英语人>词典>汉英 : 引起旋转的 的英文翻译,例句
引起旋转的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Fifth, because of the influence of the gyroscopic moment, there is obvious deflection at a plate and vibration mode of the dual-rotors system rotating in the opposite direction is different from that of the dual-rotors system rotating in the same direction.


The injured knees were stable after operation. Conclusion: The mechanisms of anterolateral structure injuries, anterolateral rotatory instabilities and Sègond fractures are similar, which display identical tissue damage and result in similar symptoms and signs.


We found that in the case of neglecting magnetic shear, the plasma current also can be driven by the shear Alfvén wave and the circularly polarized wave, respectively, the efficiency of current drive in the rotation plasma is independent of the plasma density In addition, it is found that whether m=0 or m≠ 0, the effect of the magnetic shear on the compressional Alfvén wave current drive makes the efficiency be dependent on the plasma density and inversely proportional to it.

当考虑旋转效应而不考虑磁剪切效应时,等离子体平板模型下平面极化压缩阿尔芬波能够驱动旋转等离子体电流,驱动效率也与等离子体密度无关,却与旋转大小成正比,这与Avinash[Phys Plasmas 4,2204(1997)]的结论一致。我们发现在这种情况下剪切阿尔芬波和圆偏振阿尔芬波都可以驱动旋转等离子体电流,旋转效应引起的电流驱动与密度无关。

The emulation result shows that the error of polarizer rotation angle almost does not influence nonlinearity when elliptic polarization of laser beams exists; when the error of rotation angle of polarizing beam splitter exists, the second-harmonic nonlinearity caused by the error of polarizer rotation angle will not increase, but the first-harmonic nonlinearity will increase greatly.

仿真结果表明,当存在激光束椭圆偏振时,检偏器旋转误差对非线性误差的影响很小;当存在偏振分光镜旋转误差时,检偏器旋转误差引起的非线性误差不增加二次谐波分量,但增大了非线性误差一次谐波分量,严重影响非线性误差的大小,当偏振分光镜旋转误差为3°时,检偏器旋转误差从0°增加到5°,非线性误差从0.14 nm增大到0.97 nm。

The plastic deformation induced due to cyclic rotation of principal stress axes alone can be in the same magnitude as that due to shear with fixed principal stress axes. 2 The volumetric strain due to shearing of cyclic rotation of principal stress axes is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component. The former is characterized by its reversibility and is independent of past shear history, the latter by its irreversibility increases with the increase of cycle number yet its increase rate decreases with its accumulation. 3 The obvious non-coaxiality between directions of the principal stresses and principal strain increments is found and its degree depends largely on the change of shear stress component. 4 The intermediate principal stress has considerable effects on the deformation behavior of sands in the condition of cyclic rotation of principal stress axes. The accumulation rate of the irreversible dilatancy component increases with the increase of the intermediate principal stress parameter.


This shall occur primarily due to a rise in vibration that will cause a quickening of the molecular rotation.


1St, foreword main point: A, about Earth's internal heat circulation as well as successional variation process three important times: Birth time, lifeless time, until has the life time; B, the earth interior stone fruits archery target thermonuclear reaction, causes the earth interior material convection and the Earth revolve production as well as terrestrial magnetic field production three between relations; C, also has in has the life time, the vital activity to the entire internal heat circulation influence as well as to the earth's atmosphere influence; D, has the life time, in the stratum the coal and the petroleum, the natural gas and so on the fixed energy storage which as a result of energies and so on zoology and botany absorption transformation sunlight forms, to Earth internal heat circulation influence as well as with earth's crust each kind of movement relation, such as: The plate movement, the volcanic earthquake, the orogenesis, the Earth moves the fierce degree the periodic phenomenon and so on.

前言要点: A 、关于地球的内热循环以及演变过程的三个重要时期:诞生时期,无生命时期,直至有生命时期; B 、地球内部核物质的热核反应,引起的地球内部物质对流与地球旋转的产生以及地球磁场的产生三者之间的关系; C 、还有在有生命时期,生命活动对整个内热循环的影响以及对地球大气的影响; D 、有生命时期,地层中煤与石油、天然气等由于动植物吸收转化太阳光等能量而形成的固定能量存储,对地球内热循环的影响以及与地壳各种运动的联系,诸如:板块运动,火山地震,造山运动,地球活动剧烈程度的周期性现象等。

"ENERGY CENTER" is a vortex of earth's forces like a swirl of hot air or a waterspout -- the round royal symbol of universal unity.


According to discrete conception, mechanism of image blur caused by uniform motion is analyzed. Mathematical models of image blur and restoration by uniform rotation motion are established by means of Z transform.


A point on the Primum Mobile (the Zodiac for practical purposes) which, in the horoscope of an individual, is occupied by a certain planet, manifests its influence depending on the properties of this planet, and acts on the individual as long as he lives.


更多网络解释与引起旋转的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

monsoon climate:季风气候

季风气候(monsoon climate) 由于海陆热力差异或行星风带随季节移动而引起的大范围地区的盛行风随季节而改变的现象,称季风. 季风气候受季风支配地区的气候. 最主要特征是一年中随同季风的旋转,降水发生明显的季节变化,东亚与南亚为两个典型的季风气候区,


但反复发作或持续性头疼可能是某种器质性病变的信号.眩晕(dizzsiness vertigo)是指患者本人感到自身或周围环境物有旋转或摇动的一种主观感觉障碍,常伴有客观的平衡障碍.主要由迷路,脑干及小脑病变引起.晕厥(faint)是由于一时性脑供血不足所至的短暂性意识丧失状态,


大部分高品质轮子有塑料轮芯用以放置轴承,并可以通过轮子释放因轴承高速旋转引起的热量,以免轮子的聚氨脂材质融化(Melting). 当出现这种"冒顶"(Puking)现象时是比较危险的,外露的轮芯比内置轮芯的散热效果好些. 轮芯同时也可保证轮子的圆度,

motion sickness:晕动病

晕动病(motion sickness)即晕车病晕船病、晕机病和由于各种原因引起的摇摆、颠簸旋转、加速运动等所致疾病的统称. 晕动病的发病机制尚未完全明了主要与影响前庭功能有关前庭器的内耳膜迷路的椭圆囊和球囊的囊斑是感受上下和左右的直线运动三个半规管毛细胞感受旋转运动当囊斑或毛细胞受到一定量的不正常运动刺激所引起的神经

spasmodic torticollis:痉挛性斜颈

5、痉挛性斜颈:(spasmodic torticollis)发生于任何年龄,但以成年人起病者最多见,男女同样受累,起病多甚缓慢,颈部的深浅肌肉均可受累,但以胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌、斜角肌及颈夹肌的收缩最易表现出症状,---胸锁乳突肌收缩时引起头向对侧旋转,


肠扭转(volvulus)是一段肠袢沿肠系膜长轴旋转或两段肠袢扭缠成结而造成闭袢性肠梗阻,前者常见. 常常是因为肠袢及其系膜过长,肠扭转后肠腔受压而变窄,引起梗阻、扭转与压迫影响肠管的血液供应,因此,肠扭转所引起的肠梗阻多为绞窄性.


肠扭转(volvulus)是一段肠袢沿肠系膜长轴旋转或两段肠袢扭缠成结而造成闭袢性肠梗阻,前者常见. 常常是因为肠袢及其系膜过长,肠扭转后肠腔受压而变窄,引起梗阻、扭转与压迫影响肠管的血液供应,因此,肠扭转所引起的肠梗阻多为绞窄性.

The usual risks of the desert are: rattlesnakes,heat, and lack of water:沙漠中常见的危险有: 响尾蛇,酷热及缺水

risk n.危险,风险;引起危险的事物(或人) vt.冒...的危险... | The usual risks of the desert are: rattlesnakes,heat, and lack of water. ;沙漠中常见的危险有:响尾蛇,酷热及缺水. | rotate v.(使)旋转, (使)转动;(...