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必要部分 的英文翻译、例句


part and parcel
更多网络例句与必要部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was no churchgoer, but asked what his next target would be after communism, he replied, only half-jokingly,"the devil".


Part 3:what do you can learn in International travel? travel's impact on ecnomic;what is the avtivities of living in foreign country;第二部分cue card,= favourite type of movies.


Fixes are a necessary part of navigation by dead reckoning because dead reckoning relies on estimates of speed , course .


So exchange rate adjustment seems to be a necessary part of the broader adjustment.


Rip - Software that has had all the non-essential gubbins removed to reduce its size. Videos and

精简版 -拿掉不必要部分(比如游戏的视频同音乐用户手册)的软件或游戏。

Rip - Software that has had all the non-essential gubbins removed to reduce its size. Videos and music are always the first casualties.

精简版 -拿掉不必要部分(比如游戏的视频同音乐用户手册)的软件或游戏。

"But it's also scaled on the amount of intuitiveness and creativity necessary on the part of the outsourcing provider's employee," says Larry Keating, CEO of Toronto-based Keating Technologies, a tech-based CRM supplier.


After the review of the previous studies on the models of sky luminance distribution, it is the first that this thesis make the systematic study of the pseud-overcast sky luminance distribution by two characteristics of the maximum sky luminanace element and the luminance lapse rate with that the all of sky luminance distribution is determined. Through discussed, these methods and results on pseud-overcast sky study are suggested to be valid of the standardization of intermediate skies in this thesis.


The principles of definition, the law of contradiction, the fallacy of arguing in a circle, the distinction between the essence and accidents of a thing or notion, between means and ends, between causes and conditions; also the division of the mind into the rational, concupiscent, and irascible elements, or of pleasures and desires into necessary and unnecessary-- these and other great forms of thought are all of them to be found in the Republic, and were probably first invented by Plato.


In the terms of our earlier classification, the proles are the Low: for the slave population of the equatorial lands who pass constantly from conqueror to conqueror, are not a permanent or necessary part of the structure.


更多网络解释与必要部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abortive infection:顿挫感染

顿挫感染 (abortive infection) 病毒进入宿主细胞,若细胞缺乏病毒增殖所需的酶、能量及必要的成分,则病毒不能合成本身成分;或虽合成部分或全部成分,但不能装配和释放出有感染性的病毒颗粒,这样的病毒感染称为顿挫感染.




同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,


同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,

Concluding Remarks:结论

6.结论 (Concluding Remarks)任何一篇完整的论文都必须有一个结论. 经济学论文的结论通常包括以下两个部分:第一部分,用凝练的语言将论文所得到的基本结论及其意义作一个归纳总结,这种总结应当尽可能简短,以节省篇幅并且避免不必要的重复.


部分GET方式通过允许当客户端没有得到全部的传输数据时部分的重建数据来减少不必要的网络使用.当缓存器返回响应既不是第一手的也不是最保鲜(fresh)的,此响应必须附加警告,13.2 过期(Expiration)模型13.2.3 年龄(Age)计算相反情况(write-back)在HTTP1.1中是不允许的,

Paper Jam:卡纸

13.1 卡纸(PAPER JAM)或13.2 卡纸(PAPER JAM)是打印纸在送纸部分被延迟或停止. 解除方法: 确定纸盒被正确安装; 确定送纸部分没有阻碍物; 检查PS402、PS403是否正常工作,必要时需更换相关的传感器.

The letterhead:信头

Standard parts 必要部分 | 1. The letterhead 信头 | 2. The date line 日期


Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信. | Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分. | Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理.

polish up:磨光,檫亮,提高,改进

part and parcel主要部分,必要部分 | polish up磨光,檫亮,提高,改进 | pay back 偿还(借款等)