英语人>词典>汉英 : 徒劳无功 的英文翻译,例句
徒劳无功 的英文翻译、例句


burn daylight · be a fool for one's pains
更多网络例句与徒劳无功相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, your start-up might prove a vain attempt at the prize, so you may lose money, time and pride.


That it is pouring, you make a vain attempt to protect yourself from the downpour with your bag.


Even if we were to rid Albion of the Chaos forces we will now be doomed


There is an edited edition of his letters from his trip round the world on HMS Beagle(注2), an effort to connect his life with that of Abraham Lincoln (who was born on the same day, February 12th 1809), an attempt (surely redundant for supporters and futile for opponents) to explain "Why Evolution is True", and even a collection of essays on Alfred Russel Wallace(注3), who came up with the idea of natural selection at the same time as Darwin, and bounced him into publishing before he was really ready.


If government cannot from go up at all change is in office the concept transforms then governmental function, cannot lawfully just processing blends in Wu of governmental day commonplace, netizen of at one's convenience again how loudly appeal to the public also make a futile effort, profitless at solving a problem at all.


The reasons were examined with great elegance in an important lecture, given at Oxford fifty long years ago by the neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, celebrating the bicentenary of Goethe's birth.


The air is stifling and her breath is boozy.


They tried in every way they knew to bring her back to life, but in vain.


Even you try to get Buddhahood, there's no result if you break the lineage….


Without avail 徒劳无功:The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but without avail.


更多网络解释与徒劳无功相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing:致一位徒劳无功的朋友

115 September 1913 1913年9月 | 116 To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing 致一位徒劳无功的朋友 | 117 Paudeen 白丁

fool's errand:徒劳无功的工作

fool 愚人 | fool's errand 徒劳无功的工作 | fool's gold 黄铁矿

the stone of Sisyphus:徒劳无功的事

swim like a stone [谑]沉下去, 不会游泳 | the stone of Sisyphus 徒劳无功的事 | throw [cast] stones at sb. 指责[毁谤, 非难]某人

work to no avail:徒劳无功

200. 退避三舍retreat to avoid a conflict | 201. 徒劳无功work to no avail | 202. 脍炙人口be on everybody's lips


unassuming 不摆架子的,不造作的 | unavailing 无结果的,徒劳无功的 | unbidden 未经请求的,未经邀请的

wild-goose chase:徒劳无功

耿耿于怀 hard feelings | 徒劳无功 wild-goose chase | 笑里藏刀 wolf in sheep's clothing

We wasted all day on a wild-goose chase:我们徒劳无功的浪费了一整天

徒劳无功 wild-goose chase | We wasted all day on a wild-goose chase.我们徒劳无功的浪费了一整天. | 笑里藏刀 wolf in sheep's clothing

draw a blank:落空;徒劳无功

drag one's feet 迟疑不前 | draw a blank 落空;徒劳无功 | draw the longbow 夸海口

to flog a dead horse:徒劳无功

hitting the nail on the head 一针见血 | to flog a dead horse 徒劳无功 | to help a lame dog over the hill 救人之急

They worked without result:他们徒劳无功

They work very hard.他们工作非常努力. | They worked without result.他们徒劳无功. | They're a perfect couple.他们是完美的一对.