英语人>词典>汉英 : 役 的英文翻译,例句
役 的英文翻译、例句

use as a servant
更多网络例句与役相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper, from the definition of causative, confirms the scope of causative an d expounds its form and meaning.


This study was a qualitative research, which conducted in-depth interviews with the undertakers, supervisors, team leaders of the substitute service in draftee requisition agencies (National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior), training agencies (First and Fourth Corps of Special Police) and duty service units (municipal and county police bureaus), as well as focus group interview with draftees in duty service units/ Based on literature review, theoretic discussion, and empirical research, the data were compared and cross validated, so as to identify the root causes and responding method.


Authority: 1 the draftee requisition quota review system should be transparent and fair, and allow requisition agency to be involved in personnel planning and quota augmentation; 2 for traffic assistant draftee qualification, history criminal record, tattoo ban and basic body examination threshold shall be established, the policy of selecting the right person by the requisition agency should be respected, examination and civil service bureaus support should be solicited to offer bonus points to police draftees in the police recruiting exams; 3 "assistant service" should be defined in related regulations, and restriction should be properly lifted; requisition agency should be authorized to list service items for draftee to serve individually; 4 provide diversified and rich information on substitute service volunteer screening, hold draftee screening fairs, produce screening posters or adopt the volunteer card and computer-based selection system, raise the draftees' salary to respond to the increasing living cost.


From 12 to 15 century England military service system as a whole course of development, it emerged as the clear features of the transition from fief military service system to the indenture military service system.


Causative psych verbs are synonymous with the periphrastic "make Exp V-ed" construction, but they each express a different kind of causation. Upon the analysis of data from a special corpus, we found that lexical causative is the ca...

我们以解释词汇和句法使结构差异的直接约束为理论,选择词汇使动词的一个子类———心理使动词,通过小说语料库数据证明词汇使用法是英语典型的使化结构:心理使动词在语义上与makeExpV ed结构同义,但却表达不同的因果关系;由于其直接约束有先发占领的作用,makeExpV ed结构在英语本族语人的实际语言产出中仅以间接因果关系的表征而出现。

If the easement registration meets the requirements, the administrative department of land and resources shall record down relevant items stipulated in the easement contract on the land registers and the land right certificates for servient tenement and dominant tenement, and keep the easement contract in the land parcel archives of servient tenement and dominant tenement.


Grounded on the variables of the draftees' personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them.


Reserve forces reserve the United States is a relatively sound system of the country, the first reserve officers colonial militia, and later evolved into the current reserve forces.


Therefore,servitude is the right,which regulates relationship of usage between dominant tenement and servile tenement.


The first requires register in the register of dominant tenement,the second requires register in the register of servile tenement, the third requires register in the register of servile tenement and dominant.


更多网络解释与役相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使词(Causative)的英文用语分析:在会话中,如果我们说要?或?一样事务做好,就要用使词(Causative). 在使用使词(Causative)时,我们就须要用have/has/had+V3(第三动词/分词).

causative construction:使動式;使役結構

causative agentive 使施事 | causative construction 使動式;使結構 | causative mood 使式;使語氣

conjugate complex number:共役複素数

conjugate 共 | conjugate complex number 共複素数 | conjugate gradient method 共勾配法

conjugate gradient method:共役勾配法

conjugate complex number 共複素数 | conjugate gradient method 共勾配法 | conjugate image 共

shieki; employing (vs); using; setting to work; enslavement:使役

koueki; public service | 使shieki; employing (vs); using; setting to work; enslavement | 市所shiyakusho; municipal office; council; city hall


Teana :山口 勝平 | Erio :(未登場) | Caro :(未登場)

senryouyakusha; star (acto); prima donna; leading figure:千両役者

senyaku; former post; former occupant of post | 千両者senryouyakusha; star (acto); prima donna; leading figure | 代daiyaku; important mission; heavy role; substitute actor; stand-in; double

quitrent:免役税 免役租

quiteuseful 很有用 | quitrent 免税 免租 | quittance 免除债务证书


0 現軍人 Servicemen | 01 現軍人 Servicemen | 011 現軍人 Servicemen

signum:役:遠近 孝一

Vita :檜山 修之 | Signum :遠近 孝一 | Shama l:柚木 凉香