英语人>词典>汉英 : 当机立断 的英文翻译,例句
当机立断 的英文翻译、例句


make a prompt decision · decide on the moment · decide promptly and opportunely · decide in the nick of time · Trenutki odlocitve
更多网络例句与当机立断相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"You used us abominably ill," answered Mrs. Hurst,"in running away without telling us that you were coming out."


And that was one where I had to adjudicate it and just say,'We're going to do it.


He was singularly adroit in letting events work for him, and capable of seizing the ripe moment when it came


It's time to fish or cut bait!


She was a child whom he had taken from a bulrush basket that had been daubed with pitch and sent to the riverbank of his bed.


My boss is thoughtful, decisive, open-minded, and career-oriented. That's why I have been working here for so many years.


But I am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity.


I dare say you believed it; but I am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity .


Leaders act decisively and cut the Gordian knot:"can no longer go on this way!"


Yet it must be noted here the ghost in a straight line should not jump (out of 3, except on behalf of),Look at the radar and found that the hall also has teammates in the ghost dance, to make full use of ghost dance features consistent jump around a circular motion as long as there are latent with a 3-4, issued by the sound of breathing can be certain of successInterfere with the opponent, this time as long as you defend the scope of Flying, we must not hesitate, he will be killed (the two stand together to defend the case should make a prompt decision).


更多网络解释与当机立断相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asleep at the wheel:工作时心不在焉

**Asleep at the switch 玩忽职守, 错过机会 | Asleep at the wheel 工作时心不在焉 | *At a drop of a dime 当机立断

cool it:冷静点

当机立断;勇敢做某事take the bull by the horns | 冷静点cool it | 行了,别闹了cut it out


做出引进美国盖迪(Gette)直流伺服电机来代替的决定,三天内飞往美国签订了合同,全力投入制造,2个月完成. 稻叶认为,石油危机给FANUC一个发展的好机会,其关键在于远见卓识,当机立断,在引进此技术时不断消化创新. G04 00 暂停 (Dwell)

fish for compliments:讨别人的恭维

fish or cut bait不要举棋不定,而要当机立断. | fish for compliments 讨别人的恭维 | have other/bigger fish to fry 另有要事要做.


无论遇到什么困难,都能够发现问题,并能当机立断( Willing to make decisions.) 解决问题的人,条理分明的(Logical)、有效进行时间管理(Can organize my time efficiently.)的人,自然能在激烈的竞争中胜出.

optional courses:选修课程

Compulsory courses 必修课程 | Optional courses 选修课程 | 能当机立断(I'm willing to make decisions.)



live to its fullest:过的充实

take the bull by the horns 不畏惧 不退缩 当机立断 | live to its fullest 过的充实 | immerse 沉湎于 陷入