英语人>词典>汉英 : 很多机会 的英文翻译,例句
很多机会 的英文翻译、例句


open field
更多网络例句与很多机会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have many new and old friends in Beijing Institute of Aeronautics.


Tang Jun: Because my professional career becomes more perfect grandly, give me a lot of opportunities and experience grandly: Appear on the market, buy or invest, these let me gain a lot of study and ascensive opportunity.


"I had considered to appear on the market, but when a company has good ready money to shed movement, appear on the market financing is not best choice certainly, the financing way with 1000 interactive oak can have a lot of, although be not,appear on the market financing can be compared to appear on the market by attenuant share price the share price of financing is some lower, but the company has more freedom, can work stealthily, can gain more opportunities, and appear on the market the enterprise does what thing must transparent, a lot of opportunities are missed possibly."


It developed from a slightly boozy lunch I had with some writer friends. We were bemoaning the fact that authors of popular fiction found it hard to get published and receive any recognition. Writers of literary fiction received grants and other handouts to get their work published, but commercial writers received nothing.


I think there's a ceiling for a lot of jobs and opportunities in this country.


Include Baidu, we are not each enterprise is cast very well and truly, but comparatively, I still think this domain inside in broadband and wireless domain inside can have a lot of a lot of opportunities, actually this also is the feeling of commonsensible sex, myself feels computer is already enough and powerful, but I did not feel the mobile phone is enough and powerful, I also did not feel bandwidth is in the home high to me inside online whats can do the broadband, the edge includes video here, also include to be in wireless when, you are not done in on the road a lot of things, the meeting side here has a lot of a lot of opportunities to come out.


"I do think there will be a lot of postgame dinners and obviously a lot of plane rides and bus rides where we'll get opportunities to talk and really focus in on what happened in the game that night," Fisher said.

" "我想我们会有很多的赛后晚餐,同时会有很长时间呆在飞机和大巴上,这样我们会有很多机会交流并且将注意力集中在当晚进行的比赛上,小鱼说。

There are always choices, even though it seems to be choiceless.


Lots of chances to travel will happen this month, too. The fullmoon, April 9, seems like a perfect time to go a short distance.


"He's going to get plenty of chances and hopefully that first goal kickstarts something and he'll score plenty more goals for us."


更多网络解释与很多机会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a lot:很多

答:很多(A lot)问:从现在来看,你后悔以他们为建队核心了吗?答:不,我的意思是,当时有机会得到真正伟大的球员,你会这样去做. 你不能只是说,'好吧,我要在明天得到一位伟大球员. '因此,当你能今天得到的时候,你必须围绕他们建队.


LG听说考个叉车(FORKLIFT)牌,在工业区的仓库能找到时薪十五刀以上的PARTTIME,周末就很少有,但一到五的晚上却是有很多机会的. 那时他想存钱想疯了(现在那病症还是没有好转,晕S我了!),而我一听是周一到周五晚上工作还要工作五个小时,


例如大量的柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)、伯辽兹(Berlioz)、 李斯特(Liszt)的作品,另外当时的"现代"作品,例如马勒(Mahler),施特劳斯(Richard Strauss)的作品乐团都有很多机会演出.

lose contact with sb:与某人失去接触的机会

11.I have a lot of free time on hand. 我手头上有很多空闲时间 | 12.lose contact with sb. 与某人失去接触的机会 | 13.get alienated from... 脱离社会

not half bad:很好(不是一点不坏)

There are plenty of pebbles on the beach. 机会很多(不是沙滩上有很多鹅卵石... | Not half bad. 很好(不是一点不坏) | You could have knocked me down/over with a feather! 真令人吃惊!(不是一根羽毛就把我打倒了...

open field:很多机会

lose the battle 战败 | lose the the day 战败 | open field 很多机会

getting to pick and choose:挑选

looking at a wide open field看到很多机会 | getting to pick and choose 挑选 | falling into dissipation 陷入放纵


另一款 "红"(Red) 则有近700种. 有很多大公司在全球很多国家都有分支机构. 他们销售香水和食用香味剂,与较小一点的公司一起,给大多数调香师提供了就业机会. 但是还有一些调香师是游离于主流的香水工业之外的.


12月22日 百日草(Zinnia) 花语:幸福 花占卜:你是个娇生惯养的可心人儿,生命中有享不完的幸福. 惹人注视的你害怕寂寞,因此你很重视友情,最担心友谊日趋淡薄. 另外,你有很多机会谈恋爱;应该是不愁寂寞的人.

lose the the day:战败

lose the battle 战败 | lose the the day 战败 | open field 很多机会