郁地; 阴沉地; 郁闷地 (副) | sombrero 墨西哥阔边帽 (名)

tristesse n.f:忧愁,忧郁,悲伤,凄惨

tristement adv. 优愁地,优郁地,悲伤地 | tristesse n.f. 忧愁,忧郁,悲伤,凄惨 | troc n.m. 物物交换

up hill and down dale:翻山越谷 到处勇往直前地, 不顾一切地劲头十足地, 猛烈地

the gentleman on the hill [美]国会议员 | up hill and down dale 翻山越谷 到处勇往直前地, 不顾一切地劲头十足地, 猛烈地 | 413-hip n.臀, 蔷薇果, 忧郁

The glum groom grew glummer:忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁

151.All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的并非都是金子. | 152.The glum groom grew glummer. 忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁. | 153.Pink tea: giggle, goggle and gabble. 女性茶会的特点:咯咯地笑、大声地嚼、不断地聊...