英语人>词典>汉英 : 心突出 的英文翻译,例句
心突出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

hernia cordis
更多网络例句与心突出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CXR showed cardiomegaly with increased bilateral pulmonary infiltrations,prominent pulmonary trunks,suspect congestion VS pneumonia.


In a new development phase, iRest people will carry forward the corporate service spirit of "love, confidence, carefulness, concentricity, trouble-saving and assurance", target on making the company better, larger and stronger and creating novelty, optimization and famousness, make great efforts to promote technical innovation, vigorously participate in international competition, bring into play the superiority of iRest and Haozhonghao brands, give prominence to the main business, take a comprehensive business and diversified development, keep surpassing itself and consolidate its domestic leading position and international front-ranking position in massaging apparatus industry.


The discredit of the political class, the dwindling confidence in public institutions, the disillusionment with the market economy – despite a halfhearted acknowledgement that there is a lack of alternatives – and the problems of social exclusion, all highlight the need to build a consensus platform that will guarantee an environment of political stability and democratic governance.


Leaves sessile; blade broadly oblong or oblong-ovate to narrowly oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 2-6.5(-8)× 1-3.2 cm, thickly papery, abaxially rather paler but not glaucous; laminar glands dense, unequal dots or short streaks; intramarginal glands dense; main lateral veins 4-6-paired, with densely reticulate tertiary venation not or scarcely prominent abaxially; base cordate-amplexicaul, apex rounded to shallowly retuse.

叶无柄 叶片宽长圆形或长圆状卵形到狭长圆形或长圆状披针形, 2-6.5(-8)* 1-3.2 厘米,厚纸质,背面相当浅但不是苍白;片状腺体浓,不相等的小圆点或者短的条纹;近边缘内腺体浓; 4-6配对的主要侧脉,突出的具密网状第三脉不或几乎不;抱茎基部心形,先端圆形对浅微凹。

ZENG Zi recapitulated Confucius theory as loyalty and remission,and turned the way of thinking to heart especially by loyalty,and emphasized introspectiveness.


From their impressive songwriting with its powerful sounds and ambitioned lyrics about witch hunters, King Richard Lionheart and the attitude of British soldiers towards war, to their striking cover artwork, Saxon unequivocally stand by their origins.


The ECG shows evidence of severe left ventricular hypertrophy with prominent precordial voltage, left atrial abnormality, lateral ST-T abnormalities and a somewhat leftward QRS axis (-15 degrees).

心电图显示的证据,严重左室肥厚与突出的心前的电压,左心房异常,横向的ST - T异常和有点左QRS波轴(-15度)。

Fruit a schizocarp, disk-shaped, fruit axis as long as or shorter than carpels; mericarps more than 15, laterally compressed and circular with a prominent ventral notch, glabrous or pubescent, 2-celled, proximal cell 1-seeded, distal cell sterile.


Nature, Glittering and translucent, feminine heart, amber, contour line, perfect heart makes, wearing a yellow transparent amber necklace to set up a thousand pounds in favor of feeling.


Results Right heart infected endocarditis were always superimposed on patients with congenital heart disease or drug addicts. Pulmonary embolisms were the most distinct characteristics in this patients. Echocardiography had a important role on diagnosis of right endocarditis.

结果 右心感染性心内膜炎主要发生于先天性心脏病,其次为静脉药瘾者;其突出临床特点为肺栓塞;超声心动图对诊断右心感染性心内膜炎有重要价值。

更多网络解释与心突出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

right atrium:右心房

所有沟内均有血管走行并被脂肪组织覆盖右心房(right atrium)位于心的右上部,腔大壁薄,其向左前方突出的部分称右心耳(right auricle),内面有许多并行排列的隆起肌束,称梳状肌.

right auricle:右心耳

右心房(right atrium)位于心的右上部,腔大壁薄,其向左前方突出的部分称右心耳(right auricle),内面有许多并行排列的隆起肌束,称梳状肌. 当心功能发生障碍时,心耳处可因血流缓慢而形成血凝块,一旦脱落形成栓子,可堵塞血管.

left auricle:左心耳

左心房(left atrium)位于右心房的左后方,构成心底的大部分,左心房向右前方突出的部分称左心耳(left auricle),内有与右心耳内面相似的梳状肌. 梳状肌发达,凸向腔面,致使腔面不平,当心房血流淤滞时,较易引起血栓形成. 左心房有四个入口和一个出口.


187,mens测量 | 188,ment心,神,智,思,意 | 189,min伸出,突出


cardioblast 成心肌细胞 | cardioblast 成心细胞 | cardiocele 心突出


cardioblast 成心细胞 | cardiocele 心突出 | cardiocineticcardiokinetic 促心动的

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:肥厚型心肌病

肥厚型心肌病(hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)特点是心肌显著肥厚,心室舒张功能障碍. 心肌肥厚可见于室间隔和游离壁,以室间隔多见. 其中,室间隔高度肥厚,向左心室腔突出,收缩时引起左心室流出道梗阻者,称肥厚型梗阻性心肌病;室间隔和左室游离壁对称性肥厚,


nephrocapsulotomy 肾被膜切开术 | nephrocardiac 肾心的 | nephrocele 肾突出

papillary muscles:乳头肌

而自心室壁发出,向心腔内突出的锥体性隆起则被称为乳头肌(papillary muscles),心瓣正是通过乳头肌的收缩和腱索的牵拉,才不会反折向心房. 哺乳类动物有瓣膜防止血液倒流. 二尖瓣复合体(mitral valve complex)和三尖瓣复合体(tricuspid valve complex)指的是瓣尖(或称瓣叶),

project oneself:突出自己, 表现自己;设想自己处身于

n. plan 提案,议案 | project oneself突出自己, 表现自己;设想自己处身于(into) | projects th. onto sb. 设想某人怀有和自己 一样的想法(或感情); 以己之心度人之腹