英语人>词典>汉英 : 心血 的英文翻译,例句
心血 的英文翻译、例句


painstaking care · painstaking effort · the heart blood · heart blood
更多网络例句与心血相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's, you knoW, a labor of love of mine and it's not quite there yet.


Finally, the increasingly complex programs that have engaged Meier's architectural talents over the past decade demand the same sort of accretive process enacted in the sculptures.


Lefevre was an enthusiastic adorer of the saints, and he had undertaken to prepare a history of the saints and martyrs as given in the legends of the church. This was a work which involved great labor; but he had already made considerable progress in it, when, thinking that he might obtain useful assistance from the Bible, he began its study with this object.


To compare the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease with heart-blood stagnation syndrome due to Qi defi ciency and Qi stagnation.


We are mature enough now to stand the shock of learning that much of what we were taught in our youth was wrong, or improperly understood by those who were teaching it, or perhaps shaded a bit, the shading resulting from the personal needs of the teachers, who as human beings had a tendency to introduce some of their heart's blood into their work, and sometimes this may not have been of the first water, this heart's blood, and even if they thought they were moving the "knowledge" out, as the Board of Education had mandated, they could have noticed that their sentences weren't having the knockdown power of the new weapons whose bullets tumble end-over-end (but it is true that we didn't have these weapons at that time) and they might have taken into account the fundamental dubiousness of their project (but all the intelligently conceived projects have been eaten up already, like the moon and the stars) leaving us, in our best clothes, with only things to do like conducting vigorous wars of attrition against our wives, who have now thoroughly come awake, and slipped into their striped bells, and pulled sweaters over their torsi, and adamantly refused to wear any bras under the sweaters, carefully explaining the political significance of this refusal to anyone who will listen, or look, but not touch, because that has nothing to do with it, so they say; leaving us, as it were, with only things to do like floating sheets of Reynolds Wrap around the room, trying to find out how many we can keep in the air at the same time, which at least gives us a sense of participation, as though we were Buddha, looking down at the mystery of your smile, which needs to be investigated, and I think I'll do that right now, while there's still enough light, if you'll sit down over there, in the best chair, and take off all your clothes, and put your feet in that electric toe caddy and slip into this permanent press hospital gown, to cover your nakedness-why, if you do all that, we'll be ready to begin!


We are mature enough now to stand the shock of learning that much of what we were taught in our youth was wrong, or improperly understood by those who were teaching it, or perhaps shaded a bit, the shading resulting from the personal needs of the teachers, who as human beings had a tendency to introduce some of their heart's blood into their work, and sometimes this may not h39e been of the first water, this heart's blood, and even if they thought they were moving the "knowledge" out, as the Board of Education had mandated, they could h39e noticed that their sentences weren't h39ing the knockdown power of the new weapons whose bullets tumble end-over-end (but it is true that we didn't h39e these weapons at that time) and they might h39e taken into account the fundamental dubiousness of their project (but all the intelligently conceived projects h39e been eaten up already, like the moon and the stars) le39ing us, in our best clothes, with only things to do like conducting vigorous wars of attrition against our wives, who h39e now thoroughly come awake, and slipped into their striped bells, and pulled sweaters over their torsi, and adamantly refused to wear any bras under the sweaters, carefully explaining the political significance of this refusal to anyone who will listen, or look, but not touch, because that has nothing to do with it, so they say; le39ing us, as it were, with only things to do like floating sheets of Reynolds Wrap around the room, trying to find out how many we can keep in the air at the same time, which at least gives us a sense of participation, as though we were Buddha, looking down at the mystery of your 56ile, which needs to be investigated, and I think I'll do that right now, while there's still enough light, if you'll sit down over there, in the best chair, and take off all your clothes, and put your feet in that electric toe caddy and slip into this permanent press hospital gown, to cover your nakedness-why, if you do all that, we'll be ready to begin!


After the man done all he can by devoting his own love,done he can do and held he could hold.Once he ever hoped to give everything she need,even sacrifice himself to this holy love accordingly,but always with nothing by return .The man therewith dried his blood in drops after time and time again's lonely wait,were broken by this sadly love accordingly .When the love lost the native belief,the feeling itself mazed from the sole harbour,then the value of love is nothing matters.


After the man done all he can by devoting his own love,done he can do and held he could hold.Once he ever hoped to give everything she need,evensacrifice himself to this holy love accordingly,but always with nothing by return.The man therewith dried his blood in drops after time and time again's lonely wait,were broken by this sadly love accordingly.When the love lost the native belief,the feeling itself mazed from the sole harbour,then the value of love is nothing matters.


We are mature enough now to stand the shock of learning that much of what we were taught in our youth was wrong, or improperly understood by those who were teaching it, or perhaps shaded a bit, the shading resulting from the personal needs of the teachers, who as human beings had a tendency to introduce some of their heart's blood into their work, and sometimes this may not have been of the first water, this heart's blood, and even if they thought they were moving the "knowledge" out, as the Board of Education had mandated, they could have noticed that their sentences weren't having the knockdown power of the new weapons whose bullets tumble end-over-end (but it is true that we didn't have these weapons at that time) and they might have taken into account the fundamental dubiousness of their project (but all the intelligently conceived projects have been eaten up already, like the moon and the stars) leaving us, in our best clothes, with only things to do like conducting vigorous wars of attrition against our wives, who have now thoroughly come awake, and slipped into their striped bells, and pulled sweaters over their torsi, and adamantly refused to wear any bras under the sweaters, carefully explaining the political significance of this refusal to anyone who will listen, or look, but not touch, because that has nothing to do with it, so they say; leaving us, as it were, with only things to do like floating sheets of Reynolds Wrap around the room, trying to find out how many we can keep in the air at the same time, which at least gives us a sense of participation, as though we were Buddha, looking down at the mystery of your smile, which needs to be investigated, and I think I'll do that right now, while there's still enough light, if you'll sit down over there, in the best chair, and take off all your clothes, and put your feet in that electric toe caddy and slip into this permanent press hospital gown, to cover your nakedness-why, if you do all that, we'll be ready to begin!


We are mature enough now to stand the shock of learning that much of what we were taught in our youth was wrong, or improperly understood by those who were teaching it, or perhaps shaded a bit, the shading resulting from the personal needs of the teachers, who as human beings had a tendency to introduce some of their heart's blood into their work, and sometimes this may not h39e been of the first water, this heart's blood, and even if they thought they were moving the "knowledge" out, as the Board of Education had mandated, they could h39e noticed that their sentences weren't h39ing the knockdown power of the new weapons whose bullets tumble end-over-end (but it is true that we didn't h39e these weapons at that time) and they might h39e taken into account the fundamental dubiousness of their project (but all the intelligently conceived projects h39e been eaten up already, like the moon and the stars) le39ing us, in our best clothes, with only things to do like conducting vigorous wars of attrition against our wives, who h39e now thoroughly come awake, and slipped into their striped bells, and pulled sweaters over their torsi, and adamantly refused to wear any bras under the sweaters, carefully explaining the political significance of this refusal to anyone who will listen, or look, but not touch, because that has nothing to do with it, so they say; le39ing us, as it were, with only things to do like floating sheets of Reynolds Wrap around the room, trying to find out how many we can keep in the air at the same time, which at least gives us a sense of participation, as though we were Buddha, looking down at the mystery of your 56ile, which needs to be investigated, and I think I'll do that right now, while there's still enough light, if you'll sit down over there, in the best chair, and take off all your clothes, and put your feet in that electric toe caddy and slip into this permanent press hospital gown, to cover your nakedness-why, if you do all that, we'll be ready to begin!


更多网络解释与心血相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


让曾经对他的弟弟尤瑟说过:安吉丽卡(Angelica)作为最初的Gunslinger Girl她的担当官马尔哥在她身上倾注了许多心血,在她打针怕痛的时候马尔哥都会给他讲>的童话故事,在原本的故事讲完后安吉丽卡仍然要马尔哥接着讲>的故事,

Angelus:祈祷, 祈祷钟

chief justice 审判长,首席法官,法院院长 | angelus 祈祷, 祈祷钟 | with much ado 费尽力气, 费尽心血

cardiac asthma:心源性哮喘

此种呼吸困难称"心源性哮喘"(cardiac asthma). 左心衰竭发生机 制为:①睡眠时迷走神经兴奋性增高,冠状动脉收缩、心肌供血减少,心功能降低;②小 支气管收缩,肺泡通气量减少;③仰卧位时肺活量减少,下半身静脉回心血量增多,致肺 淤血加重;

cardiac atrium:心房

cardiac asthma 心性哮喘 | cardiac atrium 心房 | cardiac blood-pool scanning 心血池扫描

stagnation of the heart-blood:心血瘀阻

内风 endogenous wind | 心血瘀阻 stagnation of the heart-blood | 肝气郁结 stagnation of the liver-Qi

Venous return:静脉回心血量

握影响静脉回心血量(venous return)的因素.1.掌握心交感神经(cardiac sympathetic nerve)和心迷走神经(cardiac vagus nerve)末梢兴奋时对心脏产生的效应及主要机制.2.掌握颈动脉窦和主动脉弓压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)的过程和生理意义,

My life's work, destroyed by a bunch of unread, solecistic thugs:我一辈子的心血,都被你粗鲁的文盲狗腿子毁了

...but where I come from one does not go around r... | My life's work, destroyed by a bunch of unread, solecistic thugs!|我一辈子的心血,都被你粗鲁的文盲狗腿子毁了! | I have no patience for old women wi...

with much ado:费尽力气, 费尽心血

angelus 祈祷, 祈祷钟 | with much ado 费尽力气, 费尽心血 | fungin 菌纤维素

conceiving a passion for something:你对某样东西倾尽心血

Laura, try to imagine|罗拉,试想 | conceiving a passion for something,|你对某样东西倾尽心血 | having one desire, dedicating your life to it|只有这么一个心愿 耗尽毕生精力

All my hard work is nullified:我全部的心血都泡汤了

7. She's been leading him on. 她一直牵着他的鼻子走. | 8. All my hard work is nullified. 我全部的心血都泡汤了. | 9. He revealed it in an unguarded moment. 他一不小心说漏了.