英语人>词典>汉英 : 御医 的英文翻译,例句
御医 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I forgive this good servitor his endeavor to hide my death from me.Hermogenes is learned; he is even wise, and his integrity is well above that of the ordinary court physician.


For it was bruited about, in truth, that he put Verus out of the way, either with poison - by cutting a sow's womb with a knife smeared on one side with poison, and then offering the poisoned portion to his brother to eat, while keeping the harmless portion for himself104 - or, at least, by employing the physician Posidippus, who bled Verus, it is said, unseasonably.


Once there reigned a Queen, in whose garden were found the most glorious flowers at all seasons and from all the lands in the world; but especially she loved roses, and therefore she possessed the most various kinds of this flower, from the wild dog-rose, with the apple-scented green leaves, to the most splendid Provence rose.


Vesalius was court physician to Charles V.


According to meticulous notes kept by Jean Héroard, the French court physician, the young Louis XIII, born in 1601, was not given a bath until he was almost seven.

根据法国御医Jean Héroard一丝不苟的记录,1601年出生的路易斯八世7岁前也没能洗一次澡。

更多网络解释与御医相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


archetype /原型/ | archfiend /恶魔头目/魔王/撒旦/ | archiater /主任医师/御医/


这便是有记载的人类第一例输血.此后,御医的输血法引起了广泛、激烈的争论.到1670年,输血疗法终于被禁止.从此,"输血"这一概念整整沉寂了 150年.到19 世纪英国的产科医师 詹姆士(James)改进了输血技术并提 出只能输人类的血液但是,


archiater 御医 | archiater 主任医师 | archiblastooplasm 卵浆


archfiendbeelzebubdemogorgon 魔王 | archiater 御医 | archiater 主任医师


archfiend /恶魔头目/魔王/撒旦/ | archiater /主任医师/御医/ | archibald /高射炮/

Court physicians:御医

余苏富扎伊帕坦(部落名)Yusufzai Pathans | 御医 Court physicians | 印德 Ind