英语人>词典>汉英 : 彻底改革 的英文翻译,例句
彻底改革 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A structure improvised almost 20 years ago in the aftermath of Black Monday is in dire need of an overhaul .


We have to reform from the bottom up.


It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a "currency reform" with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new monetary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency.

因此,唯一符合逻辑的是,1948 年西德进行的彻底改革属于"货币改革",期间德国 25 马克被作为新的货币单位推出,而且同时建立了与以前的币种进行交换的固定汇率制。

They formed a space toilet research group and came up with an idea that is sure to revolutionize space travel.


The cry for a thorough reformation of the Church in head and members had been ringing through Europe for a full century; it was justified by the worldly lives of many of the clergy, high and low, by abuses in church administration, by money extortions, by the neglect of religious duties reaching far and wide through the body of the faithful.


Struensee managed to overhaul Denmark's public life, transforming it from virtual medievalism into the most liberal court in Europe.


Such an overhaul will require the recommitment of America and its allies to stabilising Afghanistan, including the overdue deployment of more troops.


Brown promised to carry out a sweeping reform to prevent the reoccurrence of such scandals.


Instead, we must revolutionise the financial services industry and the manner in which we manage the forces of globalisation domestically and internationally.


So she goes to the desk of the titular master of the house and gives it a thorough reformation .


更多网络解释与彻底改革相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cleanse the Augean stables:彻底清除积弊 进行重大改革

cleanpac | 锥形除渣器 | cleanse the Augean stables | 彻底清除积弊 进行重大改革 | cleanse | 纯净

Bloody Mary:血腥瑪莉

而这位女王因此得到"血腥玛莉"(Bloody Mary)的称号. 惟此时英国改教的情势大受影响,改革派实力消退. 但是,纵观当时处境,人心仍然倾向改教派的观点. 就在改革实力尚未被彻底铲除之前,玛莉女王却先一步撒手尘寰. 血腥的日子只不过持续了五年而已!

We have to reform from the bottom up:我们要彻底改革一下

[20:17.24]You've turned my life upside down. ;你把我... | [20:20.35]We have to reform from the bottom up. ;我们要彻底改革一下. | [20:24.04]This is a welcome change. It's time to turn the tide. ;这是个受...


所谓"新教"(Protestantism)亦称"清教" (Puritanism),是自十六世纪起席卷整个欧洲的宗教改革运动中的各改革教派的统称. 它的主旨实质上与文艺复兴运动是一脉相承的,它彻底动摇了传统神权统治的基石,是一场使神圣的宗教世俗化的运动.


revoke ;撤销 ;撤销 | revolutionize ;变革/彻底改革 | rewind ;回绕


西装、革履、领带、燕尾服、"是的棍"(StiCk)等经常见於各种隆重场合和上流社会,后又流行於内地. 改革开放以后,我国最大的变化之一就是服装彻底成品化,买布做衣服的事已经不多见了,一个庞大的、成批生产的服装加工产业很快形成了.


业界把目光投向了基于软交换的下一代网络( NGN ). 新业务呼唤NGN 在最近20年中,电信业务逐渐由传统业务向基于IP的互联网业务转化,彻底改革了传统的通信方式. 与此同时,数据业务也从开始时的视频文字(videotext)快速转向今天的

cleanse the Augean stables:彻底清除积弊 进行重大改革

cleanpac || 锥形除渣器 | cleanse the Augean stables || 彻底清除积弊 进行重大改革 | cleanse || 纯净

TU Cottbus:科特布斯科技大学

柏林艺术大学试图同科特布斯科技大学(TU Cottbus)以及柏林工大(TU Berlin)合作,彻底研究人们是否能在一个特殊研究领域对这个专题有所贡献,有多少艺术成分能被转换到科技改革中.