英语人>词典>汉英 : 彩弹游戏 的英文翻译,例句
彩弹游戏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与彩弹游戏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alex: Nick! Cancel your paintball game or whatever it is you do after work.


When I first started participating in Paintball games I had a rental gun that wasn't so accurate or effective from a long distance.


More actively involved in the upcoming China International Color Ball Invitational ready to make the world's most popular competitive sport in China, more extensive development of it from the "PAINTBALL","field","WARGAME" etc. games to the broader competitive road development, and grow, and ultimately make our world the Chinese people stand on the peak of color Billiard Sports.


The jury heard that they turned paintball games into terrorist training sessions and stockpiled large numbers of guns and grenades.


更多网络解释与彩弹游戏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

or whatever:或其他类似的东西

you know, Iike, "Oh, I've been paint balling for, like, seven years"|你知道 像是 "噢 我已经玩彩弹游戏有大概七年了" | or whatever.|或其他类似的东西 | Got out there, right?|离开那里 是吧?

splat magazine renegade paintball:彩弹球大战

此次托尼霍克的滑板技术将在一望无际的洛杉机荒野之中一展身手,可以让各位喜爱滑板的玩家,在这个开阔且富有变化的环境之中,利用手上的滑板做出各种独一无二的技术,想当然喜欢这类游戏的人一定会有...彩弹球大战(Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball) 内容简介: 一款趣味彩弹球游戏,

Seven Years:你知道 像是 "噢 我已经玩彩弹游戏有大概七年了

I was taIking all this shit...|我在说所有的这些狗屎... | you know, Iike, "Oh, I've been paint balling for, like, seven years"|你知道 像是 "噢 我已经玩彩弹游戏有大概七年了" | or whatever.|或其他类似的东...