英语人>词典>汉英 : 得志 的英文翻译,例句
得志 的英文翻译、例句


achieve one's ambition · have a successful career
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The last months and days of Simon Bolivar, the brilliant and thwarted liberator of South America


But the immediate camarilla surrounding China sleader was a contradictory crew - an indigestible mixture of YMCA secretaries, Shanghai gangsters, ambitious sycophants, disillusioned visionaries, party thugs, tired revolutionaries, wistful liberals, palace eunuchs, feudal clowns, corrupt bureaucrats, Confucian mystics and sick psychopaths.


When the Countess Dowager of Southdown fell foul of the Corsican upstart, as the fashion was in those days


I think the best place for fishing is not a comfortable man-made fish-pond where hungry fish are ready for you, but an enchanting place in the wild where everything is natural.


If I went around wearing a hair shirt, they would say I was too damaged to lead. If I was happy, they would say I was gloating and acting as if I'd gotten away with something.


Einstein's father, a Hermann Einstein, is a small businessman blossom, and his favorite thing is to do every evening in the living room to read Schiller, Heine, and others work.


The honest, pitiless joy of a fanatic in the full flood of his atrocity preserves a certain lugubriously venerable radiance.


He is very persuasive and you need to be pretty strong-minded to say no to him.


Resignation to inevitable evils is the duty of us all; the peculiar duty of a young man who has been so fortunate as I have been in early preferment; and I trust I am resigned.


Resignation to inevitable evils is the evil duty of us all; the peculiar duty of a young man who has been so fortunate as I have been in early preferment; and I trust I am resigned.


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Ang Lee:李安

伟同被逼以"乖乖仔"形象修书一封声称会在美国结婚,没料父母想亲眼见证. 无奈,他只得拉上来自上海的不得志的女艺术家葳葳(金素梅)"假婚",想逃过一劫. 编剧: 李安 (Ang Lee) / 严歌苓 / 张艾嘉 (Sylvia Chang)

yellow croaker:黄鱼

除此之外,黄雀(siskin)指得志小人、俗士或以闲散自适者,蚂蚁(ant)指小人物,黄鱼(yellow croaker)只大脚女子等,都是只有在汉语言文化中才有的喻义. 人类文化,虽然存在着语言差异、民族差异和文化差异,但又存在着一定的联系,

feign muddleheaded:难得糊涂

难得糊涂(feign muddleheaded)扬州八怪之一郑板桥一生坎坷,为官不得志,老年写"难得糊涂"以自慰. 在被扭曲的社会处境下学会"难得糊涂"可以保全自身,并维持心理不致过分不宁. 这与"王顾左右而言它"有相似义. 反向(reaction)一般说来个人行为的方向与其动机方向是一致的,

but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding:恶人兴起,人就躲藏

12 义人得志,有大荣耀;When the righteous triumph, there is g... | 恶人兴起,人就躲藏. but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding. | 13 遮掩自己罪过的,必不亨通;No one who conceals trandgressions w...

unashamed nepotism:一人得志,雞犬升天

雞犬不驚 complete peace and quiet; | 一人得志,雞犬升天 unashamed nepotism; | 雞鳴,雞啼 cock's crow.

complete peace and quiet:雞犬不驚

雞犬不留 utter extermination ("even chickens and dogs are not spared"); | 雞犬不驚 complete peace and quiet; | 一人得志,雞犬升天 unashamed nepotism;

presidential election:总统选举

前几天美国的总统选举(presidential election)不仅缔造了百年来最高的投票率,也诞生了史上第一位黑人总统. 许多人或许以为Barack Obama少年得志,在短期内因为天时地利人和而胜出,殊不知他在就读哈佛法学院时就表现杰出,并在毕业后成为人权律师,

flourishing vb.n.: prospering:得志

14. individual n. : a single person. 个人. | 15. flourishing vb.n.: prospering. 得志. | 16. illusion n.: unreal image. 幻象.


Spacewalking:太空行走 | Wunderkind:神童,少年得志者 | Comprehensive:全面的,广泛的

Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to the Sea:河水终归入大海,哪有人无得志时

1.Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to the Sea.河水终归入大海,哪有人无得志时. | 2.Every cloud has a silver lining.朵朵乌云镶... | 3.God made the country,and man made the town.上帝造乡村,人类...