英语人>词典>汉英 : 录音的 的英文翻译,例句
录音的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与录音的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To keep away from digital distortion caused by analog conversion,"Boutique Recording" applies APOGEE Analog to Digital Converter System in pre-recording, adopts Hi-End Prism Sound Digital to Analog Converter System during post mix and master disposal processes. In a word,"Boutique Recording" minimizes the distortion rate, and maintains the unique spirit of analog music.

为避免后期缩混时过多数字设备所造成的数码味,录音师坚持在前期录音与母带处理过程中使用传奇的模拟设备,在现场录音的同时进行立体声混音工作,为了避免模数转换时所造成的数字失真,达人艺典在前期录音中采用APOGEE模数转换系统,后期缩混及母带制作采用顶级HI-END厂牌Prism Sound数模转换系统,将失真率减到最低,保持独有的模拟音乐味道。

Berthold Auerbach a German poet and author of Jewish descent,


One of my favourite opera reco-rdings, Karajan's Turandot is revealed in all its early digital awfulness.

一张我喜欢的歌剧录音,Karajan's Turandot,显露出早期录音的数码声。

The paper firstly introduces several ways of designing the system,then the principle of digital recording, and then the main architecture of the system and the devising of the hardware and software.


Though the time is longer when using tape recording, it is unconvenient to look up and save.


That was the first and the only time a CD version by EMIitself, besides these Etudes, some other selections were also the first time on CD. Too bad it was not an international reissue and without wide circulation, they became extremely hard to find since then and were mainly kept within the circle of Japan collectors. People sigh and envy but what really can we do? That's what japanese always like to do with the reissues of historical music material: Charity begins at home.


It's only me and Brian, my engineer, when I do vocals.


Useful for converting MP3, WAV or WMA recordings of continuous speech recorded using pocket size recording devices or laptops, palmtops etc Outdoor recordings Voice Notes Voice Event Descriptions.

有用的转换的MP3 , WAV或的WMA录音连续语音记录使用的口袋大小录音装置或笔记型电脑, palmtops等户外录音的声音,债券的声音事件说明。

Through the establishment of new WAV format documents using TMediaPlay recording software, sound recordings in the current director...


The band's latest recording, a re-recording of several of their early songs, was released in June, with the title New Testament - Coven Of Re-Recorded Classics.


更多网络解释与录音的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

list announcements:查看系统所设置的录音

list station 查看系统所设置的分机 | list announcements 查看系统所设置的录音 | list trunk-group 查看系统所设置的trunk-group


距不可拆卸带状电缆接触件的单排连接器 62页BS EN 61119-5-1995 盒式数字录音磁带系统.专业用盒式数字录音磁带(DAT)系统 20页BS EN 61204-3-2001 直流输出低压电源装置 第3部分:电磁兼容性(EMC) 校正14689:2003年9月9日;

digital recording:数码录音

早期有很多Sound Engineers开始利用Synthesizer科技,去模仿传统Acoustic乐器声音,但完全失败,Sound Engineers虽然失败,但没有放弃,发现用模仿方法是永远不会成功的,於是转用录音方法,而且,一定要用数码录音(Digital Recording)才会成功,回想当年,



recordable:可记录的; 可录音的; 适于记录的

recorder 录音机 | recordable 可记录的; 可录音的; 适于记录的; | recordation 记载; 记录




tapazole /他巴唑/甲硫咪唑/甲巯基咪唑/ | tape-record /用录音带录音/ | taped /录音的/

Plug in the tape-recorder, please:把录音的电源插头插上

114. Pick up the scraps. 请捡起纸屑. | 115. Plug in the tape-recorder, please. 把录音的电源插头插上. | 116. Put the tape-recorder away. 请把录音机拿走.


tabloid 小报 | taped 录音的 | tidings 信息

voiceprint identification:声纹鉴定

他受司法当局委托利用声谱仪的图谱匹配入行话者鉴别的研究,于1962年发表了名为>(Voiceprint Identification)的研究报告[3]. 这标志着声纹鉴定的诞生. 在研究利用录音中语音的进行话者鉴别的同时,案件的侦查、审判工作还要求解决录音的其他课题,