英语人>词典>汉英 : 忏悔 的英文翻译,例句
忏悔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confess  ·  confessional  ·  peccavi  ·  penance  ·  penitence  ·  repent  ·  shrift  ·  confessing  ·  confesses  ·  penanced  ·  penances  ·  penancing  ·  repented  ·  repenting  ·  repents  ·  confessions

be penitent
更多网络例句与忏悔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From "Home" to "Biograph of reminisce",It is the ceasless development of repent consciousness,In the "Biography of reminisce",Ba jin breaks though the narrow purpose of moral self-perfect of Lev Tolstoy ,It makes the repent consciousness go beyond Lev Tolstoy.


"Confessional:Of, relating to, or resembling confession ."


For wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor).


The great literary merit of his Confessions of an English Opium Eater 《鸦片吸食者的忏悔》(1822) lies in his subtle revelation of the potentiality of human dreams.


In order to have it cancelled here, the penitent receives from his confessor what is usually called his "penance", usually in the form of certain prayers which he is to say, or of certain actions which he is to perform, such as visits to a church, the Stations of the Cross, etc. Alms, deeds, fasting, and prayer are the chief means of satisfaction, but other penitential works may also be enjoined.


E. ,"knowing the past, grasping the meaning of the past, and then acquiring freedom", the prototype of which just is that of the repentance of Judaic-Christianity, i. e.,"confessing to God, converting to God through contrition, and then being absolved by the grace from God". In addition to the recollection of psychoanalysis, another essential conception of it, transference, is also deeply rooted in the repentance of Judaic-Christianity, more adequately, in the principle of solidarism, the foundation of which is the idea of love of God.


Contemporary Literature and Culture lacking depth situation is the lack of a deep sense of remorse and repentance, The purpose of this paper is basis on analysising Lu Xun and Ba Jin' sense of remorse and regret, which Enlight the current literature and culture. Our literature culture needs to repent, but should not limited to repentance, we have to over through it, Perhaps, we will make our literature and cultural development board to a new level.


Explicit instructions for the confessor are found in the statutes of Alexander, Bishop of Coventry (1237), especially in regard to the manner of questioning the penitent and enjoining penance.

明确指示,为忏悔被发现在章程亚历山大主教,考文垂( 1237 ),尤其是在对于讯问的方式,在忏悔,并责令忏悔

The seventh century brought with It a relaxation, not indeed in canonical penance, but in the ecclesiastical control; on the other hand, there was an increase in the number of crimes which demanded a fixed penance if discipline was to be maintained; besides, many hereditary rights of a particular nature, which had led to a certain mitigation of the universal norm of penance, had to be taken into consideration; substitutes and so-called redemptiones, which consisted in pecuniary donations to the poor or to public utilities, gradually gained entrance and vogue; all this necessitated the drawing up of comprehensive lists of the various crimes and of the penances to be imposed for them, so that a certain uniformity among confessors might be reached as to the treatment of penitents and the administration of the sacraments.

第七世纪带来了一个放松,而不是实际上在典型的忏悔,但在教会控制;另一方面,有越来越多的罪行,要求一个固定的忏悔,如果纪律是要保持,而且,许多遗传性权利的特殊性质,这导致了一定缓解的普遍规范的忏悔,不得不加以考虑;替代品和所谓的redemptiones ,其中包括在金钱捐献给穷人或公共事业,逐步入口和时尚;所有这一切,必须制定全面列出的各种罪行和penances强加的,所以在一定程度上的统一性confessors之间可能达成的待遇penitents和管理圣礼。

The seventh century brought with It a relaxation, not indeed in canonical penance, but in the ecclesiastical control; on the other hand, there was an increase in the number of crimes which demanded a fixed penance if discipline was to be maintained; besides, many hereditary rights of a particular nature, which had led to a certain mitigation of the universal norm of penance, had to be taken into consideration; substitutes and so-called redemptiones, which consisted in pecuniary donations to the poor or to public utilities, gradually gained entrance and vogue; all this necessitated the drawing up of comprehensive lists of the various crimes and of the penances to be imposed for them, so that a certain uniformity among confessors might be reached as to the treatment of penitents and the administration of the sacraments.

公元7世纪带来了一个放松,不确实,在典型忏悔,但在教会的控制;另一方面,有一种上升的罪案数字,其中要求一个固定的忏悔,如果纪律,是坚持下去,此外,还有不少世袭权利的一个特殊性质,这导致了一定的缓解的普遍规范的忏悔,不得不加以考虑;代用品和所谓redemptiones ,其中包括在金钱捐赠给穷人或公共事业,逐步得到入口处和Vogue ;这一切都需要制订全面的名单,种种罪行和对penances被强加他们,让某一个一致性confessors可能达成以治疗penitents和政府的圣礼。

更多网络解释与忏悔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anxious seat:忏悔者座位 [转]坐卧不安

anxious bench 忏悔者座位 [转]坐卧不安 | anxious seat 忏悔者座位 [转]坐卧不安 | back benches (英国议员中的)后排席位; 普通议员席位

confessant:忏悔者, 供认者

confess | 承认, 坦白, 忏悔 | confessant | 忏悔者, 供认者 | confessed | 公开承认的, 不容怀疑的


penischisis /阴茎裂/ | penitence /后悔/忏悔/改过/ | penitent /忏悔的/悔悟的/改过行善的人/忏悔的人/悔罪者/


penitent /忏悔的/悔悟的/改过行善的人/忏悔的人/悔罪者/ | penitential /后悔的/忏悔的/赎罪的/悔罪规则书/ | penitentially /悔悟/苦行/


a short shrift 临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔 | shrift悔悟临终忏悔招认承认 | 4 the flip side唱片的反面;另一面;[引申]另一方面;[喻]对等的人物

Short shrift:简短忏悔, 给予被判处死刑的犯人的忏悔或赦免时间; 对某人某事的稍微关注或考虑

short order 速食; 快餐 | short shrift 简短忏悔, 给予被判处死刑的犯人的忏悔或赦免时间; 对某人某事的稍微关注或考虑 | short story 短篇小说

a short shrift:临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔

3 get short shrift受到怠慢受到冷遇 | a short shrift 临终忏悔 临死前的短暂时间忏悔 | shrift悔悟临终忏悔招认承认

shrive:听忏悔后赦罪; 听取忏悔; 去忏悔 (动)

shrinkage 收缩, 减低, 缩水 (名) | shrive 听忏悔后赦罪; 听取忏悔; 去忏悔 (动) | shrivelled 干枯的; 皱缩的 (形)

Shrove Tuesday:忏悔日

比如,有的在忏悔日(Shrove Tuesday)里吃油炸饼,有的在复活节那天烧毁犹大的模拟像,他是背叛耶稣的门徒. 在忏悔日里,基督教徒要去教堂忏悔以赎罪. 复活节星期一(Easter Mon-day)是复活节庆祝活动的高潮. 在英国伦敦的海德公园每年这天都举行大规模的庆祝游行.

confessionary:告解所, 忏悔室 告罪的

confessional | 自白的, 忏悔的 (教堂中神甫听取忏悔的)忏悔室 | confessionary | 告解所, 忏悔室 告罪的 | confessor | 自白者, 为信教而被迫害的教徒