英语人>词典>汉英 : 循环性的 的英文翻译,例句
循环性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与循环性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an application, a different proof for the cyclicity of some composition operator on Fock type space will be given.


Ron : Oh, you know how it is. These things are always *cyclic.


The paper summerizes several general pratical new techniques, such as the analyzers of program profiles, maximum potential parallelism, array privatizability, loop parallelism; the visualizers of the statement data dependence graph, procedural callgraph, loop iteration space graph and interactive tools of array privatization and unimodular transformation; the automatic techniques of array privatization combined data dependence and coverage, the computation of parallelizing unimodular transforming matrix for mult-nested loops, enhanced unimodular transformation with array reduction recognition, non-loop level parallelism revealing technique, dynamic dataflow analysis and optimization of cross-loop local cache reuses, etc.


NP-Det N NP——Det Adj N PP S(the tall man with glasses that I met) The recursiveness of Phrase structure rules 短语结构规则的循环性 These rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentence with inf inite length, due to their recursive properties.

根据短语结构规则,短语和句子可以无限循环地组合起来。 X-bar theory X 标杆理论(X 标杆理论是将各种短语结构规则高度抽象地综合成单一的X 标杆规则的理论。)一定要结合书本!

In this paper, we first give an example that the bilateral weighted shift operator in c_0space is hypercyclic operator and first solve the existence problem of hypercyclic operator in c_0or c_0(Z space . And then we investigate the property of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and an important property of the hypercyclic vector of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and c_0 space. At last we give the concept of weak hypercyclic operator and weak hypercyclic vector , and give the equivalence between the weak hypercyclicity and the hypercyclicity in l~1 space.

本文首先给出了c_0空间上的一个双边左加权移位算子是超循环算子的一个例子,首次解决了c_0 或c_0(Z 空间中超循环算子的存在性问题;接下来分别研究了c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的性质以及c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的超循环向量的一个重要性质,最后提出了弱超循环算子和弱超循环向量的概念,并且给出了I~1空间中弱超循环性与超循环性的等价性。

Their time is a kind of circulative time, with foreseeable characteristic.


The results also show that intercooling can lead little improvement in performance and recovering the intercooling heat is of no use, and on the contrary, reheating can remarkably enhance the efficiency and power output of all cycles investigated.


Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


Barley yellow dwarf virus is reported to be the most important viral pathogen of cereals worldwide. In fact, BYDV is a group of at least five luteoviruses that cause similar symptoms in cereals but can be distinguished serologically and on the basis of vector specificity.

禾谷类作物的黄矮病是由大麦黄矮病毒(Barley yellow dwarf virus,简称BYDV)的侵染所引起的,在世界各国均有发生,由蚜虫进行循环性的永久传播。

The algorithm is with the cycle type of implicit parallation and population searching . The data structure focusses on coarse-grained symbolic information processing and modular programming oriented to semantics.


更多网络解释与循环性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他指出,"循环性"(circularity)是控制论的中心概念,而对各种类型循环性的再认识正在成为控制认识论的基本特点. 这种控制认识论包括提出问题的方式和审视、倾听的方式. 为此循环性被作为控制论的第一原理. 控制系统论不同于早期控制论观点.


circularlyspherically 圆地 | circulars 街招 | circulative 循环性的

Constrictive pericarditis:缩窄性心包炎

缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis)指心脏被致密厚实的纤维化心包所包围,使心脏舒张期充盈受限而产生一系列循环障碍的临床征象. 近几年临床观察到急性心包炎1-3个月内可以发生心包粘连、缩窄,迅速进展为缩窄性心包炎.

cyclothyme:兴奋和压抑情感交替的人; 躁郁症患者 (名)

cyclostome 圆口纲脊椎动物 (名) | cyclothyme 兴奋和压抑情感交替的人; 躁郁症患者 (名) | cyclothymia 循环性精神病 (名)

cyclothymic:循环性精神病的 (形)

cyclothymia 循环性精神病 (名) | cyclothymic 循环性精神病的 (形) | cyclotomy 睫状肌切开术 (名)


摄食行为通常被认为由内衡性(homeostatic)摄食和享乐性(hedonic)摄食两部分构成. 其中享乐性摄食行为由视觉或是嗅觉刺激激发,这种激发由大脑中与奖励和激励相关的区域负责. 而体内平衡性摄食行为被认为受到循环激素的控制,这种循环激素主要作用于视丘下部(hypothalamus).


circulant /循环行列式/ | circulative /循环性的/促进循环的/具有流通性的/ | circulator /传布者/循环器/循环小数/


cyclophosphamide | 环磷酰胺,癌得星,安道生(免疫抑制剂及抗肿瘤药) | cyclophrenia | (躁郁)循环性精神 | cyclophyllus | 圆形叶的


nonarithmeticshift 非算术移位 循环移位 | nonaromatic 非芳香性的 | nonartesianaquifer 非自流含水层


⑩奥斯丁(Austin)、涂尔干(Durkheim)和凯尔森(Kelsen)为避免循环性并找到法律效力的其他某种基础而竞相尝试提出了针锋相对的理论. 然而,有效性就是循环性--当然,这种循环性需要在逻辑上展开阐述.