英语人>词典>汉英 : 忌食 的英文翻译,例句
忌食 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diet  ·  dieting  ·  dieted  ·  diets

更多网络例句与忌食相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For instance, a type O is advised not to eat aubergine, corn, or cheddar cheese.

比如,建议 O 血型者忌食茄子、玉米或切达干酪。

If you suffer from epistaxis caused by excessive internal heat, then you should not eat any spicy food.


The general population can eat, hyperacidity those common cough, such as heat Xie Li Jishi.


At early spring seasonal changes, avoid eating mordacious food;Hate to wash face with the temperature higher water, hate a multifarious usage to wash noodles milk while wash face, use everyday an all right;Hate to do skin nursing more.


Cantaloup: avoid being eaten with crab,snail and seedcake.

马齿苋 不宜与鳖同食。香瓜忌与蟹、田螺、油饼同吃。

But clinical on the meeting after discovering some people eat pineapple causes allergy, common says " pineapple is ill " or " pineapple is toxic ", in edible 15 minutes appear namely to 1 hour or so bellyacke, disgusting, vomiting, diarrhoea, hypersensitive shape appears in the meantime, headache, dazed, skin is wet red, whole body empurples, limb and talking around pins and needles; Serious meeting faints suddenly, can appear even the symptom such as shock, because this has pineapple allergy history person diet.


People of the Hui tabooed pork, dog meat, horse meat, mule meat and donkey meat, do not eat those who slaughtered without Islam and since the death of livestock and poultry meat, do not eat animals, such as blood


Regarding the skin pruritus's prevention, should avoid certain foods pungent food in the daily life, eats has is good for the spleen the Run lung, to raise the blood Run skin function food, like dried ripe fruit, lily, husked lotus, tremella fuciformis, Chinese yam, pear, walnut kernel, almond, pine nut, peanut, milk, soybean milk and so on.


Theestablished French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé.Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées arevegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream ; creamsoups may be thickened with béchamelsauce ; and veloutés are thickened with eggs , butter andcream.


更多网络解释与忌食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to be allergic to penicillin f:糖尿病

5. to have a good appetite e. 用酒精棉球消毒 | 6. to be allergic to penicillin f. 糖尿病 | 7. stimulating food g. 忌食

dietary contraindication:食忌

食肉则遗 relapse due to eating meat | 食忌 dietary contraindication | 食性 eating habits

eating habits:食性

食忌 dietary contraindication | 食性 eating habits | 食泄 food diarrhea




而韩国当局亦于中国生产的利脆(Ritz)芝士夹心饼中验出三聚氰胺. >消息,食安中心9月30日公布三款不合格食品,当中以五十二克装"固力果百奇咖啡味忌廉饼干条"的三聚氰胺含量最高,达百万分之四十三,超标十六倍,


這是一種厚身膏狀的忌廉,原自Dovenshire, England,一般用來塗英式鬆餅(Scone)或拌生果吃). Superstore 有售. 預先雪凍大碗及打蛋器於雪櫃(refrigerator)內兩小時或在冷凍櫃 (freezer) 雪十分鐘,用中速打發至食譜要求的厚便硬度.