英语人>词典>汉英 : 当务之急 的英文翻译,例句
当务之急 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

a pressing matter of the moment · a task of top priority · urgent matter
更多网络例句与当务之急相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is an urgent necessity to find a non-pharmaceutical pain control, which can be effectively applied in our people by nursing staff. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of breathing relaxation therapy in reducing pain and physiological responses in cardiac surgical patients. This experimentation collected 60 cardiac surgical patients from the cardiac surgical ward of a medical center.


Crisis management is a required course for enterprises, building crisis management information system is business of the moment.


Environmental issues, and include halving by 2015 the number of people living in abject poverty .


Formalin removes oxygen from the water, so it is imperative that the treated water is well aerated.


The development of information technology accelerates the pace of the informatization revolution in all kinds of industries, especially the development of HIS becomes the urgent affaire because the informatization revolution of Health care needs reliable and stable technical support.


It is time for leaders to bury their caste loyalty and anachronistic niceties and buy more talent in.


We have to analyse this as a matter of urgency.


Therefore, it is an urgent priority to find new style anticancer drugs.


Under the situation of declining of anticipative advantage of systems and the upgrading of global competition, it's urgent to bring up the creative ability of the private enterprises.


Paul combated immoral doctrines and an antinomian propaganda that especially endangered those to whom the letters were addressed, but this hypothesis would not explain the dogmatic part of the Epistle, and even in the hortatory part nothing betokens polemical preoccupation.


更多网络解释与当务之急相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


目前我国的防盲治盲工作正在遵循"三A"原则逐步开展,即应当是适当的(appropriate)、能负担的(affordable)和可接近的(accessible). 当务之急是要提高防盲治盲的工作质量,尚需广大眼科医师努力作出贡献. 参考文献 1 惠延年主编.

This is beyond dispute:毫无疑问

不言而喻 It's self-evident that | 毫无疑问 This is beyond dispute | 当务之急 It's of great urgency that

Blue Chip Index:蓝筹股指数

Top Priority 当务之急 | Blue Chip Index 蓝筹股指数 | Consumer Confidence 消费者信心

Blue Chip Index:蓝筹股指数 AgJ中国学习动力网

Top Priority 当务之急 AgJ中国学习动力网 | Blue Chip Index 蓝筹股指数 AgJ中国学习动力网 | Consumer Confidence 消费者信心 AgJ中国学习动力网

First thing first:当务之急

First come, first served. 先到先得. | First thing first. 当务之急. | five features 五官

highest priority:当务之急

44. 尊师重教 respect teachers and value education | 45. 当务之急 highest priority | 46. 遭受重创 take a heavy toll

Top Priority:当务之急

这也是袁健生未来几天与美方会谈的重心,相形之下,显得马访美不是袁要洽谈的当务之急(top priority),其实这是策略的运用,藉压低(de-emphasize) 马访美以降低外间的期待(expectations),骨子里则是全力进行马访问事宜的商谈和安排.

Most pressing matter of the moment; Top priority:当务之急

引人瞩目: Summon people's attention | 当务之急: Most pressing matter of the moment; Top priority | 心急如焚: Burning with impatience

what's most urgent:当务之急

身临其镜 feel as if we were right on the scene | 当务之急 what's most urgent | 我行我素 act on his own

guarding you-know-what is the most important:当务之急是保护好那孩子

快进去孩子 in your go ,son | 他差点杀了哈利,这证据还不够吗he almost killed harry,if that isn't prove enough | 当务之急是保护好那孩子 guarding you-know-what is the most important