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影坛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

the movie circle
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Argentines enjoy soccer, Argentine-made movies (The Motorcycle Diaries is an internationally recognizable example), and a special kind of barbecue, asado, where a rich variety of meats are served.


"October Rising" 2009 Chinese film made the strongest. 2,"Shinjuku Incident" reflects the real Chinese people smuggling syndicate in Japans life, the director depicts scenes between men, friend and brother, is inspiring. 3,"Banlieue 2: Ultimate" smooth continuation of the first Parkour action style, fast-paced, music is a lot of highlights. 4,"Hurricane rescue" retired agents thousands of miles to save women, clear-cut action style, the audience hooked. 5,"Ye ask," the best in recent years, the Hong Kong kung fu movies. 6,"race situation" sense of speed super "car action movie." 7,"accident" opening a surprising and exciting plot, the unique way the film temperament and camera work. 8,"the Rye" is no heroism, replaced by nothing, anxiety and loss, it is no longer a clear distinction between good and evil battle of good and evil, but at the edge of the good sorts of people and more poor people struggle. 9,"the prequel Underworld: wolf came again," a simple plot, gorgeous fight, perfect visual impact on viewers eye. 10,"Vengeance": a quiet burst of violence under the screen, slow-paced narrative images and game-like life and death among men, affection, Hong Kong director for the French meal on an Oriental.


She was lured out of retirement in the early 1990s to play in the Warren Beatty film Love Affair .


He decides to bestir oneself , third time goes into battle to return to the movie circle.


Leslie as an actor Bewitchingly, delicately, beautifully---Leslie Cheung, The belle of the Hong Kong films By Ikuko Ishihara* An original translation by Sako Here I have a Top 10 ranking of Chinese films, chosen by the members of the Hong Kong Cinema Express**, boosting its 12 thousand members in Japan.

日本名家谈张国荣迷人,优雅,美丽——Leslie 张国荣,香港影坛的绝色(By Ikuko Ishihara*)我手头有一份打入电影排行榜前十名中国华语电影名单,是由香港Cinema Express选出的,旨在增加他们的12000名日本成员。

In brief, this article is to put the individual research into the collective research of community which to compare and explore the film biography"s works of this special theme lognitudinal and transverse. With the Chinese and the Western comparison of film biography and with the evolutive course of Chinese ones at various stages, this article lead the theory out of the history and analyse the person by the theory which stand out DingYinNan"s creative status and features who is the great master of Chinese biographic moviedom.


The bright-eyed 18-year-old is proving she has true movie star talent and not just a famous name.


Wins the high praise repeatedly along with the Chinese sixth generation of director on the international film circle, from Jia Zhangke "the Three Gorges Good people""Young Wu", to makes widely known "Blind shaft""Blind Mountain", their unique narrative style and the performance way, have broken the fifth generation of forever glorious luxurious myth, even more cared that the Chinese society first floor unimportant person's innermost feelings, take the humanities concern, the aware on-the-spot report style utilization, the new aesthetic standard, is arousing people's interest and the resonsideration day by day.


Wang Jiawei is a sparkling star of Chinese filmdom of recent years. He has created seven films since he entered Hong Gong filmdom in the 80s. Each film is rated as classics. This has not only established his important position in Hong Kong filmdom and even whole Chinese filmdom, but also caused repercussions in the international filmdom.


But Eric had only joined the moviedom for one year,he could win this award,and competeded the "prince" Bae Yong Jun out of th "Most Beautiful Man",He is so cool!!


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Claude Lelouch:雷路許

>是法国国宝级大导演克劳德.雷路许(Claude Lelouch)震惊世界影坛的成名作,他的作品在嘎纳或威尼斯影展中,不是开幕片闭幕片,就是竞赛片,可见他在国际影坛的地位是多么崇高.

Dry cleaning:情迷干洗店

1959年出生於卢森堡的安妮芬婷(Anne Fontaine),是法国影坛最知名的美女导演,能编能导也能演的她,早年以舞者与演员身份走红影坛,中年转走创作后,接连以>(Dry Cleaning)以及>(Nathalie)等爱情钜作展现惊人创作力.


虽然两对组合在本片中都是首次银幕牵手,但无论从他们个人的整体风格还是从影经历上来说,他们之间的都是相当搭调的影坛搭档. 导演弗兰克?雷耶斯以编剧/导演的身份在2002年杀入影坛,首次操刀之作>(Empire)在大范围内获得好评

Harvey Weinstein:年度影坛大亨

?年度政客: George Osborne | ?年度影坛大亨: Harvey Weinstein | ?年度设计师: Giles Deacon

Harvey Weinstein:时度影坛大亨

o时度政客: George Osborne | o时度影坛大亨: Harvey Weinstein | o时度设计师: Giles Deacon


同样,战争题材的影片也一直是好莱坞称霸世界影坛(moviedom)的杀手锏之一. 对于这一点. 大导演Steven Spielberg(史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格)的体会可能是最深的. 他利用现代高超的电影技术,刺穿了那层始终遮盖在二战上的带有光荣色彩的面纱,

Righteous Kill:[世紀交鋒]

>北美首映会影坛两大教父同台沸腾纽约市 由当今影坛最受业界与影迷推崇的两大影帝劳勃狄尼洛(Robert De Niro)与艾尔帕西诺(Al Pacino),共同领衔主演的动作警匪巨片>(Righteous Kill),日前在纽约举行了盛大的首映典礼,

Winged Migration:迁徙的鸟


Jean-Pierre Jeunet:让-皮埃尔.热内

<<天使艾美丽>>就像一束温暖的阳光,照亮2001年法国影坛,也将让.皮埃尔.热内(Jean Pierre Jeunet)重新聚光打亮,揩去灰尘. 50岁的热内比吕克.贝松年长,但出道晚8年,天书奇谈公开号大器晚成. 他应该算是法国影坛的老剑客了,只是轻易不出手,


虽然两对组合在本片中都是首次银幕牵手,但无论从他们个人的整体风格还是从影经历上来说,他们之间的都是相当搭调的影坛搭档. 导演弗兰克?雷耶斯以编剧/导演的身份在2002年杀入影坛,首次操刀之作<<黑金帝国>>(Empire)在大范围内获得好评