英语人>词典>汉英 : 弹道的 的英文翻译,例句
弹道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与弹道的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of interior ballistics of gun and relating to the properties of theprojection structure of the pilotchair,the interior ballistic model of the twostem projec-tion structure is investigated in this paper.


A mine obtains its muzzle velocity through the work of high pressure gas in interior trajectory, and keeps moving forward only with inertia in interior trajectory terminal stage with the restriction from submarine torpedo tube.


The factors include the retarded time of torpedo engine starting, torpedo velocity at tube outlet, confined elevator angle and ship rolling angle. Similarity variables were defined for the four factors and values of the variables were determined through combination of experimental data and simulation results.


To create a mathematical model for the hydro-ballistic trajectory of high speed pellet entering water, the hydro-ballistic trajectory and cavity of sphere and pistol pellets entering water at three oblique angles and six velocities have been experimentally studied using a high-speed digital video recorder.


Model of two-phase flow on the precess of launch of gun for balance is established.


The 35mm—double—barrelled antiaircraft gun's shell moves uniformly along a line in short time, so that the first kind of trajectory could be gained as a section of line by using our own algorithm for line seeking.


Based on the optimum quadratic performance index, the optimum guidance law is deduced to make sure the landing velocity and angle of warhead.


The double-color method and theory for stereodisplay of the torpedos trajectory are presented in this article. Program which is using the programming language of Visual C++6.0+MFC+OpenGL has been compiled. In this program, torpedo can be displayed in stereodisplay mode, which can be controlled adapting to the changing of time and space. The final data can easy be simulated and calculated. This method is meaningful to torpedo trajectory design and research.

本文提出了鱼雷弹道双色立体显示技术,系统的介绍了鱼雷弹道立体显示的原理和方法,并采用Visual C++6.0+MFC+OpenGL软件结构编制了相应的程序,使鱼雷最终能够直观的,以图象信息表示出其随时间和空间变化过程,即以立体图象呈现在研究者面前,从而能够更为方便地模拟和计算,对鱼雷弹道的研究和设计具有十分重要的意义。

To investigate the effect of launch parameters on trajectory of electric power torpedo launched by battery activated outside tube, a model of torpedo movement in vertical plane is established, and initial condition is set according to activation condition outside tube. Simulation of the trajectory of electric power torpedo is conducted with Simulink.


The simulation results also provide a reference to trajectory design for a ramjet powered tactical missile.


更多网络解释与弹道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


谢尔盖.伊凡诺夫表示,俄方反对NMD是因为它会削弱全球战略稳定的基础,同时让一九七二年的"反弹道飞弹"(ABM)条约形同具文. ABM一旦毁弃,新一轮武器竞赛的种种必要条件,含于外太空部署武器,便告成立.


anti-art 反传统艺术 | anti-ballistic 反弹道的 | anti-climax 渐降法

antiballistic missile:反弹道的导弹

antibacterial 抗菌的 | antiballistic missile 反弹道的导弹 | antiballistic 反弹道的




ballistic trajectory 弹道 | ballistic 弹道的 | ballistically 弹道学地

ballistic missile:弹道飞弹

A.巡弋飞弹(Cruise missile)B.弹道飞弹(Ballistic missile)但是不论是甚麼卫星系统,卫星本身的电力供应很小(通常最高也只有三、四千瓦特). 想想看,YST 每天早上吹头发的吹风机所用的电力就需要一千五百瓦特,所以一个卫星的全部电力只不过能供应两个吹风机的使用而已.


选上这个技能加强后,弹道(Ballistics)、弩车((Artillery)、急救(First Aid)三个技能将组合成为单一的作战技能. 英雄只要学会了这个技能,就能够控制三种战争机器. 也就是说,升级的时候你如果选择了这个技能,英雄只要升3级,


非常薄、软的表层能提供各种果岭周边的旋转,从长草区击球的旋转率每分钟可提高500转. 浅浅的"酒窝"加上看不见的中缝可制造更具穿透力的飞行轨迹. PS: Z-Star取代了ZUR-S. Z-Star的名称是由旋转(Spin),弹道(Trajectory), 加速度(Acceleration)和弹力(Resilience)四个词的首个字母组合而成.

ballistic trajectory:弹道

ballistic missile 弹道飞弹 | ballistic trajectory 弹道 | ballistic 弹道的

Ballista ):弹道投射器

RL+9 将部队编组 SHIFT+1 到 SHIFT+9 让新部队加入部队编组 SHIFT+滑鼠左键 选择部队 TAB 看下一个部队的状态 SHIFT+TAB 看上一个部队的状态 生产部队 ( 必须先用滑鼠点在相关的建筑物上 ) B 弹道投射器 ( Ballista ) C 村民 ( V