英语人>词典>汉英 : 彻底摧毁 的英文翻译,例句
彻底摧毁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
devastative  ·  pulverise  ·  razes

wipe out · blow sky-high
更多网络例句与彻底摧毁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, it can totally destroy and will make your site look like an abstract, unreadable painting.


One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means ofcommunications by bombing.


One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing.


Following the destruction of the bloodsucker lair, mutants were unable to significantly affect the state of affairs on the Skadovsk.


And will Simon's explosive secret blow Olivia's marriage apart once and for all?


Unfortunately, Haniba can not protect his leagues so far as the polis of Capua. Syracus was destroyed by the Attack of Marcurus, esappeared in the history forever, in 221,BC, carried its greatest scientist in ancient, the Archimedes, altogether.


Stuttgart for example was bombed in 1944 with the central district being obliterated while the Contessa factory in the Henslack district suffered only minor damage.


If, after an earthquake that devastated rich and poor neighborhoods alike, Haiti's political and business élites resurrect the old way of fratricidal self-seeking, they will find nothing but debris for spoils.


The next year, 1908, Messina was completely destroyed.


The existence of rui proves that strength and glory can be thoroughly destroyed and obliterated.


更多网络解释与彻底摧毁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(请愿 ),黄色框框内就是请愿内容.大意是说废止 (abolishment)繁体中文将会彻底摧毁 (annihilation)中国的文化与历史.联合国应该平等对待

blow over:经历

blow out 吹熄 | blow over 经历 | blow sky-high 彻底摧毁

exhaustive methylation:摧毁性甲基化作用,彻底甲基化

exhaustive index 穷举索引 | exhaustive methylation 摧毁性甲基化作用,彻底甲基化 | exhaustive paralysis 过劳性麻痹


(颜色:红、紫、) 幻影杀手(KILLER):想让你的死对头心神不宁吗?想要让他老感觉有人在他背后监视他吗?"幻影杀手"将会从精神上彻底摧毁他. 真品巫毒娃娃的价格 巫毒娃娃最早流行到大陆市场都是从泰国拿的,因此那时候最早的那批都为正版,

blow sky-high:彻底摧毁

blow over 经历 | blow sky-high 彻底摧毁 | blow the coals 煽动

tear to pieces:撕碎; 彻底摧毁; 痛斥

take topieces (能)拆开; 分析, 仔细推敲; 严厉地批评 | tear to pieces 撕碎; 彻底摧毁; 痛斥 | think piece [美俚]记者述评, 时事分析, 背景介绍; 脑袋, 头脑


WallAbsoluteDestroyer:是否一次彻底摧毁一块墙. | Warhead:定义该武器使用的弹头定义 | Wood:是否可以摧毁木墙

wipe out:彻底摧毁,消灭

whether ... or 是......还是......,不管......还是 | wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭 | with regard to 关于,至于

wipe out 1:擦掉,擦净2.彻底摧毁,消灭

881.win over 说服,把...争取过来 | 882.wipe out 1.擦掉,擦净2.彻底摧毁,消灭 | 883.in a word 简言之,一句话,总之

Our V-1 rocket destroyed 20 percent of London:我们的V1火箭 摧毁了20%的伦敦

...to shoot down every Allied plane in the air.|把盟军空中的 每架飞机... | Our V-1 rocket destroyed 20 percent of London.|我们的V1火箭 摧毁了20%的伦敦 | The V-2 will utterly smash the city.|V2会彻底的毁...