英语人>词典>汉英 : 得到娱乐 的英文翻译,例句
得到娱乐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recreate  ·  recreated  ·  recreates  ·  recreating

更多网络例句与得到娱乐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barnum and the whole idea of where you're not just sitting and getting an entertainment. You're walking into another world.

Barnum ,你不单单是作壁上观地得到娱乐,你需要亲身走进这个另类世界。

They are less prone to angry outbursts and seem to be better equipped to making distinctions between work and play.


Today reported hearing yesterday morning in Zhengzhou, the provincial health department held a provincial Centers for Disease Control AIDS prevention and control work and in recognition of patriotic health conference, this year the work of the deployment of anti-Ai, the province's existing AIDS patients will be 20 yuan per person per month cost of living supplement, it is necessary at places such as entertainment services step by step to achieve the full implementation of 100% Condom Project.


You might think that there was a pretty straightforward answer to that question, or at least that the answer provided by Lord Reith ("to inform, educate and entertain") could scarcely be bettered for simplicity and felicitousness.


One hallmark of a master stand-up comedian is the ability to not only face down a "heckler", but win over and entertain the rest of the crowd with a witty retort.


Midori Yuasa, General Manager and Senior Vice President for Capcom

我们得到了和Midori Yuasa谈话的机会,他是Capcom娱乐公司手机部

Codenamed as VN1000, it is a next generation digital media chipset that has been enhanced to support DirectX 10.1 suitable for multimedia desktop and all-in-one PC with greater entertainment experience and touch screen capability.

作为VN1000代号,它是下一代数字媒体芯片组,已得到增强,支持DirectX 10.1多媒体台式机和适合所有功能于一台PC有更大的娱乐体验和触摸屏功能。

Secondly, when a game is designed to seek after difficulty and entertainment effect, better entertainment effect can be obtained by selecting Joystick than by selecting Game Pad to manipulate a character's action.

本实验的结果,当游戏的目的为追求难度与娱乐效果时,选择飞行摇杆Joystick来操控人物的动作可以得到比Game Pad更好的娱乐效果表现。

We have the sanction of the recreation department to play ball in this park.


Of or relating to the specific pairing of the purines and pyrimidines between strands of a DNA or an RNA molecule.


更多网络解释与得到娱乐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有线娱乐台和台湾合作的节目>由得到金钟奖的陶晶莹(陶子)主持,而有线则派出新人戴澴雨(Anthony)参与. 节目以「爱情公寓」交友网站为平台,选出参赛者,在菲律宾宿雾、柬埔寨吴哥窟、马来西亚珍汀湾以及新加坡等地,

Bradley Cooper:主演:布莱德利.库珀

网易娱乐1月18日报道 >主演布莱德利.库珀(Bradley Cooper)接受红毯采访,他被告知>在FACEBOOK受欢迎程度最高,一部商业喜剧得到金球奖提名,他感到非常幸运.


在今年上映的好莱坞圣诞贺岁大片:>(Madagascar Escape 2 Africa)、>(Changeling)、>(Twilight)、>(City of Ember)中,欧特克传媒暨娱乐解决方案得到了广泛应用,在3D人物塑造,



Ian McKellen:伊安.麦克莱恩

新浪娱乐讯 美国AMC电视台的>(Mad Men)凭借精良的制作水准已经得到了评论界的广泛赞誉和褒奖,而早先播出的>(Breaking Bad)同样受到各方好评. 现在,AMC又成功说服两位好莱坞实力派明星詹姆斯-卡维泽(James Caviezel)和伊安-麦克莱恩(Ian Mckellen)共同....


斯图尔特-康菲尔德(StuartCornfeld)和杰里米-克莱默(...布鲁斯-威利斯点击此处查看全部娱乐图片>(DieHard)中的布鲁斯-威利斯(BruceWillis)电视生涯:这个新泽西(NewJersey)男孩在纽约当了几年的酒店侍者,在舞台剧和电影中出演小角色,等待时机. 幸运的是,他得到了主演侦察系列剧&

Platinum Solitaire:白金纸牌

GameLoft新款游戏扑克游戏>(Platinum Solitaire)受到玩家的喜爱. >分为四种游戏风格,玩家可以选择自己喜欢的娱乐场所进行游戏. 如果赢得游戏就会得到相应的奖金. 游戏难度不大,但画面十分精美.

get relaxed and entertained:得到放松和娱乐

6.move somebody to tears 使...感动落泪 | 7.get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐 | 8.venue 场所

Bradley Cooper:主演:布莱德利.库珀

网易娱乐1月18日报道 <<宿醉>>主演布莱德利.库珀(Bradley Cooper)接受红毯采访,他被告知<<宿醉>>在FACEBOOK受欢迎程度最高,一部商业喜剧得到金球奖提名,他感到非常幸运.

Police Academy:警察学院

新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月10日消息,据国外媒体报道,今日好莱坞除了3D大潮外,还在刮一股"怀旧风潮",不少七八十年代的电影电视剧纷纷得到机会"重生",<<警察学院>>(Police Academy)就是其中一员,目前新线公司正在筹备重拍该片,