英语人>词典>汉英 : 弩 的英文翻译,例句
弩 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
crossbow  ·  crossbows

更多网络例句与弩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The arbalest is a dangerous weapon and are sometimes considered inhumane or unfair weapons, since an inexperienced crossbowman can use one to kill a knight who had a lifetime of training.


Genoese commanders value their crossbowmen highly, thus they equip them with brigandine armour and the large Pavise style shield.


Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese. These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.


Unlike the crossbow the Ballista derives its force from twisted animal sinew and not tension from the frontal arms .


Unlike the crossbow the Ballista derives its force from twisted animal sinew and not tension from the frontal arms.


For that matter, intention is key even when one does speak the noun; otherwise,"Accio Firebolt" would bring every Firebolt in the world that isn't nailed down, but it doesn't; it only brings the one Harry is thinking of, his own.


Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling a javelin to a great range, skewering men with ease.


Formidable axemen from Scandinavia. Equipped with two-handed axes and protected by heavy armour


Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese. These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.


And the only reason I know that, withoutconsulting a Japanese dictionary, is because yari has beeningrained into my brain by "NGE" and its Longinus no yari (Lance of Longinus, or Lancea Longini, which is what Longinushimself would have called it).

和唯一的原因,我知道这一点,在没有谘询一位日本字典里,是因为前哨基地已根深蒂固,到我的大脑,由&民营企业&,而其朗吉斯没有前哨基地(兰斯的朗吉斯,或lancea longini,而这正是朗吉斯自己也有称它是)。

更多网络解释与弩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


arbalest 劲 | arbalist 劲 | arbiter elegantiarum 雅典美鉴赏权威


arbalest | (中世纪的)劲 | arbalist | (中世纪的)劲 | arbasin | 海胆组蛋白

Catapult Fort:弩炮碉堡

5:炮碉堡(Catapult Fort)训练炮,最多4个,每个需要2个武器和4个木头,投掷石头攻击敌人的防御工事和炮. 6:防御工事(Fortifications)城墙、城门和城楼. 建造方法为,先铺好主干道路,然后建城墙,城门跨越道路建在城墙的上面(要求道路两边最少各有2格城墙),


手(Crossbowman) 在中世纪,有种他书的弓,叫十字弓. 它和中国的诸葛有点相似. 手使用的是轻型十字弓. 轻型十字弓弥补了普通弓箭杀伤力与射程的不足,可达350米. 不需要什麽训练,随便一个躲在灌木从中的农民就可以结果一个贵族,

armoured crossbowman:重装弩兵

crossbowman 兵 | armoured crossbowman 重装兵 | elite crossbowman 精锐

horse crossbowman:弩骑兵

elite crossbowman 精锐兵 | horse crossbowman 骑兵 | armoured horse crossbowman 重装骑兵

Glaive Thrower:弩炮、石弩

Huntress-Hunt-女猎手 | Glaive Thrower-炮、石 | Dryad-dry-森林精灵、林精

Nuln Gunner:弩恩砲手

Nuln 恩 | Nuln Gunner 恩砲手 | Numina 紐米亞

Levantine Crossbowmen:地中海弩兵

突厥弓兵 Turkopole Archers | 地中海兵 Levantine Crossbowmen | 基督兵 Christian Crossbowmen

Pictish Mounted Crossbows:皮克特弩骑兵

皮克特 皮克特兵 Pictish Crossbows | 皮克特骑兵 Pictish Cavalry | 皮克特骑兵 Pictish Mounted Crossbows